Refresh, Aromatherapy, Heal Bell

I agree with the HP Healing the more I think about it. It wold make it a vastly superior move, so I guess it is a bad idea. I agree that Refresh should have the most PP out of all of them, due to it’s low range and limited availability. And yes I also don’t think it needs that much of a buff as well.

The slow removal on Heal Bell is nice, would be helpful in dungeons with Gooey. I just want players (myself included) to be able to user their favorite Pokemon.

I don’t have any issues with your proposed changes so long as at the end of the day they all heal the user’s team from aliments. I think your changes are a fair proposal to the issue, hopefully others agree.


There is a lot of points here, so it makes my re-evulate my previous suggestion. Now the problem is we do not want them clones right? But at the same time we want them all healing both team and allies, with each one having some sort of flavour to change things up.

The problem now i realize if we give any one of the three capability to heal volatile statuses (and there is a LOT of them) then that move is always going to be better. And giving it to all makes Lums and the Full Restores/Full Heals (which now heal volatile) like useless. So if all three could heal Volatile, they all have to have their PP heavily reduced.

Refresh is always going to be a High PP, Very short range Healer of non volatile, it may be possible to add specific volatile statuses to be cured instead of all, but Idk. at most it probably would be Confusion.

Heal Bell seems to be learned by the most Pokemon, average PP, High or Floor Range due to sound.
As mentioned it wouldn’t affect soundproof Pokemon. Not much I can think of really.

Aromatherpy is a mixed case, functionally in the trainer games it’s a counterpart to Heal Bell, the difference is, it can hit soundproof pokemon, However it doesn’t work on Sap Sipper Pokemon as it would just buff them instead.
Ideally it should be similar to Heal bell with it’s high range and Average PP (ie it’s current PP). But perhaps heal some specific Volatiles such as Attract (Item mental herb is a a herb afterall), Confusion is a given.

In the end is kinda difficult to make them largely different. But we need to figure out how to make it so it doesn’t heal the allies entire team. Just the users.

Refresh, High PP, Non-Volatile +Confusion, 1 tile range for allies.
Heal Bell, Low PP, Non-Volatile + Confusion, Floor Wide for allies. (Can’t heal Soundproofers)
Aromatherapy, Low PP, Non-Volatile + Confusion, Floor Wide for allies. (Can’t heal Sap Sippers)

I know this sounds boring, but in the end the moves are similar. But the fact Aroma has not many Pokemon that can learn it, similar to Refresh I don’t really know what else it could do to make it better than Heal Bell with out making too good.

What do you guys think?


As I mentioned ingame, I’ve not got a huge stake in this, but these proposals seem reasonable.

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That seems very like a very reasonable change to the moves. Maybe give Aromatherapy moderate PP and reduce it’s range, it does have somewhat limited availability (mostly grass & bug types). So I don’t think it’d be that powerful. I can understand that it would be difficult to try and make them largely different from one another.

The changes you proposed are different enough to each warrant usage. Similar to how someone might choose Poison Jab or Cross Poison in this game. You’re trading damage for range. While in Heal Bell, ect’s case you’re choosing PP or range. Low PP will make users of Heal Bell & Aromatherapy use Ethers or Leppa berries often which I think is balanced for how common status is.

I’d be happy if the changes you proposed were implemented into the game.


Il need to wrap things up soon with this topic:

Refresh 30 PP, 1 Tile Range, Heals Non-Volatile + Confusion for Ally’s active Pokémon and your Team.
Heal Bell 15 PP, Floor Range, Heals Non-Volatile + Confusion for Ally’s active Pokémon and your Team.
Aroma- 20 PP, 10 Tile Range, Heals Non-Volatile + Confusion for Ally’s active Pokémon and your Team.

This is what I plan to do once I can figure the scripting to make the heal only the ally’s active Pokémon.


Not sure how fond I feel about pp being that low for the later two, the team effects are nice and everything but again as noted like a dozen times those have never been seen as notably valuable, especially since everyone tends to have their own refresh poke. Seems a bit uneven/harsh, maybe bump the low up to 15pp at least, but the rest I’m fine with, or it at least seems worth trying out.

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Not exactly what I had in mind with the moves given the previous discussion but I think if we’re all going to go with them all being clones this is fine. XP

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Lemme edit that then.


I’m happy with those changes, thank you for the much needed change. I think people will be happy to have more options now.


What ended up being the difference between these moves? I see that Refresh has wider range, same PP and effect, and heal bell now heals party and all teams as well? What about Aromatherapy?

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