Steam, 3DS, PSvita?

Steam -> I have a new account!
3DSxl -> my old system doesnt work anymore and the account was lost, here is the new FC 0147-0995-8937 planning to get smash bros for 3DS
Psvita-> pm me on this little big planet, PS all stars…

Agu-San on Steam. Or something like that. Just play around with the dash and caps. xD

Erladino on Steam. I’ve tried SK (Spiral Knights) and Elsword.

3DS Friend Code: 4699-5259-6475 ouo
No 3DS games yet, but I’m getting New Leaf for my birthday! (August 14th >w<)




Found you anyways. 8D

eblissop ton sti

Steam - SkarowKurio
3DS Friendcode - 0731-4907-6669 (Name is Stuie, btw xD)
Don’t have a PS Vita.

Steam - N/A
3DS - 3668-8166-7954 Mario & Luigi : Dream Team Bros!
PSvita… don’t own one.


Added the 3DS friend codes of BWD, Charika and Drake!
You can all add me, too! My 3DS Friendcode is - 0731-4907-6669 (Name is Stuie, btw xD)

very well…

Freshing that thread a little bit up.

About Steam:I got around 30 games (most notably Mount & Blade Warband/Napoleonic Wars,Team Fortress 2,Garrys Mod,War of the Roses,All Points Bulletin and Mount & Blade with fire and sword)
Add 0o0Silvio0o0 if you show interest.

About Friend Codes…I don’t have my WPA connection unlocked (though I heard the 3DS will also allow connection types, like WAP , which I currently got) , so I can’t play online with my DS.

Oh!And by the way, if you want my Skype username ,it’s ‘‘silviothescout’’(Yup!Pretty silly name ,created account about 4 years ago.)

Steam - > “Sparkehtehwolf”

I appoligize, theres a reason why i made this tread and it wasnt to lose track of it which i unfortunatly i did, and ill make sure ill do what i can to add XD sorry

sorry for the delay, surely i will add :D~

for any one reading this, if you need some one to brawl with when SSBB for 3Ds comes out ill be able to join in, just add my new FC code at the first post

I’ve got Steam but not prepared to friend anyone yet.
My code is 1865-0118-5242, I’ve got Pokemon X, hoping to get Super Smash Bros and I have a ton of old DS games.~
I don’t have a PSvita.