Well, it’s official. This is going to be a thing now. Like growing pointy teeth and realizing you’re turning into a cat, and the furry ears actually make sense now. Anyway, hopefully this will be fun, exciting, and worth that 25 cents. I secretly stole a quarter from everyone playing. Ssh, don’t tell anybody…
If you haven’t signed up already, here’s the sign up/ooc thread. viewtopic.php?f=67&t=12785
Without further ado, let us… BEGIN! So cliche…
A flat plains lay peacefully beyond a rolling mountainside. A river grew out of the ground, etching its own way through the plains, and threw grass to the side as it did so. On the far northern end of the plains, there was a giant pit, leading down to nothingness, with a slope to deep for most pokemon to safely descend. To the west, a gardevoir stood, looking out over the field, which seemed like it didn’t want to be a field anymore. The gravity of the place tugged at her, and occasionally lifted her a little, almost like wind, but much more effective at moving things. She seemed lost, her face searching.
But for what? Possibly, a way to fix this world.
Not long ago, a story was told. Two criminals, dirty scoundrels they were, had distributed the balance of the world, or maybe the universe, by delving into the most dangerous dungeon. Perhaps the challenge enticed them. They broke a mighty crystal, spoken of only in legend, causing the world to erupt in chaos. Legend has it, that had happened before, and if all the parts of the crystal are found, they can be assembled back together again, and placed upon the top of the spiral of creation, and all will be normal again.
But how? The shards could be anywhere. Underground, in the sea, on a cloud- Heck, the entire spire could be buried beneath snow in a desert. The gardevoir would need a way to get through all of these problems, if she wanted to fix this world.