Server Down 11/24 -

Well, in all conclusions. I wish the PMU staff members best of luck. I really appreciate the time they sacrifice for PMU. All of you are great members of this PMU community. Lets hope this glitch goes away, and everyone in PMU will be happy and safe again.

I agree with Shaymin. Good luck to all of the staff that are currently trying too get rid of the glitch, we are supporting you.

Thanks Kirk and Char, for coming over to talk to me. And your welcome I complied. Hope you guys get this over with, especially with the rest I told about it. I hope everyone else gets to get back there. Good luck yo.

Do they think the server will be up soon? I’m hoping to play before I leave a a vacation Sunday

We can only hope… the server’s open to GMs (staff) now, so hopefully that’s a good sign.

I’m actually a little glad the server’s down for a moment. I have time to read my BOOOOOKS~~~~~

…Oh Lila, the little bookworm you are. :I /shot/

I want to play though. :'c

you could read your books whilst it was up. you aren’t exactly forced to play. unless, addictions n’ stuff.
whelp, whew, servers offline again. we getting any updates on progress yet?

Its currently offline for me right now.

Same what

Well, a solution would be play a real Pokemon Mystery Dungeon game, and pretend its PMU … lamest idea I know.

I would play that game but i just stop playing it like 2 weeks before :P

I’m just curious, but is it possible that the staff can give us an approximate date/time that the server will be back online?

Even though I am not really on much at all, I wish you guys luck in destroying that glitch and getting the servers back on.

This topic will be locked since the server is back online.