Rebalancing mobile scarf

A bunch of us agreed that mobile scarf is too powerful, especially when used in conjunction with speed boosting crystals.

While we dont want to break mobile scarf or make it usuable, it’s probably too overpowered. (And in my opinion much better to use than an actual ghost pokemon, which probably shouldn’t be the case)


Potential rebalance ideas include

  • Set half speed to pokemon that are starving (when in wall)
  • half current speed to starving pokemon (when in wall)
  • take more dmg when inside of a wall
  • lose evasiveness when inside a wall (when starving)
  • reduced vision when inside a wall (when starving?)

Also for the record, i think ghosts should have some sort of perk that makes them more viable as wall walkers than mobile scarf users (maybe mobile scarf loses 5 hunger per tile, ghosts only lose 2?)

Who is “a bunch of us”? I could start any thread by saying that me and many other people already agreed upon something, to make it look way better than it is.

I agree that it’s powerful, but currently it’s the best tool we have to speed up the RNG process in many things. You would have to rebalance so much stuff in this game, it’s unreal. This includes shiny rates, SR finding and item drop rates etc. I’m not opposed to having a buff for ghosts (for more options), but a nerf could deal real damage to all existing things.

Most of these suggestions don’t really make sense to me at all, or give me any feeling “hey, this is a good way of balancing it out”
If you’re looking to nerf the current meta, please provide an entire plan of how to counter all the issues that will come with the nerf

Thanks for the reply.

It you’re curious who a bunch of us is, you can CTRL F mobile scarf in general chat on pmu discord server.

But i see you already agree that it IS powerful. So I’m sure you dont have trouble imagining people think that.

I cant really disagree with the points you’ve mentioned, but it still stands that mobile scarf is kinda too OP. Sure rates may need to be adjusted, but if users cannot pass through dungeons as quickly, devs will probably feel better giving more generous rates.

I use it. And it has a huge advantage over actual ghosts and really over any pokemon that isnt using it.

I don’t really have any issues with mobile scarf if it doesn’t get nerfed. But i feel like it’s less dungeony when you can literally ignore both walls and traps. The game is much harder for those who dont use it.

I actually did try searching for the discussion and I see that the upvote for this thread actually spoke for itself already! Anyway…
May I ask some questions about this also?
First: What are you using Mobile Scarf for?
Second: Is it ok for you main Pokemon to hold Mobile Scarf in a normal training run while you can use many other useful items like Choice Items, Hunger Items etc…?
Third: Which scenario do you think would be the best to use Mobile Scarf?

In my opinion, Mobile Scarf is not a viable item for you main to hold while training. It’s more of a situational item which you can let other Pokemon in your party hold and try to escape whenever you are abushed in a small room with a lot of Pokemon. Also Mobile Scarf is definitely a to-go item for Shiny Hunting. The meta has changed drastically since shiny was released years ago and it’s purely based on RNG so you definitely need something to speed up your dungeon progress.

"I cant really disagree with the points you’ve mentioned, but it still stands that mobile scarf is kinda too OP. Sure rates may need to be adjusted, but if users cannot pass through dungeons as quickly, devs will probably feel better giving more generous rates."

  • Like I said above, using Mobile Scarf on your main while training wastes so much good experiece and there is no reason to do it. The point that you brought out is kinda a mixed bag because why would you speed through dungeon with a mobile scarf just to waste you time and experiece if you don’t go shiny hunting?

"I don’t really have any issues with mobile scarf if it doesn’t get nerfed. But i feel like it’s less dungeony when you can literally ignore both walls and traps. The game is much harder for those who dont use it."

  • I appreciate your opinion about this but like Levy has said above if you want to nerf the current meta, you are going to need to adjust everything that goes along with it because Mobile Scarf is one of the most used item in this game (maybe the most) so in this case, you should really think of a better way to use Mobile Scarf or at least a better solution to fix your problems.

While I do think this is a subject worth discussing, you’ve not particularly established in what situations you believe the Mobile Scarf to be a problem. Are you primarily addressing its use in shiny hunting? Farming money? Training? Clearing missions? etc.

I’m actually inclined to agree some of the strategies the mobile scarf enables might be a little too strong; but you’ve not provided any examples to make your case to those who might be more skeptical.

Most of these things were designed and balanced (albeit not always particularly well) before mobile scarf rushing really started to become “meta.” That said, overall I agree we shouldn’t be too hasty–we don’t want to create more problems than we solve.

While I do agree OP should have explained their reasoning better–and at the very least considered and discussed the ramifications of the changes they are suggesting–insisting they “provide an entire plan of how to counter all the issues that will come with the nerf” is a bit much.

That was a little uncalled for.

I’m not sure I agree with this. Especially when combined with Flash, training level stuff at level 70+ with the mobile scarf is plenty viable. That said, it definitely isn’t crowding out other options or anything like that–so far as training is concerned. I actually find it adds an interesting alternative playstyle–so long as you have the HP and healing to support it.

I don’t think anyone is arguing the mobile scarf is OP for training–but they can correct me if I’m wrong.

What? I’m not sure I follow what you’re trying to imply here; I don’t think OP has at any point said they were having trouble using the mobile scarf–quite the opposite, in fact. I assume I’m completely missing the point here, apologies.

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I do have to agree that with regards to completing a dungeon quickly, it can be a powerful gameplay option. I myself use the 4x movespeed mobile strat to rush through Mt Moon quickly when I need to get more Poke, so I can attest to how useful it is for that purpose. I imagine it’s at least as useful for shiny hunting, too.

Unfortunately, the solutions aren’t so easily and smoothly implemented. For example, but let’s say we do something like always forcing the player to walk speed when hungry (you wouldn’t have the energy to run while starving, right?). A sudden change of movespeed like that could lead to nasty desync throwing your gameplay out of whack. Not to mention, being forced to walk would pretty quickly make any significant amount of wall travel feel really sluggish and not worthwhile, and it’d make ghost types feel even worse to play and kill off whatever value mobile scarf has left (it’s pretty abundantly available, I myself have like 10 scarves in storage). It’d also make running out of belly in other spots also rather dangerous, even if you’re not using the mobile strats - and sometimes you kinda can’t avoid it, like with Tanren Chambers being pretty skimpy on the food at times. It probably wouldn’t be a good change overall just to “fix” one particularly effective strategy and introduce other problems into the mix.

If we can address the issues that crop up with such a change, then we’ll be more likely to make that sort of change. But right now, there isn’t a whole lot I think we can do about it. I’m sure we’ll keep discussing this internally though, as it does have a very real effect on game balance.