Cliffside Cave is infamous for being a steep difficulty spike for new players, and is one of the few dungeons that is essentially mandatory to run during early progression.
There are a number of things that make Cliffside significantly more dangerous than other dungeons in its level range–from status being exceptionally common, to high-rolling Magnitudes ending runs before a player can even get into range of the user. (Bonus points for when Diglett’s arena trap stuns a poor newbie and they don’t know how to break out of it)
So I propose that one of PMU7’s oldest dungeons gets looked at for a redesign.
I agree with Leo. Aside from Zubat spamming confusion, there isn’t much use coming back here except for missions or if you lost your tablet.
Which brings me to another point, make another tablet for evolution that is a 1 use key (that unlocks a door right before the evo portal).
Some things that i think should be added
Secret Rooms from 8F-11F.
Monster Houses from 6F-12F.
Possible 2 sections to this dungeon with scenery changes.
Some kind of maze or puzzle room that leads to the boss room.
More exclusive dungeon currency that would make it replayable.
The post Isn’t about making It more replayable, It’s about the difficulty.
Cliffside Cave is infamous for being a steep difficulty spike for new players
Monster Houses would just make It more of a nightmare for newer players. A 12 floor dungeon new players are supposed to do doesn’t really deserve or need an exclusive currency. Some dungeons people don’t do often, that’s just how It Is.
By “another” It sounds like this means keeping the current tablet, which Is a bit redundant to have one Infinite use tablet and another consumable one, the former doesn’t matter much If you had to keep going back for the consumable one anyway.
Is this not the same tablet that Dynamo uses? Or was i dreaming when i heard that another place uses the same evo tablet? If so, i was suggesting a new one be made so that the other one isn’t affected.
You mean Cryptic Chasm, where you use It to get to the last 10 floors ( After floor 50 ). Having to use an Item you got when you first started the game In a dungeon way later Is a little out of place but who knows If that would actually be changed because of how old both dungeons are. The “new tablet” would have to be randomly thrown somewhere Into CCH probably. Otherwise, CCH doesn’t really affect the tablet much, you only need to use It on two doors. Note that It can’t be lost either. The only way to get rid of It If you have one Is to sell It to an NPC shop.
Uhhhh. You might want to re-read. We seem to be advocating for entirely different things.
I’m not sure what kinds of rewards could really be reasonably put in here.
This is the exact opposite of what I want and yet another noob killer in a dungeon full of them. You’re not going to be equipped to deal with a monster house in the level 20-30 range.
Given that it’s only 12 floors long, I think the current scenery changes are fine.
Cliffside is an earlygame progression dungeon. Given how fast a pokemon tends to go from level 1 to 30 after you’ve done it already and started to get a hang of the game, we’ve got more than enough options as-is.
The problems I currently see with Cliffside are largely related to its high difficulty for the point in the game you’re expected to clear it. I’m not against it being a decent level 20 training spot, but there’s not exactly a great need for more of them as-is. I’m more concerned with smoothing out its place in earlygame progression.
EDIT: Whoa, I nearly forgot to address your first point.
Are you suggesting having to run Cliffside every single time you want to access the faded relic for evolution? I have to disagree with that, it sounds rather tedious when the current system (after you’ve cleared cliffside) is perfectly fine as-is.
I do think Cliffside needs a sort of Rework, in both difficulty and design.
Mean for a dungeon that you have to beat to get the ability to evolve Pokemon, it’s kinda lackluster.
There could be ways to improve the look and feel of the place to really mean something, even if it’s just special decor that tells the story of Evolution or heck even be a kind of ‘Tutorial’ of Evolution mentioning different evolution types. (These could be chambers spawned on specific floors with a readable ‘sign’ attached to some stone monument or something.)
The dungeon should be a challenge but not downright mean like it currently is.
It may be better to be Mono Normal or something along the lines.
I’d have to discuss with the others about this.
But it is something thats piping my intrest.
The staff team is currently discussing this internally. We’ll update the status of this suggestion as things progress.
We’re considering revamps for other dungeons as well, such as Mineral Cavern and others - whether for difficulty, just aesthetics, or both. But we’ll start with Cliffside first.
Redesign is always welcome. But tbh I like the difficulty of this dungeon, made it quite tricky to advance in the game. We needn’t make things too easy.