Red's mapping

Hello, everyone. I have made quite a few houses on PMU, and I’d like you to give me suggestions and rate them. Thank you. :joy:

These are nice houses, Red. But here are my suggestions and my opinions: My opinions are good, good maded and well thought. But on the first and second one, they have the same look, same TileSets almost, maybe try something different. And last but not least, the third one. Pretty good, I prefer the others though. The third one needs some more space, and detail in to make it fit in, in my opinion. I hope you take these on board.

Thank you very much for the suggestions and opinions. They will help me a lot in the future, and I will try to keep them in mind. Once again, thanks a lot!!! :joy:

Red! that looks really nice! I love the indoor theme! just a little more practice and you’re perfect!
I made this for you!

XD not very nice but ehh, shows my appreciation!

You’re welcome. Always glad to help. If you need any more help, feel free to ask. :la:

…WHOOOOAAAAA. That’s awesome, Exalted. Thank you so much, not just for making the banner but sharing with me your opinions. :joy:

Thank you once more, very very much. It means very much to me. :joy: