I was feeling bored, so I decided to conjure this up. This is my idea for a new dungeon! Now, I’m not expecting this to be added. I just thought creating this would be fun!
Floors: 60
Level Range: 30 - 45
Rest Stops: Yes
Natural Weather: None
Secret Room: Floors 41 - 60
Mission Rank: 1*
Mission Floors: 44 - 54
Monster Houses: 4%
Primordial Oak Base: Withered Tree of Life
1-20: Tree of Life: Roots
21-40: Tree of Life - Island of the South
41-60: Tree of Life: Trunk
Secret Room: With Big-Hearted Kindness
Primordial Hollow: Enveloped in Light
Primordial Crown: Partner’s Theme
Primordial Hollow
Located after floor 40.
Contains a Kangaskhan Storage rock and a healing bed.
Contains a Floette NPC named Columbine who sells various items:
Apple - 80
Ether - 80
Oran Berry - 80
Rindo Berry - 100
Roseli Berry - 100
Tiny Reviver Seed - 800
Life Seed* - 2500
Primordial Crown
Located after floor 60.
Contains 2 Deluxe Boxes, 1 Revival Herb, and a warp out of the dungeon.
Upon entering Primordial Crown, you are met by Xerneas.
Oh? Who is this? A new face?
Visitors to this place are scarce. Not many make it through the Primordial Oak.
My name is Xerneas. I watch over the region from atop these sprawling branches.
Say, you look familiar. Have I seen you before?
Ah, yes. [name], right? I thought so.
“You’ve done great things. You’ve helped many Pokemon in need. Little by little, your exploits have assisted in making this world a better place.”
I must express my gratitude. Behind me, you will find a gift. I hope whatever is inside will help you in future adventures.
Farewell, explorer. Until we meet again.
End Boxes
Primordial Crown contains 2 end boxes. The item pool is as following:
- 500 Poke
- 1000 Poke
- Life Seed*
- Amber Jewel*
- Tiny Reviver Seed
- Reviver Seed
- Revival Herb
- Grass Dust
- Fairy Dust
- Warp Scarf
- Heal Ribbon
- Goggle Specs*
- TM Grass Knot
- TM Dazzling Gleam
- TM Energy Ball
- Healthy Salad*
- Xerneas’s Heart Slate
- Wonder Tonic*
Secret Room
Secret rooms can appear on floors 41 through 60. They contain 2 deluxe boxes. The item pool is as follows:
- 250 Poke
- 500 Poke
- 1000 Poke
- Life Seed*
- Meadow Plate
- Pixie Plate
- Amber Jewel*
- Revival Herb
- Float Seed*
- Tiny Reviver Seed
- Reviver Seed
- Vanish Seed
- Miracle Seed
- Sweet Rose
- Pink Bow
- TM Dazzling Gleam
- TM Energy Ball
- TM Nature Power
- Sacred Pan Flute*
Primordial Oak contains 9 items never before seen in PMU.
Float Seed: Gives the user the effects of Levitate for the floor. Sells for 50.
Life Seed: Fully restores HP and increases the user’s max HP by 10 for this dungeon only. Sells for 250.
Lob Orb: Deals 200 damage to a target directly in front. Sells for 100.
Mug Orb: Causes the target to drop their held item. Sells for 100.
Goggle Specs: Gives the wearer the effects of Keen Eye. Sells for 1000.
Amber Jewel: Sells to Kecleon for 15,000 poke.
Wonder Tonic: Permanently raises the PP of the user’s top move by 1. Sells for 5000.
Sacred Pan Flute: Plays the song Tree of Life: Roots. Sells for 2500.
Healthy Salad: Heals 100 HP and 5 PP. Sells for 25. Meme Item for Slade and Scemo ;)