Some derpy little map I made while I waited for dinner

yeah idk
The music that I was listening to when I made this was “Ruin”, found in the PMUMP.

[spoilerMap w/ Attributes:34xz2moh]

I was really trying to make it non-flat, but, unfortunately, that was impossible.
…So enjoy some sideways waterfalls? :@~@:

My map is garbage, lawl.
I’d have made it a runway, but mehhhhhh.
I was having issues finding the proper tiles.
Especially the clouds that were the same color as my house’s. :mad:

I always end up working with tilesets 4, 7, and 8.

Here are some things I’ve made with them:

I was going to attempt to make a town and/or small area around the town, but then I got annoyed and temporarily closed PMUME. :sick:

You get better tile selection in game, so work on your house!

Edit by: /edithouse

Leave by: /exithouse


My house is already currently complete. (until i decide to redesign aahahahahahaha :’:)
Plus, server’s offline. :@~@:

Pretty nice work! I like how you added a waterfall in a dark place. o: Hmm, maybe next time use some different tilesets. Maybe use some cliff methods. Or, just go on Char’s profile and go on his maps for examples/his guides.
Other than that, nice work! :la:

I guess it’s pretty nice work for a first try. The idea of a resting place in the in the middle of a nightmarish area, with waterfalls is creepy, and creative. Keep practicing, you’ll get better~

My houses generally look 1000% better.
If PMU’s back up after I get home from school, I’ll show you what mine looks like now.
And then I’ll probably give the map editor another shot and make a runway. :@~@: