Pokemon: Sunwing Academy *New* [Roleplay]

Ever since the new system was implemented, it has become harder and harder for people to become Pokemon Trainers. At first they were given the Pokemon Trainer"s license after reaching or exceeding a certain age limit, but because of poachers, poor trainers and evil corporations, security had to be raised.

Instead of having the simple age limit to allow a person to become a Trainer, they now have to take a test to earn it. Unfortunately this means that some would never get the chance to start their own journey on the route to be a Pokemon master or co-coordinator. However, this does not stop you from keeping Pokemon as pets or friends, but it does place a limit on what those pets and friends are allowed to do. Those who were already trainers however, would have to take the test, but it would be easier for them as they had obviously been trainers for some time already and shared experiences with their Pokemon.

As difficult as the test may be, there were always schools that could help you. Sunwing Academy was never that popular a school, not until it"s rebuild after the incident with Moltres 3 years ago.

You took a test to try and earn your right as a trainer, but unfortunately you couldn"t pass. You are one of the few lucky enough to receive an invitation to a school seeing as most have run out of spaces or are not as good as they have to be.

Whatever your reasons for attending, you pick up a pen and fill out the form.

-All PMU rules apply.
-At least 3 sentences per post please.
-No OOC only posts. You can always use the Sign Up thread for this if you need too.
-No Mary-Sues/Gary-Oaks. This means no “perfect” characters. Everyone has negatives, just as they have positives.
-Do not Godmod. Be fair, you can"t win every battle, or dodge every attack. You win some, you lose some.
-Keep relationships at PG13 at most.
-You don"t know everything, remember, you failed the test. There are things about Pokemon you should know, but you don"t.
-Pokemon are not allowed on the school grounds unless they pass the regulations test or are given to the student.
-Any kind of Pokemon battles are not allowed unless they take place in the arena or under the supervision of a teacher.
-You will get your first temporary Pokemon in your first lesson back.
-Please use proper grammar, this means no text talk. Spell check is rather useful.

[spoilerSchool Timetable:2l5rpi6a]Mon, Wed, Fri

8:20 - 8:45: Registration

8:50 - 9: 40: Elemental Class
-Teaches about different Pokemon Types-
Teacher: -Will be announced/See Chart-

9:45 - 10:45: Health Class
-Teaches how to treat wounds and look after your Pokemon-
Teacher: Nurse Joy

10:45 - 10:55 Break

11:00 - 12:00: Co-ordinator Class
-Teaches the aesthetics of battling by teaching the pupils about Pokemon contests.-
Teacher: Wallace/Dawn

12:05 - 13:05: Battle Class
-Teaches the Pupils strategies and tricks which could help them in battle, ties in with Elemental Classes-
Teacher: Clair/Blue

13:05 - 13. 55: Lunch

14:00 - 15:00: Survival Class
-Teaches how to survive in the wilderness, how to cope if lost/separated and how to cook.-
Teacher: Brock/Cilan

15:00 - 15:30 - 16:00: Detention

Tues, Thurs
8:20 - 8:45: Registration

8:50 - 9: 40: Breeding Class
-Teaches about the different species and egg groups of Pokemon-
Teacher: Brock

9:45 - 10:45: Elemental Class
-Teaches about different Pokemon Types-
Teacher: -Will be announced/See Chart-

10:45 - 10:55 Break

11:00 - 12:00: Item Class
-Teaches about all the different items and their uses.
Teacher: Nurse Joy

12:05 - 13:05: Elemental Class 2
-Teaches about different Pokemon Types-
Teacher: -Will be announced/See Chart-

13:05 - 13. 55: Lunch

14:00 - 15:00: Survival Class
-Teaches how to survive in the wilderness, how to cope if lost/separated and how to cook.-
Teacher: Cilan/Brock

15:00 - 15:30 - 16:00: Detention

[spoilerElemental Classes:2l5rpi6a]Normal: Norman/Lenora
Fire: Blaine/Flannery
Fighting: Brawly/Maylene
Water: Wallace/Juan/Misty
Flying: Falkner/Winona
Grass: Gardenia/Erika
Poison: Janine/Roxie
Electric: Volkner/Elesa
Ground: Clay/Bertha
Psychic: Lucian/Sabrina
Rock: Roark/Roxanne
Ice: Pryce/Candice
Bug: Bugsy/Aaron
Dragon: Clair/Drayden
Ghost: Morty/Shauntal
Dark: Sidney/Grimsley
Steel: Jasmine/Byron

[spoilerDorm Arrangements:2l5rpi6a]Entei Dorm
Sapphy128 - Maria Wickers
- Terry Smith
maraia- Tyson Roy Melerno
lman5000 - Leonardo Quinn Terracion
- Naomi Wilder
im a person-Carla Alecious
Suicune Dorm
LinkedDreams - Attacus H. Atlas
lman5000 - Thera Lynn Marigold
Sevipermecrazy - Myles Selym
Sapphy128 - Alice Stanford
Agunimon - Vincent Benedict Walker
EchoWish - Serenity Tsuki
Raikou Dorm
Maxima_LeShedded - Kaila Humus
lman5000 - Isaac Hunter Richfield
Sapphy128 - Emily Rose
-Arthur Redgrave
ScalestheLugia - Cain
Luli - Siberia Withers

[spoilerSchool Floor Plan:2l5rpi6a]http://sapphire-bahamut.deviantart.com/#/d5hy32c


OOC: We arrive in the town at 6PM, you need to be at school by 6:30. We have time to look around the school, make friends, have dinner then sleep ready for the next morning.

“Finally!” Arthur practically jumped out of his chair once he saw the boat was slowing.
Terry leant forward with his arms crossed across his stomach.
Arthur huffed and left the boy there, running to the exit. He waited at it until the boat finally stopped. He didn’t even wait for the man to undo the rope for them, he just jumped over it and walked off the dock.

“At last! I’m finally off that stinking boat!” He cheered as he stretched his arms up.
While he was stretching he got knocked. He shouted before he even looked. “Hey! Why don’t you-”
“Watch where you’re going.” The pink haired girl walked straight past and didn’t even look at him.
Arthur was left speechless for a moment. “Hmph”

Arthur looked around at the still growing city. Several buildings still had scaffolding and there were a few construction buildings around as well.

He looked around for something to do, his watch said 5 past 6. “Heh, this’ll be fun.”
He was about to walk off when he noticed he forgot something.
Everyone he saw leaving the ferry had bags.
Arthur forgot his suitcase. He turned back to find someone standing right behind him. He stopped quickly and almost lost his balance. He quickly tried to style it out, hiding his surprise.

“Oh! Uhh, sorry.” Alice tucked her hair behind her ears. “You uhh, left your stuff on the boat.”
Beside her was his stuff. “Heh, thanks.” Arthur grabbed his stuff then faced the girl.“What’s your name Dollface?”
“W-what did you call me?” She frowned slightly.
“Well, what else shall I call you?” He leaned forward with a dark grin. Alice stepped back slightly.
“Alice. Alice Stanford.” She stuttered.
“Well then Alice, we best be off.”
“Uhh-but we have half an hour until-Oh no!” She checked her watch, it was already 20 past. They had to be there in 10 minutes.
“Ohmigosh! Where’s the school? I’m terrible with directions, we’re gonna get lost!” She said, shaking Arthur by the shoulders.
“Woah, chill there girlie.” He pointed down the road through the town opposite the docks. “It’s only down that road, it’s about what, a five minute walk?”
“…oh.” Alice blushed. “Gosh, I feel like an idiot already.”
“Well, of course, you’re going to this school too aint cha?” He stood up straight, grabbing his bags and preparing to leave.
“Are you calling me stupid?” Alice frowned and crossed her arms.
Arthur was already leaving. He turned around and shot her a glare. “You figure it out.”

[i]I felt the wind in my hair. Even though the strange entrance, I felt a bit braver than usual. I looked at my Poketch, it was a custom Poketch, made out of Bronze, nothing so expensive, it was just a limited edition Poketch I worked hard for.

“Here goes a good day… in school.”

I remember the fact that I failed, but does that mean I have to be so saddened? Nah, just a simple stitch on my windshield of life, nothing so horrible.

The bobble that blew in my face, plus the few Wingull flying high in the sky, and a few Mantine, Remoraid and Feebas jumping by the side of the boat. It was a beautiful sight. I looked back at my hometown which was now a dot in the distance, I wondered how Therwae was without me. It’s sad to be stripped away from your bestfriend. But can we blame this world for it’s cruelty?

This boat is quite fast, isn’t it? It felt like I just got on the boat a while ago, and it felt like we warped in time, we got here so quickly… To the school.

As I got off the boat, the sunset started to become beautiful, A nice day to walk on this dock. I heard the merry laughter of those people who already made friends so quickly, I’m just too antisocial to be doing such a thing.

A large column of buildings surrounded the town, the life here was bustling with life. Not so much life, but enough life to be positive enough. I looked at my watch, the appointment was 6:30, right?

“6:08…” I said in disappointment, I just really don’t wanna wait that long. I just wanna do my best, so I can keep Therwae forever. Wishes are just wishes, I shouldn’t expect much. An idiot like me… I don’t even deserve to be sent here. But here I am, with all my mustered courage.

There wasn’t much nature around this place. Lots of rocks, it was a bit hard to enjoy. Not that I’m trying to be picky, I just really miss the old place at Fortree City. Yeah, I’m that homesick already, I was always held in captivity my whole life. I was only used to things that I was used to.

Of course, I can’t get everything I want all the time, so right now, I have to focus, I need to pass this test, I need to do my best. I said all these words as I stepped throughout the town, I knew it would be really hard, and my heart is beating so much, but right now, all my dreams have been laid right in front of me, so I gotta grasp them, and make good use of it.[/i]

OoC: YEY! RP TIME!/shotdead Also, I’m still using a first-person perspective.

I looked at my watch.

“6:10 PM,” I sighed. “Still 20 minutes to go.”

I walked around the schoolyard, looking down at the grass, and-


“Woops!” I exclaimed. “Sorry about that!”

I bumped into the Castform girl…what was her name? Kaila Humus? Either way, I decided to introduce myself.

“Hi!” I mused. “I’m Tyson Roy Melerno, but everyone calls me Troy. What’s your name?”

OoC 2: Sorry for the short post!

OOC: So this is a post for a quick stop on my recent RP posts!

[spoilerLeo:jvxtec46]Full Name:
Leonardo Quinn Terracion
Nickname: Leo
Alias: The boy who hopes for better days.

Gender: Male
Age: 15
Hometown & Region: Hearthome/Sinnoh

Likes: Candy, Contests, Battling, Reading, Music.
Dislikes: Egotisticals, Pokemon mistreatment.
Fears: Sevipers, Heights, the Dark
Dreams: To become a top co-coordinator and a Pokemon Master

Family: Katrina Terracion - Older Sister(19)
Sara Terracion - Mother
Daniel Terracion- Father
Daniel Terracion Jr. - Little brother (7)
Crush/Relationship: Thera Marigold- Girlfriend

Reason for attending: Because Thera also got a letter.
Preferred types: Psychic/Grass

Personality: Sweet, caring, smart, weird. You always see him smiling or laughing. He always has the sweet caring look in his eye that tells you he cares. Very outgoing.
History: Leo was never a happy child. He was always compared to his other siblings. He was blamed for everything. Though his parents still loved him. Leo loves music he would sing with a Chatot that would come to his window every morning. Though on his 13th birthday, when he would get the results of the test, his parents got him an Eevee. So that morning he woke up from a fuzzy face brushing up against his face. He opens his eyes and an Eevee laid there. The Eevee led him to downstairs in which his parents made a great feast. After they were done eating, the mail came. To much of the Terracions disappointment Leo failed to pass. But he got to keep the Eevee as a pet. Before the time he got the letter, he showed off his Eevee to everyone in school. (Which in his school was allowed.) Though even the bullies that picked on him were impressed. He also attracted a few girls. One of which being Thera Marigold. During lunch she offered him a seat at her table with her friends. As months past, Leo started to become attracted to Thera. Finally when he was 14 almost 15, he finally asked her out. And she said yes.


Theme:Yuyuko Saigyouji"s Ten Desires theme: Ghost Lead. Why? Because this song has a taunting feel to it, which is Leo"s battle style, lead them to coming close to you and hit them hard.
Work: He waits and dish washes at his parents restaurant.


[spoilerThera Marigold:jvxtec46]Full Name: Thera Lynn Marigold
Nickname: Ter-bear.
Alias: The Blossoming Rose.

Gender: Female
Hometown & Region: Hearthome/Sinnoh

Likes: Gardening, Candy, Music, Making Pokemon Food, Peace.
Dislikes: Fires, fighting, chaos, show offs.
Fears: Fires. She is DEATHLY afraid of fires. Dissapointing her mother.
Dreams: To become a professional breeder

Family: Joelle Marigold(Mother)
John Marigold(Father-Deceased)
Kiara Marigold (Little Sister -10-)
Crush/Relationship: Leo Terracion - Boyfriend

Reason for attending: She failed the test really bad.
Preferred Types: Grass/Water

Personality: Very shy and mild. But she is very sweet and caring, very selfless.
History: Why"s Thera frightened of fires? Because her father died in one trying to save helpless Budew when she was 7. The Budew made it out alive, but John sadly didn"t. That Budew had owed the Marigolds because of John"s noble act, so the Budew stayed with Thera all her life. It soon evolved into a Roselia. Roselia helped Thera"s mother clean the house when she went back to work and for the longest of time Thera"s aunt had to often babysit and practically live there. But her aunt did this so Thera could go to school. When Kiara was 5, their aunt could stop babysitting. So Thera would walk her to school with her and walk her back. Made them their breakfast, their lunch, and their dinner. She would have to clean the house, clean the yard. She even got the idea to start a vegetable garden so they could sell and save money for other things. She"d made a good 45 dollars a week in which she"d spent on her sister and on more seeds for the vegetables. This is when she became interested in gardening so much. She loved it. And she made money off of it. Later, there was a boy who had brought an Eevee to their class, Leo. Something made him pop out for some reason. Was it the Eevee? Or is it just about she not noticing him.(Despite his outgoing personality). But she was determined to make him a friend for whatever reason. So she invited him to her table and they became really close friend until a little bit later, when he asked her out. She was caught off guard because they were at a pep rally for this. She hesitated at first and finally realized why he seemed so different. She accepted the offer. Later, after failing her test, she got a letter to attend Sunwing Academy. And to much of her surprise, Leo received an invite too. So they decided to go together.

Theme: Suwako Moriya"s MoF Extra Stage Theme - Native Faith Why? Because this theme isn"t a serious theme. This theme is a “Hey lets battle for fun!” theme.
Work: Selling Vegetables at the Farmers Market


[spoilerIsaac:jvxtec46]Full Name:Isaac Hunter Richfield
Nickname: None
Alias: Boy with endless energy

Gender: Male
Age: 15
Hometown & Region: Slateport/Hoenn

Likes: Battling, sports.
Dislikes: Reading, studying.
Fears: Heights
Dreams: To become the greatest Pokemon master

Family: Thersa Richfield (Step mom), Hanson Richfield(Dad), Sheila Greens (Mom), David Greens (Stepdad), Bridgett Greens (Same age step sister).
Crush/Relationship: Thera Marigold (As of meeting her at the Academy)

Reason for attending: To get his Pokemon Liscense
Preferred Types: Fighting and Electric

Personality: Jolly, and very entergetic, very active, very arrogant and haughty.
History: Isaac lived a rather normal life. His parents broke up and got married to other people. Isaac lives with his mom and David and Bridgett. He really hated his dad. He was a really mean and unsupportive guy. But David was very supportive, encouraged him to do what he wants act how he wants to. Thersa is a pretty nice lady, she isn"t mean like his dad, but ignores him often of the time. Luckily for him, it"s only on Saturdays he has to go there. Bridgett is a very nice girl. She talks to Isaac when he"s down and he"s happy to have her around.

Theme: Suika"s IaMP theme: Onigashima in the Fairyland ~ Missing Power


[spoilerNaomi:jvxtec46]Full Name:Naomi Wilder
Nickname: Nay-Nay
Alias: Girl with the blank stare

Hometown & Region: Sunnyshore City - Sinnoh

Likes: Cold, Dark, contests.
Dislikes: Heat.
Fears: Embaressing herself.
Dreams: To be a top co-coordinator

Family: Thalia Wilder (Mom) Nick Wilder (Dad)
Crush/Relationship: Isaac

Reason for attending: To get her Contest Pass.
Preferred Types: Ghost and Dark types
Personality: Very Mellow. Thinks before she act. Can be cold or kind when she wants to. Very "catch me if you can"ish
History: Only child of her family, Naomi liked to be either with one person or be all alone. (Which changes later). She loves Ghost and Dark types. She liked her life. It was a really good one for her. One day while walking down the street (At night). Some ghost pokemon tried pulling pranks on her, they failed. She was amused at this and befriended a Misdrevus which she took home. She and her Misdrevus are really close. Nay-Nay is also online schooled. So she hardly has social interacations. Which is perfectally fine with her. Though one day she got a letter from a new popular school and decides to go.

Theme:SWR Alice"s Theme: The Doll Maker of Bucuresti


[spoilerDouble Battle Themes:jvxtec46]Leo and Thera"s Theme:Yukari Yakumo"s SWR Theme: Night Falls ~ Evening Star
Leo and Naomi"s Theme: SWR Aya"s Theme: Wind God Girl
Leo and Isaac"s Theme:UFO Murasa"s Theme: Captain Murasa
Naomi and Thera"s Theme: SWR - Remilia Scarlet"s Theme - Septette for the Dead Princess
Naomi and Isaac"s Theme: SA Parsee"s Theme: Green-Eyed Jealousy
Isaac and Thera"s Theme: UFO Shou"s Theme: The Tiger Patterned Vaisravana

[spoilerPT1:jvxtec46]“Mmm?” Leo slowly opens his eyes to look at his clock. “Err 3:17…” Leo gives a loud sigh. “I"m not suppose to be up until 5:15.”
“Vee?” A soft cry emits from the darkness on the other side of the bed.
“Oh, sorry Eevee, did I wake you?” Leo reaches over and pets his Eevee"s head.
"Eee…“The sleepy Eevee replied groggily putting its head back down and goes back to sleep.
Leo snickered. “Well I won"t be able to get back to sleep…” Leo thought as he throws his legs off the bed a slips into his slippers. He gets clothes from his dresser and goes to take a shower. After his shower he sees his little brother"s door open. “Danny?” Leo whispered down the hall. Leo notices a light emitting from the kitchen. Leo quietly went down the stairs and there Danny was making a PB&J “Danny, what are you doing?” Leo asked sharply.
“I-I was hungwy Big Bro!” Danny replied innocently.
“Didn"t you eat enough for dinner?”
“Nowpe” Danny said cocking his head. Leo let out a sigh. “Leo can you turn on the funnies?” Danny asked. Obviously he meant cartoons. Leo looked at the clock. It was 4:12.
“Sure, cartoons should be on by now.” Leo grabs the remote and turns it on. Pokepals was on. A show were actors voiced Pokemon and had them help each other out.
“I"m gonna to go pack OK?” Leo asked his brother who was engrossed by the show. “Get me of you need anything.”
Danny was still paying no attention. Well he has to leave to pick up Thera soon. Leo hurries up the stairs and makes sure he has everything he needs for the year. He looks at the clock. 4:45. Leo has his backpack with the newest editions of Contest Monthly and Pokemon Monthly and some water and smaller things like blankets and a little reading light. His parents and sister finally woke up and his mother and Katrina quickly prepared a nice breakfast.
After they were done, it was time to go. At the door, they all stood.
“Make me proud little bro!” Katrina said as she hugged him.
“Ohh… Make us proud.” His mother said choking back tears.
His dad remained silent, only extending his arm. Leo shakes his hand.
“Gewd luck Big Bro!” Danny said gleefully. “I get your room when you"re gone right?”
Leo picks up his little brother. “Of course you can! Just make sure Eevee gets to be in there too!”
Leo puts him down. “Alright, I guess I"ll see you later.” Leo walks away from his house “Bye!” Leo yelled back. They did the same.
Thera who"s standing by her door is saying goodbye to her family when Leo arrives. “Oh, Leo perfect timing.” Thera sounds like she was crying.
“I guess you kids should be off.” Thera"s mother said sobbing.
“Wait I got something for you!” Leo gives Thera"s mom a PokeGear. “My mom told be to give you this so you can stay in touch with Thera.”
“T-thank you!” Thera"s mother accpeted the gift. " Now you two take care!” She smiles.
“Bye!” Thera and Leo said while heading off to the harbor…


[spoilerPt2:jvxtec46]The boat sways slowly. It was a peaceful day. Leo looks overs to Thera whose knees are knocking rapidly. “What"s wrong?” Leo asked concerned.
“I"m s-s-scared” Thera said in a shaky voice.
“There"s nothing to be afraid of.” Leo replied reassuring Thera of her safety.
“But if we end up like S.S. Anne, what about my sister and mother? What would happ-” Leo without hesitation embraced Thera, then kissed her forehead.
“Everything will be fine.” Leo whispered caressing her hair. “We"ll be fine.” Leo for the whole boat ride held her. It wasn"t a very long one just 20 minutes. When the boat stopped everyone got off and a blue hair girl with green eyes popped up in front of them.
“Hey are you two a couple?” She asked.
“Uh… Who are you?” Leo asked not looking amused.
“The name"s Naomi Wilder!” She says rather arrogantly.
“Err… why are you talking to us?” Leo asked questionably.
“I saw you had a Contest Monthly and I wanted to know if you"re a co-coordinator.”
“Ya, I am… Now, you mind moving?” Leo asked rather harshly.
“Why? Are you two gonna kiss?” She replied tauntingly.
“Just… please move.” Thera finally peeped in.
“Oh well, I guess I"m gonna see you two on campus. Bye~” She speed walks to the crowd which was building at the doors.
Leo looks at Thera. “You look pale are you are alright?”
“Just a bit sick.” Thera replied in a raspy voice. Leo takes out some water and gives her a bottle.
“Here.” He gives it to her. She takes a big gulp. Soon color returns to her skin. Thera let a smile and they headed to the academy.
While walking towards campus, Leo recognized someone. She seems famous, he then saw the Piplup and it clicked. “It"s Dawn!” Leo whsipered excitingly to Thera.
“Oh wow, this school must be really famous for Dawn to be here.” Thera replied. Then out of the blue a lot of kids started to yell out Dawn"s name.
“OHMEGOSH! IT"S DAWN!” “OHMAIARCEUS DAAAWN” Everyone went crazy when Wallace walked up. Leo kept his excitement inside and tried to act mature about it. Dawn got up in front and greeted everyone.


[spoilerpt3:jvxtec46]As Dawn was showing everyone around, Leo couldn"t help but think about his Eevee at home. But he"s in a school far from home. “Alright everyone this is the battle area. This is where you will do most of your battles.” Dawn said gleefully
“What about Pokemon” a boy"s voice call through the crowd.
“No need to worry! We have lots of Pokemon for you guys to use!”
“Can you show us a battle?” A familiar voice calls over the crowd. Naomi slowly walked to the front of the crowd.
“Hm? What might be your name?” Dawn asked looking down at Naomi.
“Naomi Wilder! And I want to be a Top Co-coordinator!”
“So it"s a battle you want huh?” Dawn asked.
“Yup! That"s right!” Naomi replied not fearful at all.
“Naomi!” Leo cried out. “You"ll get killed” He whispered.
“How about both of you go against me?” Dawn said, obviously she had heard what Leo said.
“Deal!” Naomi cried and Leo looks shocked at her. “Me and Leo here got this! RIGHT Leo” Leo knew this is a chance of a lifetime.
“Right!” Leo said determined to win.
“Alright everyone!” These two are going to give a show! They all headed into the battle room. Leo, Naomi, and Dawn all stood on the field. The rest standing around. Some staff appear in the room with trays of Pokemon. “Choose whatever ones you like.” Leo and Naomi both pick a Poke Ball, placed it in the capsule and place a Seal on it.
“Ready!” They say simultaneously.
“Alright.” Dawn walks to her side and her face turns serious. “Typhloshin, Togekiss! Spotlight!” Dawn releases her Poke Balls from her hands. Typholsion and Togekiss come out in Stars and Hearts. Leo and Naomi gasp in horror.
“I-i-it"s the combo that won her her first Festival!” Naomi gasped in horror again. Leo just stood there silent. “Leo!” Naomi shouts and Leo breaks out of his trance.
“Huh?!” Leo said still in a daze. “Lets do this.” He exclaimed snapping out of his daze.
“Yea.” Naomi nodded.
“Go! Staryu!” Leo releases his ball and out came a Yellow Star.
“Hyah!” The Staryu cried.
“Go! Mismagius!” Naomi flings her ball upward releasing a ominous purple haze.
“Mis… MAGIUS!” The haze cleared out.
“Lets go!” They all shrieked


[spoilerPT4:jvxtec46]“You two get the first move!” Dawn said, pointing at the duo.
“Alright! Mismagius, Magical Leaf!” Mismagius unleashed glowing dark green leaves and sent them flying towards Typhlosion.
“Ugh… are you always this rash?” Leo sighed. “Lemme show you how it"s REALLY done. Staryu! Use Water Gun and Rapid Spin!” Leo cried. Staryu leaped into the air and started to spin and spray out water and it wooshed right to Togekiss and Typhloshion.
“Typhlosion! Use Swift! Togekiss! Use Magical Leaf!” They both release a major blow and knock Staryu out.
“NO STARYU!” Leo cried. He drops his head. Then returns Staryu and gives it to the assistant. Then he turned around to Naomi and smiled. “Good luck on your own!”
“That was sarcastic wasn"t it!” Naomi said puffing her cheeks. Then she heard Mismagius" voice cry and turned around to see Mismagius was KO"d. Naomi was appalled and inarticulate.

/OOC: Dawn used SUPERHAX! It was super effective! MORRE CLIFFHANGERS <3


[spoilerpt5 (Won"t be posted):jvxtec46]OOC: rather short… but meh.

“Well that sucked!” Naomi sighed.
“Ya, if I didn"t have to BABYSIT YOU!” Leo said getting sick of Naomi.
“Teehee!” Naomi giggled and pull out something. “This is an amulet my mother gave me…” She held it out.

OOC: Silly part is silly P:


“H-hey! Watch Where you’r–”

I screamed at something that stepped on my foot, when I looked around, it was a man. He stood there, almighty and tall, but why didn’t I run, but why?

“Hey, what’s your name?”

Out of all the things he said, that was all I could here, so that’s all I could answer, and so I did answer the question in a slightly nervous voice.

“Ka-Kaila Humus.”

He said more things, but I couldn’t reply. It was as if… as if…

…As if my heart beated faster.

My mom used to say that if you ever fall in love, time seems to slow down, you can’t think straight in that state, you can’t seem to understand what the person’s saying. As he said words, I could only stare at him.

But then, the saddest part if your in this state.

After that, time catches up by going as fast as it can to follow the activity you just did, and I lost track of him. I looked down, as I looked at my watch.

“6:28, I’m late!”

I screamed as I ran to the direction of the school, with all my might, even with the weak state of my body’s physical ability.

But for now, let’s not think of him shall we?

OoC: Wow, maraia, ever since the start of this RP, I planned for Kaila to have a crush on your character… this is very ironic.

OoC2: Note for the others,even though in some posts they state a time, you can choose not to follow the timeline, it makes good introductions, you are free to use this when the RP finally starts running.

OoC: Wow! Really, Effusus?! I was planning my character to have a crush on her! ROLEPLAY BUDDIES!~

“Huh? 6:28 ALREADY?!” I gasped.

I ran to the school as fast as I could.

I thought about the Castform Girl, Kaila Humus.

Did she have a crush on me…?

Who knows? I just need to get to the school for now.

Ooc 2: Whoa. This post was shorter than the first one. WHY ARE MY POSTS SO SHORT?!/shotdead

OOC: I can’t say when I’ll be able to actively participate again, hopefully it’s by tonight, but here’s a repost. Will add a few things if needed. ~

The splashing waves, the rocking of the boat, the sweet, salty sea air. It all made Vincent Walker sick.

“Ugh,” he groaned tiredly as the ferry rode up and down the teal blue waves.

Others were eagerly chatting on the deck, looking for the first glimpse of their new future. They seemed fine, and Vin envied them for that.

“Why am I the only one getting seasick? Oh well, I guess it’s a price I have to pay,” he mumbled.

Wingulls flew above, riding on the strong air currents, their wings fully stretched out to their finest form. In the distance, a Wailord sprayed a fountain of sea water using its powerful spout. The mainland seemed so far away now, it was only a small dot in the far distance. He had left his past, and his friends behind. Frowning, he opened to look at the picture he carried, hidden away from view in his necklace.

Alice. Alice J. Harding. She was a sweet girl, and easy to relate to. Only if she could have come, but fate didn’t allow the two to be together, until one of them stepped up. Vincent planned to do just that. The school, Sunwing Academy, brought him the right medium to build his dreams on, but he hoped. He hoped that everything would go right.

Opening his eyes, he turned to look at the commotion at the front of the ship. Someone bumped into him as they ran towards the prow.

“Oi- Nevermind,” Vincent turned his attention towards the sight that lay ahead of them. “Woah, so that’s where I’m going?”

The land was crowded with buildings, and a sharp looking pier. It was not too different from Lilycove in terms of the landscape. There were people, and there was water. Simple enough. Hopefully, he could get used to the city as soon as possible. Vincent grinned at the thought of new, exciting things to sketch out and draw. It was always a fresh new experience to travel to a foreign or faraway city, and capture its culture and majesty in all its true glory. Thereafter, it would be forever engraved or painted on a piece of paper or canvas.

The ferry finally stopped, and wannabe trainers poured out. Vincent took his time to embrace this new city, and finally decided to leave after most had gone off.

“Oh god,” he groaned as he dizzily walked down the steps.

Reaching for the nearest column or sturdy object, Vincent sighed as he leaned onto it. The world was spinning and it felt like his stomach was too.

“I’ll never get used to the water.”

Vincent looked at his watch, the simple leather and steel mechanism kept ticking away as he tried to concentrate. The world started spinning again and he slumped down into a sitting position. A few people stared at him in his effort to break away from this bout of seasickness.

“Mom. Is he drunk?” One little boy asked.

“Errgh,” Vincent moaned. “It’s about . . . Three or four o’ clock.”

Making no effort to get up, he finally resigned and sighed. “I guess I have some time.”


I was running towards the ferry, I wasn’t so late, but a zesty beat was going through my mind but I couldn’t help but run too fast. “Pa-RUUUUU!” My Wurmple screamed as he noticed the police chasing us

Go ahead and make me insane,
I’ll run like the wind and then you’ll suffer pain,
You should have thought better than that:
Messing with a crazy patched-up Matryoshka!

I screamed out the song that was going out of my head as Wurmple spat silk and I manipulated the web to make a type of bridge, I then grabbed a bit of silk and threw it like a javelin to the guards feet. I then ran on the bridge on to the boat, as Wurmple retrieved the rest of the web, a bit of water then came out of his nose “That was Siphoned silk, wasn’t it?” Wurmple nodded as he sucked back in the contents of his runny nose.

Everyone looked at me as I had that weird entrance on the boat, “H-hey!” I said in a positive manner and ran past the gates when I passed every possible human being my frown came back “I told you it was a bad idea!” The other me said as I just shrugged “Well, at least were here, and we can finally keep Wurmple after this!” I said as I raised Wurmple high into the air, Wurmple was in joy “Pa-RUUU!” He shouted out as I smiled.
“Okay, buddy, time for ya to go home.”

I put him by the window ceiling as he spat a long winding piece of silk which latched on a tree, he waved goodbye as he retracted the web. I just hope… I could see him again.

I just took seven steps and the boat was already done with it’s travel, was the travel in that short time?! I couldn’t even have enough fun…

As I departed down to the ground I stretched “Well, here we go!” As a strong, refreshing wind blew my hood off “What a good Celebi day, wouldn’t you agree?” She just had that same smug look on her face “I’m just glad I got out before I got sea-sick.” Looks like that she obtained my ability of sea-sickness, it seems. I walked towards the campus, trying to avoid too much attention. This place was full of grass, unlike most places these days, it was a wonderful thing, I wonder what type of adventures await me here…

OOC 2: Note, that I am the cousin of Effusus/Maxima. We have agreed that we can use each others characters in the story
OOC 3: Celebi days is Pokemon Slang for Mayfly days, meaning Summer time (I would have summed it up, but it was just so awesome to use Celebi days, right :3)


Sorry, but like I said in the rules, you don’t have Pokemon with you so you couldn’t have battled with her.


Arthur sighed and waited for Alice. She had decided to cut through the curve in the path and walk across the grass, but her suitcase got stuck in a small ditch. She pulled on the handle but it wouldn’t wheel itself up again.
“Hurry up already!”
“I can’t!” Alice leant back, putting her weigh into it but she almost fell over.
Arthur walked up and shouldered her slightly, knocking her out of the way. “Here, let me do it.” With a quick tug of the handle it was raised. He stepped back quickly and pulled it out of the hole.

It was only a few inches of a dip, who knew it could be such a nuisance.
Arthur held out the handle for her to take.
“Oh, uh, thanks.” Alice blushed and practically snatched the case from his hands.
The two quickly hurried to the school as people were starting to gather.

At the gate were some other students. Both of them expected there to be more, but the school didn’t look that big either, then again, it was a private school.
Arthur quickly noticed another girl there, the one he bumped into on the dock.
“Hey!” He was just about to run at her but Alice quickly grabbed his arm and held him back.
“Shh! Look.” She pointed to the school. Through the small crowd of people he saw a girl walk out of the school.
She wore a white nurse outfit.
“Hello, I’m Alyssa.”

She didn’t look any older than the other students, in fact she looked younger than some of them. She had a stern look on her face, it was stressful work having to move from place to place for medical practices.
“Welcome to Sunwing Academy, I trust you’ll all try your best while working, well, learning here. This school, as you should know, was has been recently re-built after it burned down by the flames of the legendary Moltres. I’d like to assure you that it was all an accident and it is highly unlikely that it will happen again.”

“Ow.” Arthur whispered. He managed to pull his arm out of Alice’s grasp.
“Oh, sorry.” She grabbed her suitcase once she saw the crowd was moving.

“Now, if you’d all just follow me, I’ll show you around the school grounds and lastly, to your dorms where you can unpack and get to know each other. There’ll be an assembly at 10 O Clock, right over there.” She pointed to the meeting area near the front of the school.
“Aww, cute, it has a little bonfire thingie.” Alice said quietly.
“D’ya say something?” He said, noticing he was starting to lose attention.
Alice gave an agitated sigh. “Nevermind.”

Alyssa gave a stiff smile then turned to face the school. “Bring your luggage, I’ll be showing you around the school and tomorrow you’ll start your lessons, but it’s getting late now and you still need to cook dinner.”

“What do you mean ‘cook’?” Arthur said loudly.
“Oh, you need to prepare and cook your own dinners at this school.”
“What?!” Came a shout from within the crowd. It was the pink haired girl. “There’s no way I’m cooking.”

Alyssa started to panic slightly at the growing uproar.
“Wait, wait, calm down. You’ll be having lessons here to teach you how to cook so there won’t be any problems, but today and tomorrow, lunch and dinner will be done for you.”

Arthur still wasn’t satisfied with the fact he’d have to cook, and neither was Emily. He doubted they were the only ones who disagreed anyway.
“Well, now that we’ve settled that matter, let us have a quick look around, OK?”
“No.” Arthur whispered under his breath. Alice giggled slightly.

“How rude.” Terry mumbled to himself. He was at the front of the crowd but he could still hear them back there talking and laughing while Alyssa was trying to help. “They could at least wait until the tour is over.”
He heard an agreeing ‘hmm’ beside him. Maria had her hat low to block out the sun from her eyes.

The students moved in towards the school, following Alyssa through the building. She showed them through the sports and social areas around the grounds. The sports areas were big. It seems this school likes physical fitness over it’s intelligence, but lessons haven’t started yet so you never know.

The courts were big and could be used for single, or double battles easily.
Finally, after the grounds were circled and the group returned to the school, they went inside and Alyssa quickly showed them through the classrooms. There was little to say about them, they all looked fairly the same except for the colors.

Finally, they were taken upstairs.
“These are the dorms. Next to the doors are a list of who is in that dorm, if you can find your names and go upstairs to the bedrooms you can start unpacking. Oh, and over there is the quiet room where you can go to use computers, read a book or whatever.” Alyssa checked her watch. “It’s 6:45, you have until 9 to settle down and get to know each other. When the time comes I want you all to gather in the meeting area like I said, it might be chilly so bundle up. We’ll meet up there then we’ll go out for dinner, see the town or something.”

She said her farewells then disappeared down the stairs. She was obviously tired.

The dorms were spacious and had space for each member to store their own things.
Arthur was relaxed in his search and read the papers from a distance rather than rushing up and into their respective dorms. He saw his name on the slip of paper. He scanned through the names of the others who were to be sharing a room with him.

Raikou Dorm
-Kaila Humus
-Isaac Hunter Richfield
-Emily Rose
-Arthur Redgrave
-Siberia Withers

“Hehe, Humus.” He straightened himself up and walked into the dorm. He noticed the yellow color scheme. It wasn’t bad, it was spacious and bright. He turned his head and spotted the kitchen area. He huffed and walked on upstairs, dragging his suitcase up each step with a tug.
When he got up he noticed two doors. One said ‘Boys’, and one said ‘Girls’. Simple enough. He walked up to the boys when he saw someone come out of the girls bedrooms. It was the girl with the pink hair. She noticed him also, and glared back.

“Hey, you.”
“What do you want?” Emily put a sharp emphasis on the ‘t’ sounds. She sounded mad, that’s for sure.
“I think you owe me an apology.” Arthur growled.
“For what?” Emily’s glare sharpened.
“For when you pushed me near the boat.”
“Oh, that.” Emily giggled slightly, finding humor in his childishness. “Well if you were paying attention as well we wouldn’t have bumped into each other now would we?”
Arthur was beginning to lose patience with this girl. “Don’t you go pinning this all on me, I didn’t do anything.”
“Exactly.” Emily gave a dark smile then went to walk downstairs.
“What’s your name.” He said as she was leaving.
“It’s only polite to tell someone your own name before you ask for theirs.”
Arthur squinted and mumbled.
“What did you say?” Her cheerful tone was driving him mad.
“I said, my name is Arthur!” He said loudly, almost a shout.
“Hmm. Well then, I’ll be seeing you tomorrow, Arthur.” She turned to leave.
“Hey!” Emily turned back and watched at him over her glasses. “You didn’t tell me your name.”
Emily gave a friendly smile, as if they just met. “My name’s Emily.”
Arthur huffed and swung the door open, dragging his suitcase behind him. No-one else was in there yet.
He practically threw his bag on the closest bed and slumped down beside it. He lightly cursed under his breath and rolled over to look at the clock directly hanging next to the bathroom door. It was almost 7 still.
He sighed and kicked the suitcase off the bed, resting and thinking while he waited for the others in his dorm to arrive.

Entei Dorm

  • Maria Wickers
  • Terry Smith
  • Tyson Roy Melerno
  • Leonardo Quinn Terracion
  • Naomi Wilder
    -Carla Alecious

Maria quickly walked up to one of the posters. “Cool, Entei.” She looked to a red door with a metal plate shaped like Entei on the front of it. She didn’t take the time to see through the names of the others in her dorm.
She walked in and into the girl’s dorm.
She started unpacking straight away. She took the bed closest to the window and put her clothes in the wardrobe near the door.
She carefully pulled out a picture of her with her Camerupt and the few other Magma grunts she befriended. She put it on the bedside table. Unfortunately she didn’t realize she and her friends were wearing their Team Magma uniforms.

Terry noticed a girl leave for the Entei dorm, the same one as him. The main room was white with red furniture and decorations and such. He took a while to admire the place before going to the bedrooms.
He sat down on the sofa. Not too soft, not too firm. It was just how he liked it.
He decided to go upstairs and unpack. He took the bed closest to the bathroom and put his clothes in the wardrobe next to it. He started to feel homesick already. He took a deep breath and shut his eyes tightly, feeling like he would start crying if he kept on thinking about it. He quickly rubbed his eyes and went to the balcony, distracting himself by watching the wild Pokemon flying about in the sky. It was almost 7, but Terry wasn’t interested in tracking time at the moment.

Suicune Dorm

  • Attacus H. Atlas
  • Thera Lynn Marigold
  • Myles Selym
  • Alice Stanford
  • Vincent Benedict Walker
  • Serenity Tsuki

Alice moaned. She was rather upset that she wasn’t with Arthur. She felt upset that her mum wasn’t here, but she was glad she had already made a friend. Well, she thought of him as a friend anyway.
She turned to the door with the Suicune plate with the name in blue underneath it, written in elegant letters outlined in gold, the same as all the other doors, but with their respective colors instead of the blue.
She walked in and noticed stairs. She had enough trouble getting her suitcase up he first lot, in fact Arthur carried that up as well. She bit her lip and sighed. She put her suitcase against the wall and went upstairs to look. She didn’t think about it before, but she was happy to know girls and boys weren’t sharing the same bedroom and bathroom. She hoped the people she were sharing her dorm with were nice, last thing she wanted was to have an enemy sharing a room with her.

She found that the white and blue reminded her of a hospital. She didn’t like it. She wondered if they were able to see others in their dorms or did they have to stay in their own, and were they able to go see the boys in theirs?
She didn’t find a reason not too, but then she realized that meant the boys would go to theirs. She noticed a simple chain lock on the bedroom door. The bathrooms both obviously had locks so she felt a little more relieved knowing the place was safe and there was at least some privacy, even if you’re not completely alone.

She sat down on the bed furthest from the window. It was rather cold and the breeze from the window made her shudder. She forgot about her suitcase though. She waited there for a bit. Eventually she couldn’t stand the cold any longer and shut the window. The time was 6:50. She went down the stairs quickly and grabbed her suitcase handle, but she couldn’t bring it up. It got stuck on the first step. She tried to pull it up and with much effort she was able to do so, but only the first few steps until she got tired.
“Stupid suitcase.” She mumbled, kicking it once as if it would run up the stairs by itself.

The beat of the music was nothing new to Myles, as he had heard this song at least a hundred times. His hands shoved comfortably in the pockets of his hoodie, he leaned back against the Ferry’s railing, looking towards the sky and admiring the Wingull flying above him.
He shut his eyes, imagining the image of the Wingull to stay in his mind, he opened his eyes, reaching into a bag and pulling out a black sketchbook. Reaching into his pants pocket, he pulled out a pencil, closing his eyes, he got a good idea of what he was going to sketch, he opened his eyes, bringing the sharp, grey tip to the paper, he began sketching, smiling to himself.
As Myles finished sketching his art piece, the ferry pulled into the docks of the academy, shaking his head, he unplugged his ear phones and put his sketchbook back in his bag. Walking with the other “late” students to the front of the door, he noticed a few quirky people.
His shoulder ached from carrying around his duffle bag, which had most of his art equipment and a few clothes, he piled on in with everyone into the front area, making his way into the nearest corner to lurk in the shadows. Myles did wonder to himself what Pokemon he would receive to start him off, he hoped it would be a Yamask, or even a Scraggy. He didn’t care, as long as he could become one with it.
Flipping out his sketchbook once more, he began to sketch the possible Pokemon that he could have.
He finished up, not so proud of his work and growled to himself, following the remainder of the students outside, he looked around and rolled his eyes.
“It’s not very big…” He said, with a blunt expression, “I mean, I know other schools that are as big as this school.” He sat down, eyeing a trio very closely. After a while, the students began moving back inside, he had no idea what was going on, as he had his music in.
Eventually, he and the others made it to the dorm rooms, where he noticed a slip of paper with everyone’s respective dorms.
“Let’s see…” He said, running his eyes down each one of them, “um… Suicune dorm…” Myles said with a sigh, grabbing his rucksack and bag and heading up the stairs. He noted the color scheme of the room and sighed, it was a bit childish in his opinion, but whatever. The bedrooms and bathrooms were labeled boys and girls, he was cool with that.
He entered his bedroom and placed his belongings on a bed, and lay down on it, sighing.

Vincent blinked his eyes as golden rays of sunshine shook him up. He was still sitting on the spot he slumped down. His small suitcase lay on its side next to him.

“How long have I been out?” He muttered to himself. “I look like a total idiot, sleeping on the docks like this.”

Slowly, but surely, he stood up at full height. No bouts of dizziness or mind crushing headaches were blocking Vincent now. But, there was a more silent threat lurking in the shadows.

“Oh shoot! I’m late!” It was 6:15 PM by time he woke up.

Vincent wasn’t a very athletic or muscular kid, but he ran anyways.

• • •

The world was whirling around - again. Vincent let out a long breath, with his hands on his knees he thanked whoever he was supposed to believe in. He had just made it to the school on time. Slowing down, he looked around for the dorm arrangements.

“Oh. Here they are.”

Suicune Dorm
Attacus H. Atlas
Thera Lynn Marigold
Myles Selym
Alice Stanford
Vincent Benedict Walker
Serenity Tsuki

“Hum. Alice,” Vincent mumbled. “Brings back memories. Looks like we have a diverse cast too, better hurry.”

Stumbling along past the various buildings and the whole lot of short grass, he entered the school with relative ease.

“Says the dorms are on the second floor. Hoh. And there we are.”

OoC: Soon you shall not laugh with Humus >:D XD

OoC2: Proceeds to high fives Maraia’s face but hits her face. Sorry, did you want a headshake/cheezburger

[i]I tripped as I got trough the almost closed gates. I got up as I blushed and got up and dusted myself a bit. The night of the moon was beautiful as it shown down on me like a Strobe Light, I looked down in embarrassment as I ran away.

“I… I gotta be serious!” I said to myself as a tear came from my eye, as I bumped on a few people.

Going through the stairs and dragging my suitcase and tried to look for my room. I found a little paper which stated where I belonged.

Raikou Dorm
-Kaila Humus
-Isaac Hunter Richfield
-Emily Rose
-Arthur Redgrave
-Siberia Withers

“Gah… Raikou… I really am stupid, aren’t I?”

I was a bit sad of that fact… what was that guy’s name? Tyson? Looks like he isn’t my Dorm-mate, which just saddened me more, he was on the other paper.

“Entei, huh?” I said to myself, I was saddened to see him suffering. I entered the dorm after a light knock, suddenly I had nausea.

The light-yellow color scheme blinded me up a bit, the world around me swirled, it looked clean, but it could have killed you in this world of confusion… perhaps I was overreacting…

I started to unpack my things when I suddenly saw a picture of me and Therwae… before… before we left. I wiped off my tears, no need to be sweating through your eyes right now… I looked around me, everyone around me was in joy, while I stayed there, very sad.

I took off my riding hood and put it near the picture, where I also placed a music box with a figure of a golden Pidgeot-like creature and a Silver Braviary-like Pokemon, a bronze ripple surrounded the two and from the bronze ripples came a twilight light which played a melodious tune. People said it was a bit childish… but I don’t want to let go of my past.

As I snuggled unto my pillow, I started to cry listening to the lovely tune, I wanted all this suffering to end, and so I rubbed the tear from my eyes and instantly fell asleep.

Therwae? I"ll be back…


Sorry, but like I said in the rules, you don’t have Pokemon with you so you couldn’t have battled with her.

Sapphy,please READ before accusing me of rule breaking. Beause if you DID read, you’d see that they were rental. So honestly I am insulted. Because it’s your fault then if you didn’t word it properly.
Ok, I’m done being agressive. Just read before accusing me, 'kay?

“Say Leo,do you know your dorm?” Naomi asked.
“I think Entei.”
“Oh~ That’s interesting~” Naomi said in a singsong voice.
“You seem awfully happy” Leo replied in a suspicious tone.
" 'Cuz I’m in Entei!"
“Oh that’s co- What?!”
“Heehee, I guess we’ll be seeing each other eeeevery day~”
Thera who wander off went to find the Suicune dorm. She brushes her hand on the arrangement chart, making sure it was the right dorm
She walked up and entered the living area. Guys and Girls introducing each other. Thera just say down and started breathing heavy and fast…

Yes. It’s my fault for wording it wrong. Shame on me, but lets not get agressive and start fights, we all know what that’ll lead to. You don’t get ANY Pokemon until the first actual school day. Please dont make assumptions saying I didn’t read because if I hadn’t I obviously wouldn’t have noticed it.
Ps. Not sure if I mentioned it before, but Alyssa is the only member of staff who actually makes an appearance today. Also I will tell you when you can actually control one of the staff members. Again, apologies, it’s my fault I didn’t explain enough. I was too lazy to think too deeply into it.

Im on my phone at the moment. I will edit in a post when I get home.

OOC: Beware, I haven’t RPed in a while, so please excuse my poor skills.

Carla ran as fast as she could, the boat was about to leave in Virbank City, as she left all she knew in Floccesy Town. She knew she would be good with pokemon, she always helped out in the ranch. She arrived in Virbank City and headed to the docks, the boat was just about to leave as she showed her ticket. She leapt onto the boat and headed to the deck. All around her were future pokemon trainers and coordinators. She was very excited to arrive at Sunwing Academy. She knew that was the only place that would make her dreams come true. She looked at the time of arrival, 5:50 PM, then she looked at her watch, 4:37 PM. She felt very upset, she wanted to get there quickly. She decided to tour around the boat. She stopped to look into the pokemon nursery. She went in and asked if they needed any help. The only person working there was Virbank City’s Nurse Joy, so she was overjoyed to get helpers.

“Oh thank you so much for helping me. You are so well with pokemon.” Joy said.

“Why thank you! I live in Floccessy Town, so when I would be bored, I would help care for the pokemon in the ranch, and sometimes help the Nurse Joy there, too! I have dealt with many different pokemon, this is probably one of the easiest things to treat.” She was helping treat a passengers wounded Squirtle, it had been badly injured in a battle with Roxie, and the passenger was returning back to his hometown in Kanto. Although, it was a simple treatment. In about 20 minutes, the Squirtle was cured and returned to his trainer. By this time, it was almost 5:10, so she went to her room and took a nap. She woke up at 5:40, got her stuff together, and went to the deck. There was a battle going on at the Battle Deck of the ship, it was very heated. Twin Siblings, a boy and a girl, were battling eachother.

“Go, Zangoose! Fury Swipes!” The boy commanded his pokemon as if it was nothing!

“Seviper! Dodge and use Poison Fang!” The girl’s Seviper smoothely avoided the boy’s Zangoose’s attack, then struck the Zangoose right in the back with Poison Fang, thus ending the battle. Then, the intercom rang.

“Now arriving at Sunwing Academy, all passengers who stop here, please unboard. Thank you.”

Carla, being as perky as she is, yelled at the top of her lungs “YEEEEEHAWWW!!!” And ran off the boat ecstatically. She ran as fast as she could until she was out of breath, but by that time, she was at the entrance of the school. She entered, trying to hold in her excitement, but she couldnt help it. She went to her room in the Entei Dorm to see nobody there. She had seen bags, so she knew they were probably out getting dinner. She put her stuff down, and headed out to get some dinner. She was not that hungry, so she got something to go at the nearest restaurant. When she entered the dorm again, she met her new roommates, Naomi, Maria, Terry, Tyson, and Leonardo. As excited as she was to see them, they did not seem as excited to meet her…

OOC: I hope that was good. I havent RPed in so long and I feel like I did bad :P lol.

As Krystal stared at the lurching waves, she felt as if the boat would sink any second. She gulped. Every since her dad’s drowning, she’d swore that she’d never go near the sea again, but here she was, riding the waves, on a small, and -hopefully- stable boat.

I’m only doing this… for you, dad…

It had been her goal to become a Pokemon Nurse, to spend the rest of her existence helping others, like her father, but ever since the Moltres incident 3 years ago, she’d have to pass a test to handle Pokemon.

It can’t be that hard, as long as…

The way Krystal’s alter self took control of her made her mad. She wasn’t in charge anymore, no one was. Only the essence of pure evil. The evil that started the curse… Kyrstal’s memories seemed to float into her consciousness as she recalled that fatal day.

[i] She had only been playing with the new kite her mother had bought her, when it became tangled in a tree. At the base of the tree, which she identified as a oak, there was… a mound, no, a structure of stone, made to look like a miniature pyramid.

Perfect! A foothold, she had thought when she spotted it, and ran towards it. Little did she know then, was that it wasn’t an ordinary stack of stones;it was a shrine for a trouble making Pokemon that had been roaming around Vermilion City. But at that time, all that was on her mind was the poor tangled kite in the tree. Stepping onto the cool, slippery rock, Krystal barely noticed a large pebble fall off.That was, until she fell off herself. The way fear had grasped her then, it gave her shivers just thinking about it, even though she thought that she had passed out when she hit the ground.

When she woke… a purple wraith-like creature floated over the shrine, it’s anger clear.

“You…” It whispered, in a voice that sounded like a ominous wind.

“You… How dare you desecrate my sacred shrine?! You shall pay for this, human girl, for disturbing the slumber of the great Mismagius!!” Then it had seemed to grin with glee, as Krystal shook with absolute fear, and even awe.

“A person like you… Pokemon would never take to you.” it spat.

“Feisty, Naive, Ignorant…” it sneered.

Krystal scrambled up to run away, but a mysterious force, almost like an invisible wall, stopped her.

“Now…” it continued, “You will suffer dearly for your foolishness! Since you broke my home… I will find one in you!” And with a bright flash of light, it had disappeared, leaving Krystal trembling, her heart racing a thousand miles.

The wraith-creature’s voice echoed in her head, as it spoke once more.

“Until you truly befriend a Pokemon… Your body is mine… TO TAKE!” [/i]

And with that, the next thing she remembered was waking up, in her parent’s arms. Not long after that, her parents divorced. Then, when she turned 15, her father drowned.

What a miserable life… she thought, as she spotted the dock.

A surge of excitement filled her body. The way Mismagius constantly took over her body… that would change now!

She would become a new Krystal, by graduating from the Academy, and befriending a Pokemon. And then, she would learn to make some friends, ones who would truly care about her, no matter who she was.

You can never predict what happens in life… she thought, as she skipped into onto the dock, lugging her little suitcase, and bracing herself for what would be in store for her.

Forgive me, this was my first RP, I didn’t know how I did, and I would love feedback! :D

PEACE! :heart:

OoC:For a first post, this is quite good!

I rushed throughout the school, looking side to side, seeing the splendor that this school was able to give… Not so promising, but I need to focus, if I don’t… well, you know; that’ll happen.

Runnin’ through the fields endlessly,
A cycle of trump tops spinning in the air.
I guess we should run faster now–
Or else I might get late for school!

I screamed the poem I made out of nowhere, but never mind, I’ll explain later, right now, I needed to rush… quickly! As I went through the sea of faces, I used trees, and latched on walls to get to my room, and before the gates closed, I got in right on time.

“Whooh!” I took in a deep breath “We got here, right on time, right?” I asked my other self as she just nodded “Well, we’re lucky this time, anyhow we sho–” She paused for a while as she stared on my listing “What’s wrong?” I asked as I looked on her dumbfounded face, and as I stared on the bulletin board, I had the exact same face as she did.

I was… on Suicune Dorm? What did I do to get the treatment? I’m not that intelligent, am I? Oh, never mind that, the good part is, I’m at this school, and that’s all the matters. As I opened the doors of the room, the blue color calmed me down from my fears, it was a bit teal, so my slightly color blind eyes couldn’t guess properly.

I went through the corridors of the sea-like hallway, and flashed a Cheshire Smile… weird? Nah, I’m used to it. I then look at one of the only beds available, a bit small, untidy, reminds me of home, so I guess it wouldn’t be so strange to sleep on it.

OoC2: One of the only posts after a while, a bit strange… But, gah! Short past.

As the night was still, even that tranquility became a bump in the purged haze of the night. As I woke up, I saw the music box beside me and turned it off as I looked around the room, I looked to see the time;


I said as I stared blankly into the clock, no, I’m not disturbed, I really wake up that early in the morning, but I looked around, nothing was really moving too much, nothing would have caused that bump, but as I looked around I saw a Woobat by the window, it repeatedly smacked into the window; I was intelligent enough not to let it in, and decided to get it from outside.

Walking through the dead of the night… was it scary? No, it really wasn’t, it as simple as eating pumpkin pie by yourself on Halloween as jack-o’-lanterns stare into your soul. Don’t worry, I’ve went through more scary things.

As the dead of the night crumbled in the lock of the clockworks the wind gushed and as the leaves walked with me, I felt like there was a poltergeist somewhere… or something else.

I heard a quick screech and as I turned around a blue ball of fluff hit me in the face, I grabbed the Pokemon.

“Hey, little guy-- whoah! C-calm down!”

I giggled a bit as it stopped it’s struggle of wings, it then licked me in the face as I giggled I went to one of the benches, I petted the Woobat I almost fell asleep but as it snuggled in my arms, I just had to wake up. The way it snuggled onto me reminded me of Therwae… I embraced the Woobat a bit more when I remember that I had a promise to make of him.

“I’m gonna call you Fidelis, see you again sometime?” it nodded as it seemed to talk back: “Yeah, have fun!”

I was astonished when it did this and as it flew up I started to freak out for a while, I might just be hearing things, maybe I should go back to bed, sleep it off?

I laid down on the bed, and rubbed the sheets then put the blanket on myself, it seemed that Fidelis was just flying from a short distance, 'coz it seemed that he was only a few feet away, I smiled.

“It may seem bad, but it seems I’ll make a lot of friends here.”

OoC: Actually, I only made this post to show how she’ll minimally excel in Elemental Class (Psychic), but it’s also for future references in the RP :3