Post-apocalyptic (role-play)

(I decided, that since not a lot of people are joining, to put up the role-play.)
(This is my first time hosting an RP, so please take it easy on me!)

The year is 2035, and a great disaster has taken place throughout America. In 2023, North Korea declared war on South Korea. After trying to help South Korea who was in a war with North Korea, America"s forces were wiped out and America was forced to retreat. North Korea took control of South Korea, fusing into Korea. America thought that since the North Koreans had gotten what they were after, they would leave them be after the war. However, Korea had other plans. For twelve years, Korea was silent, working on a biological weapon that could destroy an entire continent, let alone a single country. By genetically modifying simple parasites, the weapon that Korea had spent years developing became a reality. These parasites had the ability to, not only infect their hosts, but mutate them completely while simultaneously driving the hosts insane, causing them to attack others nearby. What the extents of the mutations are exactly, nobody but the people under quarantine and Korea knew. The only know fact was that the only host that was immune to the parasite was the initial carrier. The mosquito.
Two weeks before the current date, a Korean plane flew over the eastern half of the United States in the dead of the night, and dropped what appeared to be a bomb shell, however, that"s not what it was. It was a canister that contained hundreds of mosquitoes that were infected with the parasite. In a matter of days, the entire eastern half of the United States was put under quarantine with no communication, and no transportation in or out of the Q-zone. Under no circumstances was a single person allowed in or out, for fear that the infection would spread.
However, small animals such as rats, bats, and the occasional cat or dog would get through the barricades, spreading the parasite.

It"s been two weeks since the initial attack, and your characters live in a city just outside of the Q-zone, aware or unaware that the zone moves a little bit closer everyday. Word of the spreading quarantine has caused panic in the city, and people are barricading themselves inside their homes. What will your character do? Because in this world, it"s survive, or die.



(I"ll make a better one later. Sorry for the crappy writing skills.)


[spoilerInfection Stages/Symptoms:3ndyb33h]Infection stages/symptoms
Stage 1: Paranoia, restlessness/insomnia, coughing, sneezing, hyper sensitivity to non-fatal allergens, bruises. Rapidly becomes second stage.
Stage 2: Genetic mutations, nausea, headaches, vomiting, rash, fever, severe nerve damage, slight insanity. Takes slightly longer to reach 3rd stage.
Stage 3: Physical mutations, insanity.


[spoilerNPCs:3ndyb33h]Possible NP-Cs

Norman: Norman is in his late 40s and is the leader of one of the many groups in the quarantine zone. Due to his age, people in the group call him Gramps. He gets angry if he hears one of the members of his group calling him that due to his grandchildren dying of severe mutations when the mosquitoes were first released.
Samantha Brookes: A woman in her early 30s. She is very paranoid and doesn"t trust new people. She is part of Norman"s group.
Madam: A mysterious woman who claims she can help the infected. It is unknown if she is telling the truth. She wears a black dress and veil, so nobody knows who she really is.
(I"ll add more as the role-play goes on.)

Let"s start with the basics first.

  1. Be respectful to one another. This is not the site where you go if you"re angry or upset. Please do not flame any of the boards or harass the other members. That was not what this site was intended for.
    Please no cussing. I know it"s a post-apocalyptic role-play, but cussing makes some people uncomfortable.

  2. No Mary-Sues/Gary-Lous. In other words, the character that you create cannot be perfect. Like in real life, no one is talented in every sport and every academic subject. Everyone has their fears and dislikes, and so should your character.
    I don"t want people to be able to handle everything about this sort of situation. Sure there can be some kids/adults who know about survival, but they cant be perfect shots, kill everything in one hit.

  3. No God-modding. This means, do not control another members character while Role-Playing. If both of you are in combat, then your character can throw a punch, but you can"t say you hit your opponent. Trust the other members and they will trust you. If we all follow this, everything will be fair and we will become better Role-Players.
    In this story, if you get mutated, you can"t return to a normal person! Period! No begging or whining if you originally wanted to become infected and then changed your mind. Also, under no circumstance will there be an immune person. That is god-modding, since only mosquitoes are the only things unaffected by the parasites. If you don"t say it when you sign up, and put it in the story, I will be a RPM (role-play master) and ask you to change it. If you refuse after 3 warnings, you will be removed from the role-play.

  4. Use the spell check. It"s there for a reason, and I don"t think it should go to waste. I don"t care if there"s some spelling mistakes, because no one"s an expert speller, but If there"s excessive mistakes, I"ll ask you to change it.
    This means only one to four mistakes per post! I don"t want people writing in text talk. In other words, no: “r, u, 2, etc.” When you write like that, it makes it hard to take your post seriously.

  5. Write more than one or two sentences! If you write just two sentences, it makes it hard for the other role-players to go along with it. Be descriptive! It doesn"t have to be a five paragraph post, but please try.

  6. Keep it PG-13. There can be romance, but please don"t take it out of control. If you want to be a little detailed, go ahead, but remember to keep it appropriate.

  7. Plot Progression - if your actions aren’t obviously going to be interrupted by other players, don’t be afraid of doing several things over the course of your post. This can really help move the story forward, and prevent the frustration of being bogged down in bitty little posts. Remember your character’s goals. Don’t just react – have a plan. If you want to move the time forward more than a few minutes at a time, ask me first. I"ll make posts here and there saying that the time will skip from one day to the next, however if things are moving too slow for you, just ask and I"ll skip ahead with the time.

  8. Don"t all group together! There is a lot of area to cover, so it"ll be funner if there are multiple groups moving throughout the quarantine zone! Don"t be afraid to be a loner though, sometimes it"s safer to move without a group.

  9. If you have a question for other players or me, ask in the signup or in the RP by putting either (()),(), or [] around your question. I"m sure other players and myself will be more than happy to help you out.

  10. Weapons- You won"t start off with a weapon. Once in the quarantine zone, you"ll have to fend for yourself. You can"t have any big weapons like AK47s or rocket launchers. You aren"t just going to find those laying on the street! People who own a lot of guns will most likely have their house boarded up. Handmade weapons, crowbars, baseball bars, pistols and other small things only! If you don"t want a weapon, you don"t have to have one, but in a story like this, it"s preferred.

  11. Characters- You can only have 2 characters! If you want three, you will have to prove you can handle more than one or two, by doing decent posts on your first character. Also, do not refer to your character in first person unless when it"s being written down in a journal or something of the sort. Otherwise it confuses the other Role-players. I will have one or two main characters, but I will throw NP-Cs into the mix to help with plot.
    Say you want to be a scientist for example. It is possible for you to be a scientist, but you have to be from another country who is working on a cure to help the United States, but you can"t magically get your hands on it. You"ll need to get help from other scientists (who might be stubborn NP-Cs or other players) to get the cure. And it will take months to years before the cure gets close to being ready to be tested. Testing also includes getting test subjects from the quarantine zone that might get out of you lab and infect other countries, so be careful if you want to be a scientist!

  12. Battles. You can"t win a fight in one post. That"s god-modding. If you are fighting a mutant or infected, and don"t have a weapon, chances are you will get infected.

  13. Do not write in different colors! Black is the only color you are allowed to write in, as the other colors give me a headache, and other role-players find it distracting. If you start using other colors, I will ask you to change it. If you don"t change it after 3 chances, you will be removed from the role-play.



It’s been 2 weeks since the biological attack, and the eastern half of the United States was put under complete quarantine. I don’t know the details about the attack, but I do know that it was Korea who used some sort of biological weapon that caused the quarantine. Inside the quarantine zone, all communications have been cut off, and under no circumstance was any transportation to be allowed to or from the quarantine zone. However, even with no people coming in or out, it seems like the zone keeps getting bigger and bigger every day. Ever since it started creeping closer, my entire school has been in such an uproar, hoping and praying that the quarantine would stop it’s slow approach. But that hope is futile. The quarantine will reach us and as I speak, it is on our doorstep, ever creeping closer no matter how much we pray or beg it to stop. Unfortunately, I feel like I am the only one who understands this fact. Torren sighed and closed his notebook once he finished writing down his thoughts, and took a look around his class. Only a few dedicated students and teachers actually showed up at school now a days, The rest either being kept at home by their families, or are preparing for the quarantine zone to be moved again.

Torren sighed again, speaking in a quiet, yet richly accented tone, “What am I still doing in school at a time like this?”

June sits at her window looking out at the sky in a daze. It seems so dreary with the Q-zone, and there have been more than a few openings since the town has fallen into the danger zone. We can’t just keep running away. She thought to herself. Once the Q-Zone spreads to the end of the country, then what’ll we do?

“Are you working on the cure?” She asked one of the officers in her thick British accent. She could tell he was also a certified scientist.

“We’re trying, but we can’t stay in one place for too long, it hurts the process badly.” The officer replied, examining another mosquito they swatted on the way here, whether it carried the sickness or not.

“I don’t know, maybe you can stay back and go into the quarantine zone then? I’m sure you’ll figure it much quicker.” She said smiling at him.

“Oh, ha ha.” He replied sarcastically.