OOC// I write too much. Sorry…
Kaine was awoken by the sound of a bell ringing through the tannoy system. It was artificial and there was an undertone of static and sometimes the noise of whispered voices of those who were in the control room at the time.
He went through his normal routine. He would wake up properly then sit near the bars of his cell, listening out for the door down to the basement.
Their cells were plain and upsetting to be in. It was just three stone walls and iron bars on the remaining side. The bars were wide enough for you to fit most of your arm through but that was it. He could hear the moans and complaints of the other subjects as they woke up from their sleep. That was possibly the only enjoyment anyone could get in this place, but even that was hard to get.
The door to the basement opened. With a jingle of keys and a click it cracked open, allowing light to enter the dark room. With the flick of a switch and a few whirring sounds, the lights in the room came on. Kaine shut his eyes and blinked rapidly as he tried to dust to the brightness. He looked across at the cell directly opposite him, across the stone hallway. In all, there are 4 basements, each with different types of experiments. Kaine was in the one with the original 16 subjects and the newest 16 which just joined them. Only 3 of the original survived, and where they once were is now only empty cages, waiting for more new captives to hold. The original survivors were Kaine, a secretive creature in the cage opposite that would only talk in the darkness and one other he had occasionally heard from the cell on the left of him, but it was difficult to hear through the wall. The walls and cells were arranged in a way so you could only see the inside of your own cell or the cell opposite.
The individual cells were actually quite large and had no lights inside them, allowing the Pokemon to hide in the shadows if they desired, as Kaine’s nocturnal friend would do.
The basement was simple as well. It was a single hallway with cells on the left and right of it. The hallway was barely wide enough for someone to walk down without the risk of being grabbed by another subject, as if it was made to taunt and tease them, but even if they could reach those extra few centimeters, what could they achieve? It wouldn’t earn them their freedom. Besides, there were always consequences for such actions, as they quickly learned.
A tall man familiar walked down the corridor with a metal pointer rod that had been stretched out for length. He dragged it along the iron bars as he walked to disrupt the silence of the basement.
The man, dressed in a black cloak to cover his appearance, walked to the end towards the newer inmates. They weren’t used to the routine, and to them he just smiled.
Not one of pleasure of menace, but one that seemed almost friendly, which was scary in itself because of the context in which it was being used. The man walked down to look into all the cages, just to check they were all there and all awake.
As usual, he would stop at the cage opposite of Kaine, looking in to see whether some miracle had occurred and he had actually awoken and followed instructions. Once again, he was left disappointed. He tapped the bars of his cage especially hard before walking to the front.
He started with the cage on Kaine’s left. He unlocked it and would lead him out of the basement. He did this with all of the prisoners every day without fail for the past 10 years. However, he would skip out those who did not obey him.
He would blindfold them and lead them to a white room in which they would be allowed to wash, use the bathroom and do anything else bathroom related. Kaine knew for sure that each cell had a different bathroom, but he was confused as to why they would need to be let out one by one like this, perhaps it was because he was afraid of them turning on him together. As for being blindfolded, maybe it was to prevent them from learning the layout of the facility. Who knew, maybe the building had a glaringly obvious weak spot they were trying to hide.
Kaine turned on the shower and washed himself quickly. The water was cold, but not cold enough to force him out of the shower. He dried off brushed his teeth and did everything else he had to do before the man called him back again. Kaine would spend as much time in there as he could because of a small barred window at the high end of the back wall. It was too high for him to see out of and it was too high for him to touch the bars but through the iron blocks and hazy glass he could see the sky. It was only a little, but it was the closest he got to being outside again.
Almost everyone would have focused on that window and the little shred of sanity it maintained for them. The guard brought the Mightyena back to it’s cage then moved on to the next prisoner, skipping the one who still hid in the shadows.
Kaine looked across at him, concerned for his well-being. Sure, the night guard was nicer to him but he couldn’t go on with this forever. Sooner or later there would be consequences. It would only be a matter of time.
About an hour later the same guard would come in with two grunts to bring them their breakfast. Normally it was just bread, water and that sort of thing but occasionally they would get meat and fruit to keep them healthy enough to continue surviving, but not enough for them to get stronger. Today they were giving out apples too.
Kaine ate his food and sat leaned against a wall, waiting for the day to end, like every day before that he has ever lived in this place.
OOC// Ha, lol. Wasn’t sorry. I made you read that…unless you didn’t, in which case, cheater!