Pokemon Tower Defense 2 (PTD Generations or PTD2)

Hey there!

Just a quick introduction;
Anyone out their that plays PTD2? I would like to know so we can trade.

Please note before replying: This is not an MMO. You can trade pokemon and chat with people. Please feel free to ask for help with the storyline or searching for certain pokemon. Not all the pokemon are in this game. It’s still int he process of being made.

Go here to play! http://ptd2.com/

You can trade using the Pokemon Center. Here are some of the pokemon I have up for trade.

Shiny Beartic; Level 42; Trade ID — 1528ad39a29594
Shiny Hitmonlee; Level 1; Trade ID — 1528ad35d1030e
Deino; Level 1; Trade ID — 1528ad33aaa0f0
Shiny Deino; Level 1; Trade ID — 1528ad2e5ac556
Another Shiny Deino; Level 1; Trade ID — 1528ad2afdf0ec
Shiny Dratini; Level 1; Trade ID — 1528b0acada671

-Mudkip(Shiny, Regular or Shadow. Any level)
-Buizel(Shiny, Regular or Shadow. Any level)
Smoochum(Shiny. Any level)
Bagon(Regular. Any level)

Feel free to post your trades up on here and the trade ID next to the pokemon your have up for trade. Also feel free to add your own game plans.

Thanks for reading,

People who play; NOTE: It’s goes in from PMU Name//Forums name(if they have one)//PTD2 name
-Chelsea Viera//(Doesn’t own one//Shiroi Zorua

USed to play or plays rarely;
-Nuxl//Nuxl//I don’t know*

I played before, I made an account something like in May 2012 on PTD1, and have one on PTD2

Don’t play much anymore though

Well Morty is the Gym Leader you can get to now. You can feel free to post your trades up here that you had up.

I used to play, but after Lugia was “poke-napped” I couln’t figure out how to progress the story line.
Anyhow… Any good battle memories?

It’s on the wikia to the storyline.

One of my best battles was battling Team ROcket in Goldenrod City. Petrel was a pokemon for the battle x3

I played it today without noticing that topic.
Oh , the irony.
OH, you also reminded me to play it again now.

Heh I guess welcome back