Pokemon: Sunwing Academy (Sign Up)

Ever since the new system was implemented, it has become harder and harder for people to become Pokemon Trainers. At first they were given the Pokemon Trainer"s license after reaching or exceeding a certain age limit, but because of poachers, poor trainers and evil corporations, security had to be raised.

Instead of having the simple age limit to allow a person to become a Trainer, they now have to take a test to earn it. Unfortunately this means that some would never get the chance to start their own journey on the route to be a Pokemon master or co-coordinator. However, this does not stop you from keeping Pokemon as pets or friends, but it does place a limit on what those pets and friends are allowed to do. Those who were already trainers however, would have to take the test, but it would be easier for them as they had obviously been trainers for some time already and shared experiences with their Pokemon.

As difficult as the test may be, there were always schools that could help you. Sunwing Academy was never that popular a school, not until it"s rebuild after the incident with Moltres 3 years ago.

You took a test to try and earn your right as a trainer, but unfortunately you couldn"t pass. You are one of the few lucky enough to receive an invitation to a school seeing as most have run out of spaces or are not as good as they have to be.

Whatever your reasons for attending, you pick up a pen and fill out the form.

-All PMU rules apply.
-At least 3 sentences per post please.
-No OOC only posts. You can always use the Sign Up thread for this if you need too.
-No Mary-Sues/Gary-Oaks. This means no “perfect” characters. Everyone has negatives, just as they have positives.
-Do not Godmod. Be fair, you can"t win every battle, or dodge every attack. You win some, you lose some.
-To prove you have read the rules, at a “Preferred type specialty” field to your Sign Up, under the “Reason for Attending” field and write which area you hope your character will be best at.
-Keep relationships at PG13 at most.
-Please use proper grammar, this means no text talk. Spell check is rather useful.
-If you signed up for the previous roleplay, [link] you may use the same characters.

Sign Up Form

[b]Full Name:[/b]

[b]Hometown & Region:[/b]



[b]Reason for attending:[/b]



School Rules
-Any unauthorized use of Pokemon will result in the Pokemon being removed from the student. Further punishment to the student may be dealt if seen necessary.
-Arriving late or missing lessons will result in detention.
-No running in the corridors.
-Students are only allowed to leave the school grounds to go to the city between 15:00 and 19:00. Any students caught outside of the school grounds before or after these times without a member of staff will have their gate card revoked until further notice.
-Staff must be treated with respect or the student may be removed from the class.
-Pokemon battles and training will only be allowed in the forest or the underground courts with a member of staff present.
-Students are not allowed in the staff building without authorization.
-Give the staff your candy.
-The use of Pokegear, Poketch, C-gear and other similar devices are banned during classes.

The Staff
Sunwing Academy"s teachers are well known for their success in the world of Pokemon. The teachers they offer are rather well known as the majority of them are in fact Gym leaders. Unfortunately they can"t always be around so unfortunately there is a rather random school timetable. However, the school has some teachers who work full-time, giving some sort of stability to the school lesson chart.

[spoilerSchool Timetable:28kblbxo]Mon, Wed, Fri

8:20 - 8:45: Registration

8:50 - 9: 40: Elemental Class
-Teaches about different Pokemon Types-
Teacher: -Will be announced/See Chart-

9:45 - 10:45: Health Class
-Teaches how to treat wounds and look after your Pokemon-
Teacher: Nurse Joy

10:45 - 10:55 Break

11:00 - 12:00: Co-ordinator Class
-Teaches the aesthetics of battling by teaching the pupils about Pokemon contests.-
Teacher: Wallace/Dawn

12:05 - 13:05: Battle Class
-Teaches the Pupils strategies and tricks which could help them in battle, ties in with Elemental Classes-
Teacher: Clair/Blue

13:05 - 13. 55: Lunch

14:00 - 15:00: Survival Class
-Teaches how to survive in the wilderness, how to cope if lost/separated and how to cook.-
Teacher: Brock/Cilan

15:00 - 15:30 - 16:00: Detention

Tues, Thurs
8:20 - 8:45: Registration

8:50 - 9:40: Breeding Class
-Teaches about the different species and egg groups of Pokemon-
Teacher: Brock

9:45 - 10:45: Elemental Class
-Teaches about different Pokemon Types-
Teacher: -Will be announced/See Chart-

10:45 - 10:55 Break

11:00 - 12:00: Item Class
-Teaches about all the different items and their uses.
Teacher: Nurse Joy

12:05 - 13:05: Elemental Class 2
-Teaches about different Pokemon Types-
Teacher: -Will be announced/See Chart-

13:05 - 13:55: Lunch

14:00 - 15:00: Survival Class
-Teaches how to survive in the wilderness, how to cope if lost/separated and how to cook.-
Teacher: Cilan/Brock

15:00 - 15:30 - 16:00: Detention

[spoilerElemental Classes:28kblbxo]Normal: Norman/Lenora
Fire: Blaine/Flannery
Fighting: Brawly/Maylene
Water: Wallace/Juan/Misty
Flying: Falkner/Winona
Grass: Gardenia/Erika
Poison: Janine/Roxie
Electric: Volkner/Elesa
Ground: Clay/Bertha
Psychic: Lucian/Sabrina
Rock: Roark/Roxanne
Ice: Pryce/Candice
Bug: Bugsy/Aaron
Dragon: Clair/Drayden
Ghost: Morty/Shauntal
Dark: Sidney/Grimsley
Steel: Jasmine/Byron

[spoilerSchool Floor Plan:28kblbxo]Click here for the map.

[spoilerDorm Arrangements:28kblbxo]The level of the dorms are equal, but occasionally the school will hold competitions between the dorms.
Entei Dorm
Sapphy128-Maria Wickers
-Terry Smith
Agunimon-Alexandra McKenzie
MarieTheMareep-Cosette Meridith Sharron
Dratini-Hylia Sovira Tenula
Suicune Dorm
Sapphy128-Alice Stanford
ShinyUmbreon1998-Alice Alexander
Maraia-Garrohn Hilior
Luraila-Estelle Ravendale
Dratini-Riel Cillerion
Raikou Dorm
Sapphy128-Emily Rose
-Arthur Redgrave
Dratini-Cilua Ryuu Alie
Nuxl-Blake Ratchet
Luraila-Amaryllis Silvanus


Full Name: Alice Alexander
Nickname: Alley.
Alias: The girl who loves to play with fire

Gender: female
Age: 14
Hometown & Region: hoenn

Likes: Fox like Pokémon. mostly fire ones like Vulpix!
Dislikes: Water. water Pokémon give her a uneasy feeling when she is around them too. People thinking she is a water type trainer…
Fears: Drowning, and thunderstorms.
Dreams: To graduate and train harder with her own Pokémon

Family: Mother, Father, and older brother.
Crush/Relationship: nope

Reason for attending: To learn more about Pokémon, understand them better. Preferred type specialty would be Fire. A little of dark types too. mosty fire.


Personality: Really nice to others. Cannot stand someone putting someone else down, she would usually argue with them than.
History: She lived at petalburg, watching other trainers laugh with their pokemon and go on adventures. one day she decided to go out, and made it to the beach area. she stood on the dock, and a plank just broke under her, causing her to nearly drown. after that her fear of water was created.
Later on she wanted to adventure out again but was with a pokemon. Alice just begged her parents to send her the academy.

Other: Hopes to be in suicune dorm, because even though she dislikes water she believes that is she possibly meets him, her fear will be gone.

ShinyUmbreon1998: [Accepted]

[ul][li]I have no major problems with your form, but just be careful about your grammar.[/li]
[li]Thanks for reading the rules and all. c:[/li]
[li]Suicune Dorm[/ul][/li][spoilerMaria Wickers:x5hg1t3e]Full Name: Maria Wickers
Nickname: Mary

Gender: Female
Age: 15
Hometown & Region: Fortree City, Hoenn

Likes: Being in high places, the wind and occasional breezes, hanging upside down.
Dislikes: Getting dizzy or confused, losing, sharing, being thought to be an idiot.
Fears: Drowning, never seeing her Camerupt again, failing the trainer test again.
Dreams: Hopes that she can have her Camerupt again.

Family: -Unknown-
Crush/Relationship: [Open]

Reason for attending: She wants to have a fresh start and prove she can pass the test so she can get her Camerupt back.
Preferred type specialty: Fire/Ground


Personality: Maria fights strongly for what she believes in, but sometimes her pride gets in the way of her goals. Adventurous, bold and daring, she is a brave soul who doesn"t shy away from danger. She is a tomboy and and hates wearing the colour pink. She is highly athletic and keeps her history as a Team Magma member a secret when possible.
History: Maria always lived in Fortree City. She had made friends with a Taillow and would climb through trees effortlessly to see him. Many called her the “Mankey Girl”; oh how she despised it. Eventually she grew bored with the quiet life and as soon as she got her first Pokemon, a newly hatched Numel from her uncle"s ranch, she set off on a journey. She became a simple grunt in Team Magma. She was nothing special, but she thought she was stronger than some of the others, in particular one boy who kept teasing her. Her Numel eventually evolved into Camerupt, but her bully"s Marshtomp would finish it easily. He would tell her that relying only on offense wasn"t as good a plan as she thought, but she wouldn"t pay any attention to him. When the new system was introduced he told her: “bet"cha can"t pass that test.”
Maria went to prove him wrong, unfortunately she failed and lost her license. They took hold of her Camerupt when they found she was part of Team Magma. To defend herself she said she has quit a long time ago, so they let her off, but held onto the Pokemon until she got the license, just in case. However, her fellow co-workers heard her lies and left her there, saying she was no longer part of the team.

She heard about Sunwing Academy and joined up, desperate to get her way back into the group and retrieve her Camerupt, who was believed to be dangerous.

Name: Gaia
Nickname: Gaia
Gender: Female

Species: Rhyhorn
Ability: Rock Head - Protects the Pokémon from recoil damage.
Moveset: Horn Attack, Tail Whip, Dragon Rush, Fire Fang.
Maximum Link Percentage: 100%
Personality: Gaia is simple minded and cannot cope with complicated commands. She is fast when charging, but once she charges she can"t easily be stopped. She is lazy and her simple behavior makes it hard for her to be able to help in anyway other than fighting or moving heavy objects. She is stubborn and refuses to let anyone stop her charge.
Name: Draco
Nickname: Draco
Gender: Male

Species: Charmander
Ability: Blaze - Powers up Fire-type moves in a pinch.
Moveset: Scratch, Outrage, Dragon Dance, Dragon Rush.
Maximum Link Percentage: 55%
Personality: Drago refuses to listen to his master because she isn"t strong enough to tame him. He fights in his own way but almost never wins that way. He is way too proud of himself that he overestimates his abilities.
Name: Anemoi
Nickname: Ane (Anny)
Gender: Female

Species: Shiny Trapinch
Ability: Arena Trap - Prevents the foe from fleeing.
Moveset: Bite, Sand Attack, Signal Beam, Bug Bite.
Maximum Link Percentage: 60%
Personality: Anemoi is extremely shy and hides under sand a lot. She doesn"t normally fight because of how slow she is, but she"s happy to help out others if possible.

[spoilerTerry Smith:x5hg1t3e]Full Name: Terry Smith
Nickname: Teddy

Gender: Male
Age: 15
Hometown & Region: Cinnabar Island, Kanto

Likes: Taking Pictures, flying, sweets.
Dislikes: Homework, upsetting others.
Fears: Swimming.
Dreams: To travel the world and become a photographer.

Family: Alicia [Mother]- a retired Pokemon Trainer who had her license for over 10 years, meaning she was allowed to keep it.
Albert [Father]- Deceased.
Rose [Sister]- Terry"s 7 year old sister, has dreams of becoming a great Pokemon Trainer, but enjoys watching contests. She wants what"s best for her older brother.
Crush/Relationship: [Open]

Reason for attending: He wants to have his own Pokemon one day, so he can travel the world with it and have someone to share his thoughts and experiences with.
Preferred type specialty: Normal/Dragon


Personality: Terry isn"t brave, especially when it comes to water. He doesn"t like being on his own and enjoys talking and playing with others. He is fairly short and he plays cute to match his size. He likes to hang out with the girls though as he sees most of the boys as rough people who don"t think about others enough, even though he is a boy himself.
History: He lives on Cinnabar island with his mother and sister. His father was teaching him to swim in the sea when Terry was stung and poisoned by a Tentacool"s Poison Sting. He was taken to hospital and healed. His father later that week, went fishing and caught the very same Tentacool. He trained it into a Tentacruel and Terry made good friends with it. One day his father went out at sea again, but this time he didn"t come back. He was afraid of boats and water from then on, but he felt more than safe on planes and such. Even on Tentacruel"s back, he couldn"t bring himself to go surfing out of the island again. He was upset when he heard that he would have to take a test for him to get his license, so his mother tried to get him into a better school as soon as they could. Unfortunately many other families had the same idea, many had even more money than they did and soon all the places were filled by richer and more promising families.
Unable to get into a school, Terry tried to beat the test, but unfortunately he failed by quite a few marks.
When he got the letter from Sunwing, he jumped at the chance and his mother immediately replied to the letter. Next thing he knew he was getting ready for his first day at the Academy.

Other: N/A
Name: Tiamat
Nickname: Tiamat
Gender: Female

Species: Deino
Ability: Hustle - Boosts the Attack stat, but lowers accuracy.
Moveset: Ice Fang, Thunder Fang, Fire Fang, Dark Pulse.
Maximum Link Percentage: 100%
Personality: Tiamat is shy and doesn"t trust anyone except for her close friends. She is a lonely Pokemon with a big appetite and a diet of almost anything she can chew on. She"s powerful, but her hair and ability makes it hard for her to see. She relies and puts all of her trust in her friends for that reason because she could easily walk into danger without someone to stop her. She is naturally aggressive and once she bites she won"t let go.
Name: Eve
Nickname: Eve
Gender: Female

Species: Eevee
Ability: Adaptability - Powers up moves of the same type.
Moveset: Helping Hand, Tackle, Wish, Iron Tail.
Maximum Link Percentage: 60%
Personality: Friendly and kind, Eve likes to snuggle up with her trainer. She is clumsy and forgetful which is unfortunate considering she loves contests. She hates being alone because of her insecurity.
Name: Elysia
Nickname: Elly (Ellie)
Gender: Female

Species: Dratini
Ability: Shed Skin - The Pokémon may heal its own status problems.
Moveset: Dragon Rush, Dragon Dance, ExtremeSpeed, Thunder Wave
Maximum Link Percentage: 60%
Personality: Elysia is naughty and likes to trip people up and get in the way to annoy them. She gets frustrated when she is unable to do something and sometimes even fights with people. She is greedy and likes to steal and horde objects she takes a liking too, mostly random things like hairbrushes and socks.

[spoilerAlice Stanford:x5hg1t3e]Full Name: Alice Stanford
Alias: “Aria”

Gender: Female
Age: 15
Hometown & Region: Nimbasa City, Unova

Likes: Fashion, singing, modeling.
Dislikes: Dirt, bugs, hard work.
Fears: Being made fun of, being laughed at.
Dreams: To be a famous singer and be a model like Elesa.

Family: Joshua Stanford. (Father)
Emily Stanford. (Mother)
Jake Stanford. (Brother)
Crush/Relationship: [open]

Reason for attending: She wants to finally see Elesa for herself.
Preferred type specialty: Rock/Bug


Personality: Perky and sweet. She"s not very bright but she makes up for it with enthusiasm…unfortunately that didn"t pass the test for her.
History: She always wanted to be a singer, ever since she was young she would sing in front of the mirror with her hair brush while the radio would play the latest pop song at the time. It didn"t matter whether she liked it or not, everyone else did. She was one of those girls who you would walk past in school and think of her as a “girly girl”.
She eventually calmed down from the pink and blue to more subtle fashion. She would always watch Elesa modelling on TV then decided she should try it too. All singers were glamorous and had amazing, expensive clothes.
She worked hard, but didn"t think about Pokemon at all. It was until she had her license revoked that she decided to work more on it. She lost her Blitzle and Emolga. She wanted to be as close to Elesa as possible. She was her idol. The Blitzle and Emolga were safe to go with her older brother who was a great Pokemon Trainer, but he didn"t agree to what Alice was becoming.
She heard about Elesa working at the academy and signed right up, her dreams of meeting Elesa were about to come true.

Other: She believes she works better with cute Electric and Normal types… which is not the case. In fact, it"s quite the opposite.
Name: Laran
Nickname: Rithy.
Gender: Male

Species: Anorith
Ability: Swift Swim - Boosts the Pokémon"s Speed in rain.
Moveset: Scratch, Harden, Water Pulse, Screech.
Maximum Link Percentage: 100%
Personality: Laran is easily distracted and loves to play with round, light, shiny things. He has a fast reaction time to make up for his lack of focus, but it"s movement speed isn"t really fast enough to match.
Name: Terra
Nickname: Terr
Gender: Male

Species: Aron
Ability: Rock Head - Protects the Pokémon from recoil damage.
Moveset: Tackle, Dragon Rush, Mud Slap, Head Smash.
Maximum Link Percentage: 55%
Personality: Terra hates negative situations and arguments and is easily upset by them. He will take on any opponent if his trainer has faith in him. He is a physical attacker, but he is scared of getting too close to his opponents and tends to shut his eyes, meaning he could miss his charge.
Name: Helios
Nickname: Helly
Gender: Male

Species: Larvesta
Ability: Swarm - Powers up Bug-type moves in a pinch.
Moveset: Ember, String Shot, Morning Sun, —.
Maximum Link Percentage: 65%
Personality: Helios is brave and daring. He likes to test himself and teach himself new things. He has a short fuse but he tries his best to control his temper. This makes him come across as cold or harsh sometimes but that"s how he keeps his temper under control. He never gives up out of his own free will and will carry on trying until he succeeds.

[spoilerEmily Rose:x5hg1t3e]Full Name: Emily Rose
Nickname: Emmy

Gender: Female
Age: 16
Hometown & Region: Cerulean City - Kanto

Likes: Computing, reading.
Dislikes: Loud people, being interrupted.
Fears: The Dark
Dreams: To become a scientist and be famous for her achievements.

Family: Claudia Willows [Godmother-Deceased]
James Sutherland [Godfather-Deceased]
Janine Parker [Adoptive Mother]
Crush/Relationship: [Open]

Reason for attending: Further her education and get a license so she can get a Pokemon if she needs one, which she doubts will happen.
Preferred type specialty: Ghost/Psychic


Personality: Brainy and hard working. She is easily angered but tries her best to stay calm.
History: She was taken in by her Godparents when she was only 4. Her real parents died in a car crash while they were coming back from visiting an ill relative. Her Godparents were both hardworking scientists who studied the activities of water type Pokemon and how they reacted in different water conditions. They also studied Pokemon"s behaviors before events like Earthquakes and Eruptions.
They died when there was an accident at the Power Plant. They were investigating into why Electric type Pokemon gathered there, but a Generator exploded…they were too close.

She was put up for adoption at 11 and was then adopted by a kind woman who was unable to have kids of her own. She had adopted three boys so far and wanted a girl to “liven things up a bit”. As if they weren"t hectic enough already.

She was working hard in learning about what her parents were studying and decided to continue their project and research. She was so taken in she forgot about the upcoming Pokemon License test she signed up for. She stayed up all night revising and on the actual day she fell asleep, during the tests.

Angry and frustrated she applied for a place in her local school, but it was full. She was about to give up when she met someone, a boy who was complaining to his friends about failing the test and getting a letter from a school.
He threw it away and left with his friends. Emily picked it up and decided to take his place. She explained in the letter that he didn"t want to go and she was desperate. The school allowed it after confirming that the letter wasn"t actually stolen.
Other: N/A
Name: Drazi
Nickname: —
Gender: Male

Species: Shuppet
Ability: Cursed Body - May disable a move used on the Pokémon.
Moveset: Shadow Sneak, Screech, Confuse Ray, Disable.
Maximum Link Percentage: 100%
Personality: Drazi is quiet and mysterious. It is hard to understand him completely because he doesn"t like to interact much with others. He doesn"t like to make a fuss and usually keeps to himself, but he does have a lot of negative emotions which he hides away.
Name: Fang
Nickname: —
Gender: Female

Species: Sandile
Ability: Moxie - Boosts Attack after knocking out any Pokémon.
Moveset: Fire Fang, Rage, Bite, Thunder Fang.
Maximum Link Percentage: 60%
Personality: Fang is very self conscious and lacks confidence in her abilities. She tends to restrict herself and hesitate before an attack so she doesn"t deal as much damage as she could. This is because she fears being hurt and does not like to hurt others.
Name: Belial
Nickname: —
Gender: Male

Species: Murkrow
Ability: Super Luck - Heightens the critical-hit ratios of moves.
Moveset: Wing Attack, Feather Dance, Haze, Roost.
Maximum Link Percentage: 60%
Personality: Belial is a trickster who fights cleverly. He tries to take out his opponents while taking as little damage as possible. He is rather lucky to himself and his friends, but brings misfortune to his enemies. For some reason, people who fall asleep near him tend to suffer horrible nightmares.

[spoilerArthur Redgrave:x5hg1t3e]Full Name: Arthur Redgrave
Alias: Ace

Gender: Male
Age: 15
Hometown & Region: (He won"t tell you, but somewhere in Johto)

Likes: Messing with other people, being the center of attention, pranks and battles.
Dislikes: Being treated like a child, losing.
Fears: Darkrai
Dreams: [Unknown]

Family: Jade Redgrave (Mother)
Albert Redgrave (Father)
Crush/Relationship: [Open]

Reason for attending: His parents wanted him to go.
Preferred type specialty: Water/Dark


Personality: Playful, mischievous and overall, childish. He doesn"t learn the consequences of his actions and would threaten people with his power and reputation. He is rather cruel as well, deliberately flirting with others just to upset them afterwards. He loves attention and tends to feel somewhat threatened when around other boys.

History: Arthur has always had the easy life, getting what he wanted, when he wanted. His family were nobles and had money to burn. Arthur never cared for Pokemon, in fact when he was little he took pleasure out of torturing some of the Pokemon his dad had bought for him. When they found out they stopped buying him them and released the poor Pokemon. Arthur had one Pokemon who stuck with him though, a Cyndaquil. No matter how much he got hurt, he would stay by his side. Arthur didn"t know why, he didn"t care for the creature, but slowly it grew on him. He would still occasionally hurt the Pokemon, even after it evolved. Just to tease it he would offer it a treat then kick it, the Quilava knew it was coming but it went to him anyway.

One night Arthur suffered a horrible nightmare in which all the Pokemon he had harmed were hurting him, slowly yet painfully. He pleaded for them to stop but they would hurt him more and more.
The nightmare ended when a Quilava appeared and fought them all off. As injured as it was, it crawled back to him.
Once he had awoken, Arthur investigated further into the nightmare. He had suffered from it repeatedly afterwards and it was driving him mad. He learned about Darkrai and feared the power it had, the nightmare it had given him. He went out to try and find him, and he did. Darkrai knew what he had been doing and he didn"t like it, not at all. Arthur and Quilava were quickly knocked to sleep by it"s Dark Void attack. They were lost in the middle of the forest and slept for two nights. Those were the worst two nights of his life.

Arthur had enough of this torture, but still hadn"t learnt his lesson. When he awoke he and Quilava set out once more, this time they found him. He ordered the Quilava to attack, and it did so, without hesitation.
In the battle the Quilava evolved into Typhlosion and attacked the Darkrai, who fled when it heard others approaching.
Arthur"s dad worried about the newly evolved Typhlosion. When he tried to take Arthur back the Pokemon would growl and snarl and huddle the boy towards himself.
Albert soon had the Typhlosion caged and taken away. What happened to him is still unknown to this day. As hurt as Arthur was, he wouldn"t show it. Pokemon were tools, tools to be used and treated as he pleased, but Typhlosion was different. He was like a brother, a brother he didn"t want, but a brother nonetheless.

When Arthur was 13 he started a gang called the “Suits”. His father was a gambler and loved to play cards, which influenced the gang"s name and theme. They gave themselves and each other ranks and numbers to sort a hierarchy within the group. Arthur was the founder of the group and considered himself the highest of them all, hence the name “Ace”.
Although their gang wasn"t dangerous, they tended to cause a lot of trouble and mischief in the cities and towns from graffiti to shop-lifting. They weren"t anonymous, but none have been caught. They were all from high up families and people feared the trouble they could get into for reporting them. While the gang was mostly a joke to others, Arthur took it seriously. One of the boys had been ranked King and was the most popular of them all. He was the only one who had a license and a Pokemon. His Tyrannitar was very powerful and was bought from a trainer who failed his test, despite being a trainer for 4 years.
Arthur figured that if he got his own Pokemon he would be able to solidify his place at the top. He also hopes one day he would be able to catch Darkrai and get revenge for what he did.

Other: Those markings around his eye are a kind of symbol, of him being in the Suits.
Name: Pandora
Nickname: —
Gender: Female

Species: Carvanha
Ability: Speed Boost - Its Speed stat is gradually boosted.
Moveset: Leer, Bite, Brine, Hydro Pump.
Maximum Link Percentage: 100%
Personality: Pandora is very violent and will even bite people for no apparent reason. Easily angered and almost impossible to evade, Pandora uses her keen eye sight and amazing sense of smell to track down her enemies.
Name: Dusk
Nickname: —
Gender: Female

Species: Zorua
Ability: Illusion - Comes out disguised as the Pokémon in the back of the team.
Moveset: Scratch, Leer, Pursuit, Extrasensory.
Maximum Link Percentage: 60%
Personality: Dusk has an attitude and aggressive behavior. She hates to be underestimated and she likes to defeat her opponents quickly. She hates being in one place for too long and she tends to fall asleep if she isn"t doing anything.
Name: Sky
Nickname: —
Gender: Female

Species: Woobat
Ability: Unaware - Ignores any stat changes in the Pokémon.
Moveset: Confusion, Odor Sleuth, Roost, Supersonic.
Maximum Link Percentage: 55%
Personality: Sky is gentle and careful. She is fairly mischievous but never means any harm in her pranks. She is extremely agile so can dodge attacks easily, but she tends to hold back when attacking. Despite this, she still manages to deal quite a bit of damage. She is scared of getting too close to others during a fight so always tries to keep a distance.


yey. Sapphy! Man, I am really liking this character. ; u ;
See if you can spot the anime reference. ;D

Edit: Added a tiny bit more to Personality. :s

Full Name: Alexandra McKenzie.
Nickname: Alex.
Alias: Cloud.

“My name’s Alexandra, but I prefer Alex. If you don’t want to call me Alex, Cloud works just as well.”

Gender: Female.
Age: 15.
Hometown & Region: Fortree City, Hoenn.

Likes: The wind blowing in her face, whether it be riding a motorcycle or flying.
Her cap and goggles. They’re very comfy and they’re her trademark symbol.
Dislikes: The heat, it’s so much easier to get warm than it is to get cold.
Fears: Losing Streak or Dad, and losing his favorite hat.
Dreams: To get her very own partner and soar through the skies with him / her.

Family: Jonathan McKenzie. (Dad) 48.
Crush/Relationship: N/A. (For now? o: )

Reason for Attending: To be able to Fly on a Pokemon of her very own.
Preferred Type Specialty: Flying.
Preferred Area of Specialty: Trainer.

Appearance: http://www.zerochan.net/1508439
(Is it just me or is it somewhat difficult to judge her gender by her appearance? Ehe. This should make things interesting!)

Personality: A relatively quiet girl, and if tense or nervous, she’s even more quiet. The whole “feelings” talk is something she’d rather keep to herself. After all, Alex has to make a good impression, no?

She can keep herself entertained for a while. Alex not a master at conversations and isn’t that adept socially, but she’s patient and willing to listen to whatever you want to say. She’s a tree hugger, an outdoorsman, and is willing to try something new and exciting, but she will consider the consequences.

History: Fortree City was always known for its tree houses and Flying Type gym. Alex would always watch the trainers duke it out via intense aerial battles full of stupendous stunts and amazing tricks. The idea of flying was always in the back of her head, but thankfully, she never tried jumping off one of the many tree houses, because that would have ended rather badly.

Her mother left Alex and her father long before she could comprehend the word “divorce”, but, that wasn’t a real problem. She adjusted to life without her mother easily. Dad could cook well, and not to mention, he was a pretty awesome guy. He was a trainer at the Fortree Gym, “an honor”, he would tell Alex. His partner was a scruffy Swellow nicknamed Streak. Even though he wasn’t the strongest trainer in the gym, Streak was capable of doing so many tricks and stunts in the air. It was more than enough to wow Alex.

Every week or two, Alex and her Dad would go camping near Fortree. The forests were beautiful and the many waterfalls and rivers surrounding the town added to the wonderful scenery. They would get on his motorcycle and ride off into the distance with Streak flying above. Sometimes, Alex even got to control the motorcycle. There weren’t any bad crashes, but driving needed a little getting used to.

Camping was so much fun, but the happiest moments of her life were in the air with Streak. Dad trusted Streak with all his heart and soul, Streak did the same. He would set Alex on Streak, gave her his fur lined cap with goggles, and the Pokemon and child duo would take off into the sky. Everything became so small from above. The river thinned down to the size of her arm, the packs of Electrike and Poochyena were just specks of yellow and gray, and blasting through the clouds was just amazing. Alex could never forget the sensation of the wind blowing against her face, her coat flapping in the wind, and the powerful, sleek wings of Streak the Swellow, carrying the two of them around Fortree.

When she decided to become a trainer to follow in her beloved father’s footsteps, her Dad supported her decision all the way. Before she left for Sunwing, he gave her a parting gift with these words:

“Alex. Here’s my cap and goggles. Be proud to wear them, and make sure you bring it back. I’ll be waiting.”

Other: She wears a fur lined cap with some goggles. Perfect for flying, a parting gift from her Dad.
Name: Gadget.
Nickname: N/A.
Gender: Male

Species: Pidove
Ability: Super Luck - Heightens the critical-hit ratios of moves.
Moveset: Steel Wing, Gust, Growl, Leer.
Maximum Link Percentage: 100%
Personality: Gadget is very forgetful and tends to get confused easily. Despite this, he tries his hardest to please his trainer and prove his strength. He is an active Pokemon who loves to fly fast, but tends to overestimate his aerial abilities.
Name: Rook.
Nickname: N/A.
Gender: Female

Species: Skarmory
Ability: Sturdy - It cannot be knocked out in one hit.
Moveset: Leer, Peck, Brave Bird, Whirlwind.
Maximum Link Percentage: 55%
Personality: Rook is competitive and doesn’t like other flying Pokemon. She has poor control over her temper and is impatient. She needs to be raised by a patient and understanding trainer in order to reach her full potential.
Name: Butch.
Nickname: N/A.
Gender: Male

Species: Wooper
Ability: Water Absorb - Restores HP if hit by a Water-type move.
Moveset: Water Gun, Tail Whip, Body Slam, Recover.
Maximum Link Percentage: 55%
Personality: Butch loves nothing more than floating around in the water. He is very relaxed and rarely gets angry. He dislikes fights, but if ordered to battle he will obey.

Agunimon: [Accepted]

[ul][li]Didn’t catch the ref. ;-; (derpaderpadoo)[/li]
[li]Entei Dorm[/ul][/li][hr][/hr]
Before I explain about your Pokemon, imagine how Pokemon Conquest works where you will work better with Pokemon closer to your type specialties and a perfect match can be made with one specific Pokemon.
You may not get along with it, but you will be able to find your true potentials through each other if you take the time.

Each trainer gets 3 Pokemon and may be given temporary Pokemon under certain conditions.
You will get:
1 Pokemon who is ‘perfect’ for your character.
1 who has a good, but not a perfect link.
1 random Pokemon.

The quality of the link affects your compatibility, you will work better with those who have a/the type you chose for your specialty. After a certain point the amount you can raise your Pokemon will hit a limit. For example:
A 20% link with a Pokemon means they can reach up to lvl 20 normally. A link percentage can be raised but it needs a lot of time, patience and effort on both ends. This makes certain Pokemon hard to raise, such as those with high levels of evolution. coughDragoncough

Link percentage isn’t really important, it’s just roughly how in-tune you and your Pokemon will be.

I didn’t want to sign up at first, but I changed my mind.

[spoilerGarrohn Hilior:1k6vss2g]Full Name: Garrohn Hilior.
Nickname: Gar.
Alias: “The Fullbladed Buster.”

Gender: Male.
Age: 18.
Hometown & Region: Pyrite Town, Orre.

Likes: Seeing others suffer, violence, rage, injustice.
Dislikes: Peace, prosperity, peacekeepers, justice.
Fears: Being brought to justice, the world being forever peaceful.
Dreams: Being a world-renowned outlaw, the world falling into a state of eternal chaos.

Family: He"s an orphan, so he has no family.
Crush/Relationship: None. [Open.]

Reason for attending: So he can finally get his Pokemon and become unstoppable.
Preferred Type Specialty: Dark/Fighting.


The Katana is just for decoration, so don"t worry.
Personality: He appears to be calm, but that"s just a ruse. He"s a ruthless and cruel outlaw at heart.
History: Garrohn was born into a family of heartless and coldblooded outlaws.

…at least, he would be, if “the tragedy” didn"t occur.

Even more vicious cutthroats than his parents invaded the hospital where he was born, destroying virtually everything in the building, even killing most of the patients there.

In the end, the hospital was in ruins, and Garrohn caught the disease that one of the cutthroats had.

A disease that caused the host to age rapidly in appearance, though by some miracle, it only took effect at age 6.

Later on in life, he went back to the scene of the tragedy, where he found his father"s lucky katana, though he only has it as a decoration.

Other: His theme song is Pride & Glory from Guilty Gear X2.


[spoilerGarrohn"s Pokemon:1k6vss2g]Name: Hedrin.
Nickname: N/A.
Gender: Male.

Species: Absol.
Ability: Justified - Raises Attack when hit by a Dark-type move.
Moveset: Scratch, Feint, Leer, Double-Edge.
Maximum Link Percentage: 100%.
Personality: Hedrin is calm and collected. He fights with brute strength and doesn"t need to rely on tactics considering he"s stronger than most other Pokemon at his level. He likes to help others and often appears when he senses danger. He is quite aggressive to wild Pokemon but he is very friendly to humans and their Pokemon.

Name: Adiel.
Nickname: N/A.
Gender: Male.

Species: Mienfoo.
Ability: Inner Focus - The Pokémon is protected from flinching.
Moveset: Pound, Meditate, Low Kick, —.
Maximum Link Percentage: 55%.
Personality: Adiel is always working on improving his skills. He dreams of evolving into Mienshao and trains whenever he can. Faster than most other Mienfoo, but he isn"t as powerful physically.

Name: Arinia.
Nickname: N/A.
Gender: Female.

Species: Teddiursa.
Ability: Quick Feet - Boosts Speed if there is a status problem.
Moveset: Close Combat, Scratch, Fake Tears, Lick.
Maximum Link Percentage: 55%
Personality: Arinia is easily angered and it is hard to calm her down. She is lazy and loves to stuff herself with her favorite foods, but she isn"t picky. She tries to avoid battle if possible and tends to ignore her trainer unless there"s a reward.


Maraia: [Accepted]

[ul][li]Glad you changed your mind. c:[/li]
[li]Auron ftw.[/li][*]Suicune Dorm[/ul]

[spoilerCiyara:2fiuj5ur]Full Name:Cilua Ryuu Alie
Nickname:Ciyara (Pronounced Cee-arr-ah)
Alias: The Lone Dragon

[b]Hometown & Region:[/b]Orre

[b]Likes:[/b]Dragon-like Pokemon, Precious objects, Relic items (Relic gold, Relic copper, etc...), Being in the company of others, Beautiful colors, Fall + Winter + Spring.
[b]Dislikes:[/b] Being alone, Left behind, Flirts, Negativity, Summer, Being unable to defend herself.
[b]Fears:[/b] Being left behind, lost, without any friends.
[b]Dreams:[/b] Being able to go on her own, with friends and Pokemon at her side always.

[b]Family:[/b] Abandoned at 10, so technically an orphan.
[b]Crush/Relationship:[/b] (Open)

[b]Reason for attending:[/b]
   To be able to defend herself, learn how to care for Pokemon, and have some friends to keep company along the lonely journey the call an "adventure".
[b]Preferred Type Specialty:[/b]



She tends to dress formally, as a small reminder to herself to always be proper no matter how dire the situation.
A somewhat lonely character, she loves bright, vibrant colors because, as she puts it, “It reminds me of all of the things I could become.” Shy, intelligent, and able to put up with stubborn characters, she somewhat hates the negativity that others have, and wants people to “not turn out like her”. She"s also somewhat intimidated by strong characters.
She had the perfect life with her parents, a rich family consisting of a kind and caring mother, and a encouraging father. Then they got corrupted by the ideas of shadow Pokemon, the powerful Pokemon in which was popular in Orre at the time. But when she got in a fight with her parents, and they truly believed that she was incorrect in every single way, and when she pointed out that the Shadow Pokemon had their hearts locked away, they denied this fact. When she went out to retrieve grocery, she came back home, and her parents were gone.
Now, whenever she got a chance to prove herself again, a new hope, she gladly took the chance.
Maybe it was the right choice.


Theme: Savior of the Waking World - Homestuck Vol. 5
Name: Loro
Nickname: Lolo
Gender: Genderless

Species: Bronzor
Ability: Levitate - Gives full immunity to all Ground-type moves.
Moveset: Tackle, Confusion, Hypnosis, —
Maximum Link Percentage: 100%
Personality: Loro is easy to please and doesn"t need much to be content with it"s life. [name] is helpful and likes to challenge itself with puzzles. It has to rely on strategy instead of brute force in order to win a battle efficiently.

Theme:October from One Year Older

Name: Jiyuro
Nickname: Ji
Gender: Male

Species: Swablu
Ability: Natural Cure - All status problems heal when it switches out.
Moveset: Growl, Hyper Voice, Roost, Peck.
Maximum Link Percentage: 40%
Personality: Jiyuro is easily discouraged and tends to suffer depression after losing a task or a challenge. He tends to try and do things by himself which can be a problem. He doesn"t trust humans and dislikes being in a Pokeball. In battle he likes to show off. Naturally, he is great for contests, but prefers to use his abilities in battle.
He is naughty and likes to play pranks on others and sometimes just likes to annoy people by waking them up early with his calls.

Theme:Octoroon-Rangoon from Homestuck-Vol. 5

Name: Lumina
Nickname: Lumi
Gender: Female

Species: Shiny Growlithe
Ability: Intimidate - Lowers the foe"s Attack stat.
Moveset: Bite, Roar, Flare Blitz, Heat Wave.
Maximum Link Percentage: 45%
Personality: Lumina is a Shiny, pure bred Growlithe who is proud of her coat. She likes to be well groomed but she hates baths, for obvious reasons. She usually stays by her master"s side at all times, but she will disobey or ignore orders if she is not happy with her treatment. If her trainer is able to deal with her behavior, then it is possible that this Pokemon will develop a sense of loyalty and friendship to override her spoiled attitude.

Theme:Pink Cat from Homestuck Vol. 5
She lets all her Pokemon walk alongside her so they can get fresh air and not be cooped up in a pokeball.
Jiyuro wears a red bowtie below his beak, and Lumina wears two golden bows for each ear. Loro has a pack of 10 puzzles, 1000 pieces each.
Lumina"s fur is cared for daily, with a small care kit.


Agui you were making me think Final Fantasy Advent Children. >.<


  • Just have a quick check over the rules again please. Other than that everything is good. c:



Writing up your Pokemon information guys. c:
I apologise if you don’t get what you would like. I’m using a random generator.

  • Raikou Dorm

[spoilerCosette M. Sharron:3ihodvxm]Full Name: Cosette Meridith Sharron
Nickname: Merry, Cozy. She hates both of her nicknames.
Alias: N/A

[b]Gender:[/b] Female
[b]Age:[/b] 12
[b]Hometown & Region:[/b] Castelia City, Unova

[b]Likes:[/b]Dark type pokemon, Steel type pokemon, candy, card games, pictures, the dark.
[b]Dislikes:[/b] Mornings, bitter food, bug type pokemon, ice type pokemon.
[b]Fears:[/b] being bullied, losing friends
[b]Dreams:[/b]She dreams of becoming a great pokemon trainer. She hopes that, one day, she will get over her fears and be able to stand up to any challange, including the elite four. 
[b]Prefered types:[/b] Dark/steel
[b]Family:[/b] Cosette lives with her father and mother, who are both buisness people. Her mother"s name is Joan, and her father"s name is Davey.
[b]Crush/Relationship:[/b] She doesn"t have a crush on anybody, but Cosette looks up to Grimsley, as he"s a dark type trainer and a member of the elite four. 

[b]Reason for attending:[/b] Cosette wants to learn how to properly take care of, heal, and train pokemon so she can one day challenge the Unova elite four.

[b]Personality:[/b] Cossette is shy, but likes to talk with people if she gets to know them. She usually hides what she really feels by smiling and laughing it off, however  deep down, she feels as though she"s singled out since she"s never really been around other people often.
[b]History:[/b]Cosette had always lived a rather comfy lifestyle. Her parents worked for a big company, so they had quite a bit of money. However, due to her parents" constantly leaving the city because of their jobs, Cosette usually stayed home by herself.  Most of the time, Cosette stayed indoors so she could watch her favorite television shows, her favorite channel being the pokemon battles channel as she could watch battles and learn from them without actually being there (She prefered to watch her favorite pokemon trainer Grimsley). Over time, however, Cosette began to get tired of her comfy life. She wanted to go out and explore the region, become a pokemon trainer, and actually do something with her life that wasn"t "stay inside and watch t.v. all day". When her parents were at work, Cosette tried to take the test to become a pokemon trainer, but failed. So, when her parents were home one evening,  Cosette asked if she could go to Sunwing Academy, as she got an invitation, so she could learn how to be a great pokemon trainer like the elite four. Her parents objected the idea, saying she could get hurt or she might not be able to become a pokemon trainer. Of course, Cosette started to cry, saying how she"d studied for years by watching other pokemon trainers battle against eachother, and how it was unfair to her since she was alone all the time. Both of her parents gave in, and allowed Cosette to fill out a form for the academy.

[b]Other:[/b] N/A

[spoilerPokemon:3ihodvxm]Name: Pawniard
Nickname: Sapphire
Gender: Female
Species: Shiny Pawniard
Ability: Defiant - When its stats are lowered its Attack increases.
Moveset: Scratch, Psycho Cut, —, —
Maximum Link Percentage: 100%
Personality: Sapphire is stubborn and simply refuses to lose. She loves battles and will keep on fighting until she is simply unable to move anymore. She pushes herself a lot and tends to injure herself often because of it, but that won"t stop her. She doesn"t like following complicated commands and likes to fight her opponents head on in a fair fight.

Name: Purrloin
Nickname: Shade
Gender: Male
Species: Purrloin
Ability: Limber - The Pokémon is protected from paralysis.
Moveset: Scratch, Growl, Foul Play, Faint Attack.
Maximum Link Percentage: 55%
Personality: Shade is a complicated Pokemon. He likes to spend his time on his own but finds it difficult to fight by himself. He is independent and doesn"t like being cooped up inside or in a Pokeball. Like most Purrloin, he steals from people for fun to see their reactions and acts cute to force their victims to forgive them. He uses his cute act to get what he wants.

Name: Togepi
Nickname: Tyco
Gender: Male
Species: Togepi
Ability: Serene Grace - Boosts the likelihood of added effects appearing.
Moveset: Growl, Charm, Metronome, Extrasensory.
Maximum Link Percentage: 50%
Personality: Tyco is sweet, affectionate and tries his best to help his friends. He loves to play games with the other Pokemon. He is dependent on others as he isn"t a good fighter. However he is very lucky and manages to find ways to escape from a battle.



[ul][li]Meehrrff… Well, you didn’t do what I asked in the rules but I suppose you did include it anyway…[/li]
[li]Just make sure you know the rules please.[/li]
[li][Accepted][/li][*]Entei Dorm[/ul]

You choose the names and nicknames for your Pokemon.
All Pokemon start off at level 5 and will have a breeding move if possible.
[spoilerAgunimon-Alexandra McKenzie:3c0ifpsx]Name: [you choose]
Nickname: [you choose]
Gender: Male

Species: Pidove
Ability: Super Luck - Heightens the critical-hit ratios of moves.
Moveset: Steel Wing, Gust, Growl, Leer.
Maximum Link Percentage: 100%
Personality: [name] is very forgetful and tends to get confused easily. Despite this, he tries his hardest to please his trainer and prove his strength. He is an active Pokemon who loves to fly fast, but tends to overestimate his aerial abilities.
Name: [you choose]
Nickname: [you choose]
Gender: Female

Species: Skarmory
Ability: Sturdy - It cannot be knocked out in one hit.
Moveset: Leer, Peck, Brave Bird, Whirlwind.
Maximum Link Percentage: 55%
Personality: [name] is competitive and doesn"t like other flying Pokemon. She has poor control over her temper and is impatient. She needs to be raised by a patient and understanding trainer in order to reach her full potential.
Name: [you choose]
Nickname: [you choose]
Gender: Male

Species: Wooper
Ability: Water Absorb - Restores HP if hit by a Water-type move.
Moveset: Water Gun, Tail Whip, Body Slam, Recover.
Maximum Link Percentage: 55%
Personality: [name] loves nothing more than floating around in the water. He is very relaxed and rarely gets angry. He dislikes fights, but if ordered to battle he will obey.

[spoilerShinyUmbreon1998-Alice Alexander:3c0ifpsx]Name: [you choose]
Nickname: [you choose]
Gender: Male

Species: Houndour
Ability: Flash Fire - Powers up it"s Fire-type moves if it"s hit by one.
Moveset: Leer, Ember, Howl, Fire Spin.
Maximum Link Percentage: 100%
Personality: Loyal and brave, [name] will take on Pokemon many times stronger than himself if ordered to. Unfortunately he isn"t very smart and is a bit reckless, often getting himself into trouble through “the butterfly effect”.
Name: [you choose]
Nickname: [you choose]
Gender: Male

Species: Magby
Ability: Flame Body - Contact with the Pokémon may burn the attacker.
Moveset: Smog, Leer, Ember, ThunderPunch.
Maximum Link Percentage: 60%
Personality: Shy and easily scared, [name] doesn"t warm up to people easily. Once he makes friends with you he will be very playful and affectionate. He likes to be carried around.
Name: [you choose]
Nickname: [you choose]
Gender: Female

Species: Budew
Ability: Poison Point - Contact with the Pokémon may poison the attacker.
Moveset: Giga Drain, Growth, Synthesis, GrassWhistle.
Maximum Link Percentage: 55%
Personality: [name] is a happy Pokemon who likes to cheer others up. She is very picky when she comes to food as she only likes sweet food. She is very lucky, both in and out of battle.

[spoilerMaraia-Garrohn Hilior:3c0ifpsx]Name: [you choose]
Nickname: [you choose]
Gender: Male

Species: Absol
Ability: Justified - Raises Attack when hit by a Dark-type move.
Moveset: Scratch, Feint, Leer, Double-Edge
Maximum Link Percentage: 100%
Personality: [name] is calm and collected. He fights with brute strength and doesn"t need to rely on tactics considering he"s stronger than most other Pokemon at his level. He likes to help others and often appears when he senses danger. He is quite aggressive to wild Pokemon but he is very friendly to humans and their Pokemon.
Name: [you choose]
Nickname: [you choose]
Gender: Male

Species: Mienfoo
Ability: Inner Focus - The Pokémon is protected from flinching.
Moveset: Pound, Meditate, Low Kick, —
Maximum Link Percentage: 55%
Personality: [name] is always working on improving his skills. He dreams of evolving into Mienshao and trains whenever he can. Faster than most other Mienfoo, but he isn"t as powerful physically.
Name: [you choose]
Nickname: [you choose]
Gender: Female

Species: Teddiursa
Ability: Quick Feet - Boosts Speed if there is a status problem.
Moveset: Close Combat, Scratch, Fake Tears, Lick
Maximum Link Percentage: 55%
Personality: [name] is easily angered and it is hard to calm her down. She is lazy and loves to stuff herself with her favorite foods, but she isn"t picky. She tries to avoid battle if possible and tends to ignore her trainer unless there"s a reward.

[spoilerDratini-Cilua Ryuu Alie:3c0ifpsx]Name: [you choose]
Nickname: [you choose]
Gender: Genderless

Species: Bronzor
Ability: Levitate - Gives full immunity to all Ground-type moves.
Moveset: Tackle, Confusion, Hypnosis, —
Maximum Link Percentage: 100%
Personality: [name] is easy to please and doesn"t need much to be content with it"s life. [name] is helpful and likes to challenge itself with puzzles. It has to rely on strategy instead of brute force in order to win a battle efficiently.
Name: [name]
Nickname: [name]
Gender: Male

Species: Swablu
Ability: Natural Cure - All status problems heal when it switches out.
Moveset: Growl, Hyper Voice, Roost, Peck.
Maximum Link Percentage: 40%
Personality: [name] is easily discouraged and tends to suffer depression after losing a task or a challenge. He tends to try and do things by himself which can be a problem. He doesn"t trust humans and dislikes being in a Pokeball. In battle he likes to show off. Naturally, he is great for contests, but prefers to use his abilities in battle.
He is naughty and likes to play pranks on others and sometimes just likes to annoy people by waking them up early with his calls.
Name: [you choose]
Nickname: [you choose]
Gender: Female

Species: Shiny Growlithe
Ability: Intimidate - Lowers the foe"s Attack stat.
Moveset: Bite, Roar, Flare Blitz, Heat Wave.
Maximum Link Percentage: 45%
Personality: [name] is a Shiny, pure bred Growlithe who is proud of her coat. She likes to be well groomed but she hates baths, for obvious reasons. She usually stays by her master"s side at all times, but she will disobey or ignore orders if she is not happy with her treatment. If her trainer is able to deal with her behavior, then it is possible that this Pokemon will develop a sense of loyalty and friendship to override her spoiled attitude.

[spoilerMarieTheMareep-Cosette Meridith Sharron:3c0ifpsx]Name: [you choose]
Nickname: [you choose]
Gender: Female

Species: Shiny Pawniard
Ability: Defiant - When its stats are lowered its Attack increases.
Moveset: Scratch, Psycho Cut, —, —
Maximum Link Percentage: 100%
Personality: [name] is stubborn and simply refuses to lose. She loves battles and will keep on fighting until she is simply unable to move anymore. She pushes herself a lot and tends to injure herself often because of it, but that won"t stop her. She doesn"t like following complicated commands and likes to fight her opponents head on in a fair fight.
Name: [you choose]
Nickname: [you choose]
Gender: Male

Species: Purrloin
Ability: Limber - The Pokémon is protected from paralysis.
Moveset: Scratch, Growl, Foul Play, Faint Attack.
Maximum Link Percentage: 55%
Personality: [name] is a complicated Pokemon. He likes to spend his time on his own but finds it difficult to fight by himself. He is independent and doesn"t like being cooped up inside or in a Pokeball. Like most Purrloin, he steals from people for fun to see their reactions and acts cute to force their victims to forgive them. He uses his cute act to get what he wants.
Name: [you choose]
Nickname: [you choose]
Gender: Male

Species: Togepi
Ability: Serene Grace - Boosts the likelihood of added effects appearing.
Moveset: Growl, Charm, Metronome, Extrasensory.
Maximum Link Percentage: 50%
Personality: [name] is sweet, affectionate and tries his best to help his friends. He loves to play games with the other Pokemon. He is dependent on others as he isn"t a good fighter. However he is very lucky and manages to find ways to escape from a battle.

[spoilerMy chars will be done later.:3c0ifpsx]Name: [you choose]
Nickname: [you choose]

Maximum Link Percentage:


I edited the Pokemon you gave me into my post.

Likewise! \ o /

Likewise! \ o /[/quote]


Likewise! \ o /[/quote]


Thanks guys. c:
This RP should be up soon.

Hopefully we’ll actually finish it, after all:
We arrive, make friends, go to lessons, decide who you like and who you don’t and eventually pass the test…
If it actually finishes I have an idea of what we could do next.

Meh, I suppose it could be something else, and we might not even have to finish it at all.

Regardless, there aren’t a lot of boys in this RP. ._. (Only one boy in each dorm)
Hehehe, they get a room all to themselves.