“Regret? What does that mean?”
UserName: Castelii
Name: Tumble
Species: Sylveon, the Intertwining Pokemon
Gender: Female
Age: 20
Nature: Naughty
Appearance: Tumble is a normal looking Sylveon, expect the tuff of her hair is spiky, covering her eye. She also wears a rare, dirty black scarf around her neck with a big red letter R on it. A relic from when humans ruled over pokemon.
Level: 29
Ability: Cute Charm
-Draining Kiss
-Shadow Ball(Egg)
-Take Down
Likes: Screaming, Running, Sweet food and Doing whatever she wants
Dislikes: Being punished, Lack of freedom and Sugar crashes
Personality: At first glance, she seems a nice, friendly outgoing sort of pokemon. She"s kind, and has a silver tongue. She knows how to use her words very well. It"s easy to see why pokemon would listen to her. After all, she"s just a cute looking Sylveon. What could possibly go wrong…
Everything. That"s what.
She is very unethical in her methods. She lacks respect for everyone and everything. This pokemon just playing doesn"t care. She"s viewed as a sociopath, often not having any sense of regret or a hint of the word. She lives in a world without consequence or punishment and she happily does what she wants. What she wants, is often to just playing make you suffer or to be your friend, depends on her mood.
All though, due to her nature and her words. No one really believes her until they see it for themselves. Childish in her acts and speech. There"s no way knowing how she truly is until she has you by the neck with her feelers.
Backstory: It all started with a spark of fear. Tumble"s human ancestors were high ranking members of Team Rocket. They stole humans from their pokemon and used them to strike fear into others hearts for fame and fortune. They"re name was widespread in the Team Rocket corporation and feared among the underlings. When the worlds fused they survived and had all of their human memories. Her ancestors pokemon forms were a Umbreon and a Gengar.
So together, they caused mild cases of terror upon Casbl. As time passed, they began to weaponize fear. That"s when Tumble was born. Hundred years later to a band of thieves that were mostly eeveeultions and a few dark type pokemon. At a young age, she was kept naive of the world around her. Since she held a pure heart. Tumble tumbled out into the world along with two brothers. Since she was smaller than the two, she was traditionally considered weaker than the two.
Time passed, she trained and became stronger. She held a great personality, and was easily able to use her charm to make new friends easily, even if her brothers would beat them up when she wasn"t looking. All though, the bullying of her best friends; A Clefa named Jun and a Pikachu named Robin. She stood up to her brothers, and by a stroke of luck defeat them, which caused her to evolve into a sylveon.
All though, it did not happen without it"s consequences. After she evolved she was forced into the mindset of using fear. She was fairly young when she evolved, so she was susceptible to her mother"s handy work. Her brothers however, targeted her for becoming a Sylveon. She became the victim and was often hurt to the point of fainting by her brother"s iron tail attacks.
Tumble grew older by the day, taking the abuse of her brothers until one day, she snapped. Attacking her umbreon brothers and effectively killing one of them. Tumble tortured her other brother until she got bored and left him for dead. Once she came home, she went on like it was normal. Days went on until her brother stumbled home and told their Absol mother what she"s done. She simply played it off and said that they were playing too rough with her, not understanding the fact that what she did was wrong.
After what happened, she often harassed her brother for telling on her. Things change, time passed and behaviors went unchecked, she happily left her childhood home in search for something bigger than herself. Coming upon Amorus town with a clean slate, hoping to find treasures and save pokemon…sort of.
UserName: Scizivire
Name: Manuel
Species: Ambipom, the Long Tail Pokémon.
Gender: Male
Age: 23
Nature: Jolly
Appearance: He"s a normal Ambipom, but he always wears a necklace with a FeatherBadge he once picked up in his hometown.
Level: 28 (yes, this is impossible, is it still allowed since you didn"t tell us in the rules? otherwise I"ll change to Aipom)
Ability: Technician
-Covet (Steals an item from a Pokemon while dealing damage to it)
-Quick Guard (Protects his allies from damage, while suffering some himself)
-Swift (Flings star-like objects with his tails, like a ninja throws shuriken)
-Sand Attack (Hurls sand to the opponent to temporarily blind them)
Likes: Very fond of food, especially sweet stuff. He also likes to exercise. Did I mention food?
Dislikes: Lazy Pokémon, thieves, fire.
Personality: Manuel is highly curious, and will do almost anything to satisfy his curiosity. He"s very protective of his friends, and likes to share (but not if it comes to sweets!). When stressed he can be seen eating a lot, but he never becomes fat. He hates everything about his past.
Backstory: Manuel grew up in a very poor district of the ruins of Fortree City, an ancient human town somewhere in the Hoenn region. He was a very skilled thief and could steal almost anything from anyone that was not faster than him. Everything went spiraling downwards when both of his parents died at the age of 17, and everyone started hating him for being a thief. He could not bear the pressure and decided to flee his town and wander the world to better himself. Eventually he reached the town of Amours and was just going to the marketplace, and heard a very interesting story about some ruins.
UserName: Scizivire
Name: Lux
Species: Helioptile, the Generator Pokémon
Gender: Female
Age: 17
Nature: Timid
Appearance: Regular Helioptile, maybe a bit small for her species.
Level: 25
Ability: Solar Power
-Thunder Shock
-Quick Attack
-Parabolic Charge
Likes: Sunbathing, hiding spots, helping others out.
Dislikes: Speaking in public, small talk, rain, her parents.
Personality: Lux is a very shy Pokémon, and does not like to be in the center of attention. She lacks self-confidence, and will not take initiative in certain tasks. She feels as if she needs to improve herself to show others that she can be useful too, but is a bit scared of what other Pokémon would think of it. She only talks when asked a question or when absolutely needed, never to give her opinion on things.
Backstory: Lux is a Pokémon born in Amours town. She has always been a shy girl and can go around without being noticed at all. Other Pokémon think she"s wierd because she"s an introvert, but she still enjoys life to the fullest-- when others aren"t around. She frequently visits the beach near Amours to sunbathe, and wonders what the world looks like in other places. Her dream is to see more of the world but she never really thought of chasing that dream. However, an opportunity now arises so she can help others and maybe even be recognized some day, while seeing the world through her own eyes.
UserName: Agunimon
Name: Knoll
Species: Xatu
Gender: M
Age: Might as well be in a museum.
Nature: Calm (+Sp.Def, -Atk)
Level: 25.
Ability: Magic Bounce (Non-attacking moves are reflected back towards the opponent.)
- Feather Dance: Knoll summons a flurry of feathers onto his opponent to lower their attack.
- Teleport: Knoll teleports a short distance away from his previous position.
- Air Slash: Knoll uses his wings to send a blade-like gust towards his opponent.
- Tailwind: Knoll summons a strong tailwind to boost his, or an ally’s, speed for a brief moment.
Likes: Speaking in riddle, a good sale, and pranking passerby(s).
Dislikes: Lost cargo, thieves, and bad apples.
Personality: Knoll is … mysterious, to say the least. In addition to conversing with convoluted, cryptic phrases and long winded riddles, he speaks only through telepathy. Despite his unknown, but probably very old, age, he can be rather childish and unpredictable at times. Knoll enjoys teleporting behind unsuspecting Pokemon or suddenly spreading his wings with jerky movements to scare them.
Knoll usually sits on the sidelines, preferring to stay out of a fight. His moves are tailored more towards hindering or outmaneuvering his opponent. However, if his cargo or customers are attacked, there will be hell to pay.
Backstory: Some say Knoll is an alien from another planet. Others say he was unearthed from some musty ruins from a faraway land. Regardless of his roots, every Pokemon can agree that this enigmatic Xatu is something extremely unusual (understatement of the century). Most would prefer to not approach Knoll, and even those somewhat “close” to him cannot pry any answers from the deafening silence.
Despite his obscure origins, Knoll is a reliable merchant, boasting the finest of wares at a fair price. He travels around the continent, using his psychic powers to carry his cargo, and sets up shop in a village or town for a brief period of time. No one knows where Knoll obtains these items, but they’re glad these rarities are on sale.
Those customers who recognize his quirks,
handsomely rewarded with extra perks.