Pokedex Trades?

Hey all!

I’ve been trying to complete a living pokedex is pokemon Home - I’m getting real close aside from a few mythicals. If anyone has any of the below - hit me up! I’d definitely be down to figure out some sort of trade

Searching for…

  • volcanion
  • marshadow
  • zarude (X)
  • magearn (X)
  • dianice
  • iron leaves (X)
  • zamazenta (X)

can you even trade volcanion, marshadow, or diancie?

Edit: I have zamazenta from pogo and i can transfer to home if you want it.

eyyyyyyy! Sure, feel free to dm me on discord (squirrelpotatwo) and we can figure out a trade

And pretty sure those 3 are tradable - I know mythicals won’t trade over the GTS, but you’re able to trade them using friend codes