For the past few years, Pokemon have progressively gotten more and more aggressive. They lose their sense of self and go on rampages, destroying their environment and attacking other Pokemon. Now it has begun to affect the more civilised beings. If not quickly dealt with, their power multiplies and they lay waste to their homes, and soon enough, surrounding towns and villages.
Some have started to speculate that it is due to some sort of illness, some say that it’s a curse but for now the majority of the blame seems to be directed towards a prophecy. One unearthed from deep within an ancient ruin. It states that a human shall come to their realm, signalling the end of the world as they know it; the translator described. With society crumbling before their very eyes, most Pokemon were left with no choice but to believe him. Suspecting that the human were already among them, they became more suspicious of each other. Before long even the sane Pokemon would turn hostile, leaving nary a safe place within the region.
Thankfully, one way or another, you met Pascal the Scizor. A gentle soul, Pascal wants nothing more than peace among Pokemon once more. Through hard work and dedication, he and a small group of followers built a village, hidden away deep within the woods. You find a home here, away from the looming horrors of the outside world. You hold onto the hope that things will fix in time, and that none of your neighbours shall turn for the worse. Doubts and fears aside, there was little more to do than enjoy the temporary peace and security this village provided.
That was before the human came.
1. PMU Rules & ToS still apply.
Walk-In means that you just start roleplaying. No need to sign up, or ask permission, or whatever else…
That said, you are responsible for keeping your character balanced.
- You may have six moves, but keep note of them somewhere and don’t change them out of nowhere for no reason.
- Unlike PMD, you may only have one ability at a time.
- You can have a held item as an accessory but please mention it somehow within your first post so we are aware of it.
- Don’t god-mod, auto-dodge, power-play, etc…
- No legendaries or mega evolutions please.
You live in Pascal’s village. You must start in or around it.
Since this is a Walk-In, we only know as much as you tell us about your character. For this reason I’d prefer if you only have one main character.
- If you want to play village npcs, I’m fine with that.
- If you want more than one main character, I ask that you please talk to me about it. I’m fine with more MCs but I’ll probably need some sort of summary on them for clarity.