Note: This is a forum repost of the Discord server announcement for those who may not have access to Discord. This was originally posted on September 1st, 2023.
Happy 13th birthday, PMU!

Hi everyone!
Welcome to the beginning of PMU’s Anniversary Month. We have a couple of really cool things planned for you all this month, including the HC that will be happening this Sunday! For the first event of this month, we’re proud to announce that we’ll be holding a Mapping Contest! :)
This time around we will have a specific theme: Legendary and mythical Pokemon!
You can do quite a few things with this theme! Recreate a legendary Pokemon location from a main series game or other spinoff, or just make a map inspired by a specific Pokemon! It’s all up to you! (Ultra Beasts can count since they’re a special category of Pokemon as well)
This contest will have two separate categories for different house sizes, and they will both be scored differently! For example, if your submission is larger than 30x30 tiles it will go into the Large Map category. Otherwise, if your submission is under 30x30 tiles it will go into the Small Map category. Each person may only enter the contest once! Be sure to settle on one category.
Both categories will be scored differently, thus both categories each have their own top three prizes.
As for the most exciting part; the prizes:
First Place:
- 250,000 Poke
- Holiday Cave Pass that can be redeemed to run any past/recent HC
- Your choice of a shiny HC exclusive Pokemon
- Two fossils of choice
- Five Event Tokens
- First Place Ribbon!
Second Place:
- 200,000 Poke
- Holiday Cave Pass that can be redeemed to run any past/recent HC
- Two fossils of choice
- Five Event Tokens
- Second Place Ribbon!
Third Place:
- 150,000 Poke
- Holiday Cave Pass that can be redeemed to run any past/recent HC
- Five Event Tokens
- Third Place Ribbon!
We will be accepting entries until September 30th.
Please read our rules in the forms below before submitting your entry!
Big Map submission form >>
Small Map submission form >>
Happy mapping and good luck! We can’t wait to see what you all create.
Mapping Contest FAQ
Q: Can I exchange my HC exclusive prize for something else? (another shiny, etc)
A: Nope, we’re only allowing the listed Pokemon above.
Q: Can we base our map off of several legendaries?
A: If you’d like to base your theme off of a legendary trio/duo/etc, you can do that! For example, if you wanted to do a Dialga/Palkia/Giratina map, you could!
List of eligible HC exclusive shiny prizes
- Mudbray
- Stufful
- Komala
- Drampa
- Grookey
- Scorbunny
- Sobble
- Blipbug
- Wooloo
- Yamper
- Applin
- Sinistea
- Falinks
- Stonjourner
- Dracozolt
- Arctozolt
- Dracovish
- Arctovish
- Duraludon
- Dreepy
- Milcery
- Cramorant
- Galarian Ponyta
List of eligible HCs to be reran
- Resort Island (Summer)
- Mt. Winter or Icicle Cave (Winter)
- Abandoned Arcade or Gravewhisper Woods (Halloween)
- Eastern Highlands (Easter)
- Mirage Mountain or Mirage Underpass (Anniversary)