this is something i was thinking about very recently and i feel that it would be an amazing addition to the game.
For those who don’t know what a raid boss is, it’s basically a large group of players vs one very powerful foe. This are very popular among other MMOs cause they require a lot of coordination, positioning to dodge attacks and teamwork in other to beat them. But in order for these type of enemies to work, we have to make it so they don’t follow traditional game rules (having more than 4 moves, exclusive moves and abilities, etc) because otherwise they would just be normal dungeon bosses with way too much HP.
examples of potential raid bosses would be Zygarde 100%, Ultra Necrozma, Eternamax Eternatus and Terastal Terapagos (whatever P.C decides to call it) but it can be any pokemon and it would work just fine.
This also has the potential to allow certain roles to have a moment to shine in this game like tanks, who are mostly unnecessary but they could serve the role of drawing the boss’s agro onto themselves and provide support to they’re teammates.
overall, i would love for this feature to be added but what are you guys thoughts on this (btw this is my first post in here)
That sounds fun! I love playing Co-op with my guildmates, so this would give us a challenge to test our team work. Though I would love to hear what idea’s could be made so it isn’t too easy or too chaotic ^^
It would require a ton of work and scripting since those bosses would need show thier targeting reticle, stand still while before releasing a attack, show the name of the attack they’re about to use and have competely different behaviors then what regular npcs use, otherwise it would just be a unfun mess of being hit by random attacks with no way to prepare or dodge.
so i don’t expect this to be possible without first a complete overhaul of the game engine,
but it would be a ton of fun to see and play
i never said it would be easy to implement. But i don’t think a mayor overhaul would be needed. At most, they would need to untangle the game’s codes. Doing thinks like applying coding standards, following a style guide on how the code looks and making sure that classes aren’t communicating more than they should and many other methods would solve this issue.
i may be making it look easier than it is (which it could be very likely) but i personally think doing this could be easier than having to re-code the entire code from the ground up (or maybe the code is so much of a mess it’s just unsalvageable but i can’t tell how bad it really is).
this is cute.
the way i pIay (which is usuaIIy with other pIayers) every boss is a raid boss.
i was frequentIy tackIing dungeons way way way beIow the recommended IeveI
(we beat tanren mines as totaI noobs with onIy 3 backpack sIots) at Iike Iow 40s
i mean, i can do that now as weII as many of the other more veteran pIayers, but that wasn’t something i couId do aIone as a noob.
nobody said, a raid boss had to be ONE very strong boss. the ariados room in ashen graveyard stiII gives me and the homies troubIe sometimes, because u can’t cheese it with sIumber orbs IoI.
i disagree with superscemo. i don’t think a major overhauI wouId be needed.
simpIy having enemies with IeveIs above 100 (or stats that are above 100) and situations where it’s difficuIt for onIy one person to defeat is reaIIy aII that is needed.
i know staff reaIIy hates the pokemon in the game with wrong id/pokedex number. but we throw in so many “fake” pokemon: most notabIy the fake Iegendaries in pebb cave depths.
you simpIy need something Iike a “hooh” but it’s reaIIy mega hooh. with a different set of stats. i’m sure THAT works within the engine, without any major overhauIs (or even minor overhauIs)
spitbaIIing ideas here. but it wouId be super nice to have mega-evo’s in the game. or maybe gigantmax pokemon. those can perhaps serve as both the raid boses AND the prizes/Ioot.
side idea, i think mega-evoIutions shouIdn’t be permanent Iike they are in some other pokemon games. they shouId be temporary Iike in the main games. and in the context of pmu, we have a good system for temporary pokemon. the heartsIates.
mega-evos can simpIy use the existing or simiIar-- with a smaII difference:
a. you can onIy mega-evo if you are [insert pokemon] for exampIe u can’t just summon mega charizard Iike you wouId Iugia. you need to actuaIIy have charizard
b. charizard disappears and is repIaced with mega-charizard
c. mega-charizard keeps charizard’s moves.
d. u get exp :3
i highly disagree, a boss with inflated stats is not fun to fight, it’s easy to make something “difficult” by giving 1000000hp and making it one shot the player, but that’s not fun, a fun boss should be something with a learnable pattern that the player can predict and dodge, with the current system that’s not possible, it would just use any move that can hit the player every 2 seconds without prior set up. by giving very high and health, damage and making immune to stunlock (because otherwise it would be a joke of a fight since you would just need to afk with a rock holding down bullet seed) your not making a exiciting or fun boss to fight, your just making a running simulator if the boss only has short range moves and a rng slot machine if it does have high range moves such a ice beam since you gotta hope to god when you try to pass him he dosen’t just use ice beam and kill you, (and no being “fast” wouldn’t change anything it because it’s a AI with perfect accuracy it will use it the frame you are in range)
this isn’t related to the discussion, please keep things on topic, if you have a idea for the implementation of megas, make a new forum post about it don’t go put it somewhere else
your right. ive seen bosses with well over a billion health and they are never difficult but rather long and boring (i’m looking at you final fantasy XII) but maybe it could be solved by reworking their AI. obviously, we don’t want the boss to be one-shoted so netts suggestion works but by giving them a different set of AI patterns from the ones used in dungeon bosses, we can make their attacks predictable and less rng based as well as using the same fake pokemon idea to give the boss fake moves so it isn’t as straight forward as just “stay out it’s range”.
and about battle gimicks, i was just about to make a forum post about it so we can continue that conversation there