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Since Sapphy added more characters, I suppose I’ll add another, too. I see what you did there with Raven, Sapphy./shotdead

[spoilerHenrik:2yo9hslo]Name: Henrik
Nicknames: (If any~) Sir Henrik-“That"s MR. Sir Henrik to you.”
Personality: (Please put at LEAST a full sentence explaining your personality.) Henrik is a generally calm character, but once engaged in a battle, he becomes a glutton for action.
Species: Lucario.
Appearance: Your standard Lucario, but wearing a coat.
Gender: Male.
History/Background: (Optional, but preferred.~) Henrik doesn"t really talk about his past, though it"s believed that he was once an assassin.
Moves: (You can have up to 4 possible moves for your species.) Close Combat, Swords Dance, Extremespeed, Flash Cannon.
Weapon Choice: (Optional.~) A purple bladed beam katana with four same colored energy spikes coming out from the blade holder.
Theme: (Optional, but fun!~) We Are Finally Cowboys-No More Heroes.
Other: (Fun stuff here!~) Prefers to be called Mr. Sir Henrik. (Does this character remind you of someone from a certain video game? :la: )


You see what I did? What did I do? :I
Raven is always like this. :3.

I saw what you did with her character and theme. coughI’mANoMoreHeroesFanToocough


No More Heroes forever!/shotdead

I wonder if Iseul is going to accept my new character?