Hello! I’ve decided to make a guide on my favourite thing to do in this game, hopefully making it more accessible and less of a hassle for newer players. Give it a read if you have time; I’d really appreciate feedback or comments. I hope this can be a resource that I can continually update from time to time!
Well made and very informative, very impressive work!
I feel like adding something that may interested newer and older player,
in Adavance Resourses Team building pt2 It’s talked about pokemon with flash and how having a pokemon with multiple instances of the move flash can help a lot keeping every floor of the dungeon all nice and bright,
to add to this i would like to introduce to whoever dosen’t know about them the mighty Emolga,
emolga learns flash and it’s fam item restores 1 pp to all of it’s moves on floor switch (dosen’t need to be emolga) allowing for infinite flash usage saving your ethers for you main runner!
added this! thank you for the suggestion, i did not know that as i do not personally use emolga (gonna have to try to invest in one myself at this point haha), but i feel like that sounds invaluable!
Nice work Rin!
My speedrunner of choice atm is Salamence. It has more accessible family items than Noivern since it lacks *1 and *2 ones, and it has an incredibly strong Outrage that could grow even stronger if you get lucky with Moxie. A hard-hitting fly makes me happy too. Sadly it can only heal when on the ground.
One thing I do hope in the future is when Skeledirge comes into pmu, it will be gifted a speed-boosting fam item in Sun, which would make it the 2nd ghost type to have both 4x movement speed and reliable recovery. Unlike Sableye, it wouldn’t have to rely on a weather that can’t be set via moves/abilities, and it doesn’t have a terrible ability holding it back.
This is incredibly well-written! I’m a bit embarrassed to say I didn’t even know some of the things described in the guide, such as move buffering. That’s a really cool tactic that I might start using in the future.
Nicely done. I’m sure a ton of newer PMU players would find this really insightful
i Iove it. weII done.
now put it on pmu wiki