Scariest Location in a game?

For me…it would be Ravenholm from Half Life 2…i mean…sheesh…the sounds of people trapped inside their houses with zombies outside…people crying and screaming…zombies calling for other zombies…the freaky atmosphere…that’s scary for me!

Hmm lets see…OMG
You brought me back bad memories :(
It was a horror when N took me in the ferriswheel
As for my little sister…she said that it was romantic to stay with him there… :|

Alone in the house, 3am in the middle of the night, and then play Dead Space 2, god. my heart never beated so fast. x3

For me, it’s Creepy Castle’s Ballroom, from DK64. The first time I went into that place and heard the music, I immediately exited. Here’s the music in case you’re wondering. Click the link if you dare…
Also, Nana’s Room from Luigi’s Mansion. The room itself isn’t scary, but the ghost in the room, when I was a kid, used to scare me HALF TO DEATH.

Scariest location? Hm . . .

Lunatic’s laugh in Final Fantasy Rings of Fate. (That was a while back. Nolgastic here. Gotta play it again.)

Other wise . . .

Lavender Town music is actually quite soothing to me. It’s not scary at all what so ever.
Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles Church Thingy (Forgot the names)'s music is just BLAARGH. Racks up the pressure and all.

I turned of Half Life as soon as i saw the fast zombies running on the roofs in Ravenholm…and as soon as i heard someone screaming… DX

All of Amnesia: The Dark Descent.

I don’t think Amnesia is really scary…which is a bit weird…

Anyways there is another place i think is scary…The Shadow Temple on Zelda Ocarina of Time…heh…maybe the most scariest temple in the zelda games along with Arbiter’s Grounds from Twilight Princess and Earth Temple from Wind Waker. :3

Hmm… For me, I’d say Tomb of the Ancients for Rayman 2. This being a childhood game for me, the music, the spiders, the zombie chickens! It was too much, and I had my dad beat the level for me…
N’s toy room also reminded me of Shadow Man for some reason…

Another scary location is the entire Spooky chapter of Conker’s Bad Fur Day. When I was a kid, the zombies were SO SCARY I erased the data. Oh, well, no one’s perfect.

Oh god…scariest place…
was the Arbitar’s Grounds…saw a zombie in there…never played the game again…I play tons of zombie games but something about the Zelda zombies scare me…

True…Arbiter’s Grounds is really scary…


One word is good enough to describe this place.

Hmm. It’s tied between 3:
Great Bay Temple-Legend of Zelda: Majora’s Mask
The Forest Temple- Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time
Inside Jabu-Jabu’s Belly- Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time

I didn’t have a lot of video games when I was younger, but as a kid, I did have the PC game 102 Dalmatians: Puppies to the Rescue an a lot of that game scared me for some reason.
Whenever Jasper or Horace popped up, it scared me half to death. The Royal Museum level actually creeped me out so much, I had nightmares about it - particularly at the bit with Le Pelt and the coffin.
And the De Ville manor level scared me so much when you entered the room with the furnace, too… :?
(I can’t believe I’m saying this, but I’m actually kind of thankful for my lack of video games as a kid, because I think so many things I played later on would have terrified me at that age…)

The Legend of Zelda games particularly freak me out whenever a gigantic spider drops down from the ceiling out of nowhere. It’s happened to me several times and every time I totally freeze over with fear. The aracnid boss in the dungeon near the end of Twilight Princess made me shiver, and even though it was technically easy to defeat, the crawling legs grossed me out so much that it took me forever. xD
Oh, and the Blizzeta boss on Twilight Princess scared me too… creepy stuff. I think that boss was even creeper than the giant spider. When it shows Link standing behind her as she looks into the mirror… I knew it was coming but it still terrified me.

try playing dead space middle of the nite with surround sound on nobody home when this really really loud noise came from behind me i literally backfliped my chair nearly broke my arm and when i got up and looked at the tv issac was missing something very important his entire torso… darn thieves getting crafty these days

Haha! I would never play it in the night like that XD

I thought the Earth Temple in Wind Waker was kind of scary
(Stupid re-deads >:U)

The Scariest Location in a game for me is The Place and Giygas Lair. First of all, the music creeps me out, secondly, it’s atmosphere. So, EarthBound’s ending is creepy all together.