Running Shoes

theres been a lot of discussion re: overworld travel with fast travel and such but i feel like a lot of these suggestions would be hard to implement

since theres no way to buff overworld movspd as of right now, i think it might be a neat idea to have a bag/held item that increases movement speed specifically only in white maps (so it doesnt apply in dungeons, keeping crystal+weather rock combos having a purpose n stuff) since some items already do things similar to this, re: diguise items only working on certain maps and other things

it could only go up to 2x speed and need to be held so it isnt op, and cant be traded or dropped so itd be mandatory to find them yourself. maybe it could be a rare drop from a boss or in an endbox, i was thinking tanren mansion maybe because its kind of a “humanlike” place in pmu where you see a lot of things that look like humans built them. that or a currency reward with a ton of ekop. maybe even in the future ikea dungeon ive heard might get released someday. but idk. i think itd help movement in the overworld

Gotta agree especially now with shiny hunting making players run dungeons that take even minutes to get to every bit of time saved helps a lot :+1: :sunflorablush:
Also +1 vote cause pmu forums have a doo doo limit and nothing ever gets added to pmu so cant remove old votes reeeeee :gurdurrrr:


Well, it sounds pretty good that idea. but that also could break the game in general by displacements or maybe generate a crash message, I imagine it´ll be a lot to work for programmers to prevent it. Other thing that has to be considered is than safe stops around the overworld it´ll be almost quite of useless, because they main purposes are to save time, and with those shoes, most of them it´ll be quite useless now. And this quite directly hits the other idea about a TP to take us to certain dungeon in no time (And also hits the same concern with safe stops).

Before anything, I like this idea of running shoes. But it´s also necessary to watch how it can affect other functions.

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Other thing that has to be considered is than safe stops around the overworld it´ll be almost quite of useless, because they main purposes are to save time, and with those shoes, most of them it´ll be quite useless now.

i think compared to solutions which are like, “add fast travel to specific dungeons” it actually doesnt remove incentive to use rest spots at all, because then not only do you have a quick spawn outside of the dungeon, but you can go from that rest spot to the dungeon even faster, especially for rest spots which are a bit of a ways away (like pirates cove)

like, for example, just having the running shoes wouldnt make the rustic savannah rest spot useless, because going 2x speed from the tanren inn all the way to the rustic savannah entrance is still way, way slower than going to the entrance from the rest spot without 2x speed


sorry for double posting but its worth mentioning that this isnt just for shiny hunting. dungeons like dragons descent and sky fortress are extremely cumbersome to get to (and if theres a rest spot nearby a dungeon extremely far from that regions town, its still cumbersome to get there the first time for repeated runs ex. iceberg adrift)

winden and archford especially arent “fun” to explore because everything visually blends together and theres a lot of cliffs and dead ends, so itd be extremely helpful to have an item that makes backtracking when lost less excruciatingly painful

getting to these places might be fun/novel the first time, but when youre endgame and have a goal in mind with these places its no longer cute or fun to go “trekking” every time to get there, which is why i suggest running shoes be a challenge to get + something you cant just give away or sell to people