This subforum needs seriously more posts, it just deserved it.
So, anyway.I found this little channel on You Tube while browsing around.
Pokemon Reorchastrated already made reorchastred Kanto music, you should really listen these beautiful arrangements.
Here are a few examples:
The channel actually wanted to start with Johto OST, but I guess you have seen it on your own.
Anyways, it’s good to see people enjoying that great music ^^ .
I actually did a listener party with Skotein on Radio Nintendo back when he released his Kanto Re-orchestrated album was released. He is indeed very talented and a really nice. I’m glad I could go on a Pokemon Journey with him!
Showing me this website, and seeing that the guy who composed this music made it so far, gives me more hope for the Johto music he is currently making.Thanks for showing us this site!
Showing me this website, and seeing that the guy who composed this music made it so far, gives me more hope for the Johto music he is currently making.Thanks for showing us this site![/quote]