Power of None... (A poem by Lorne)

In a world akin but reverse to ours,

Where there is no wind and there are no stars,

There lies a beast both ancient and wrong,

There he has dwelled for millenia long,

He is the one, the one blessed with the power of none…

Banished to his prison for reasons forgot,

Held captive by forces of which he knows not,

He lies patient and pesive in silent wait,

Destined to fail, chained by his

He is the one, the one cursed with the power of none…

Deafened by the crashing whispers of time,

He listens for seconds so subtle so sublime,

Crushed and froze by the horrible vastness of space,

He stands still paralyzed routed in place

He is the one, the one so daftly trusted with the power of none…

This legend is spoken by we who walk under the sun,

The legend, the fable of The
Banished One,

You can hide from the truth, you
can try to run,

But only together can we defeat the power of none…

So tell me, what do you think?

The power of innocence, is such a simple power indeed!

I love the use of words in this poem, it just flows so smoothly!
The power of none . . . I’ll be thinking about it. owo

Thanks, I’m glad you said it flows well because I was concerned it was a little choppy. I’m also glad your thinking about it, invoking thought was definitely one of my goals when I wrote this.

While I DID write this pome with a deep, underlying, meaning it is also about a subject and a fairly straightforward one at that; this having been said, I will give ten chaos points to anyone who can tell me what it is!

I’m going to fine tune this pome before I actualy put it to use (and yes I DO intend to use it, you just dont know how…yet…) but in order to do the whole fine tuning thingy I need feed back, thats where you all come in, gimme feedback…please…I’m so lorne-ly…

Okay, this is my last post on here for sure. I just want to now if there is anything I should Fix, keep or change before I final-draft this bad boy.

So I was just wondering if someone could do a grammar check over this poem because I am not to good with spelling or poetry and I intend to use this for something later.