Shiny Spawn Notifs

The shiny sounds work well, but, I feel like a notification in the chat whenever a shiny pokemon spawns would help people who play with sound off as a major quality of life boost.

I have to agree here. What if someone is deaf or has really poor sound quality on their device? This would really be an accessibility improvement to PMU, so you got my vote, Aden. It’s nice to have someone worrying about the disabled!

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I had a deaf person in my guild who liked shiny hunting, so I proposed this a few months after shinies released. I assume it was too difficult to implement, as there was no real answer given back to me. You can have my upvote, though


Hey, I agree that we could stand to have a bit more of a visual indication. I’ll talk with the staff about our options here, but having a visual cue for shiny sightings is something I would like to see happen in PMU!

Thanks for the suggestion~