Stormraiders Surge

Hey guys! It is me, Zappeh, here to introduce my guild that I co-found with my friend, Boruto, which is Stormraiders Surge! Stormraiders Surge isn’t a very popular guild at the moment, but we are hoping to grow in members!
If you want to be promoted to admin, we will watch your activity, how you treat other guildmates, and how well you help other guild mates! If we feel that you would do well enough as an admin, we may ask you! However, do not ask to be an admin right away or in like 2-3 days time. We are currently recruiting for the guild, so if you’d like to join, the best options to talk to would be:

Me, as I am one of the Founders, Boruto who is the other founder, WaterBolt who is an admin, Kyorgre who is an admin, or SebaX who is an admin!

Hopefully if we can get more members, we can host some fun activities and guild events such as:

-Giveaways for various items
-Guild runs of dungeons such as HT or guild training runs
-Guild events such as hide and seek

The current list of the guild members includes:







If you would like to join the guild, contact one of the admins or founders of the guild on PMU if they are online, or you can post here! We may ask a couple questions about yourself, we are looking for active people, individuals who are helpful and can help other guild mates, and ones who are fun and enjoy a good time with others! We are hoping to have more people to join and make this guild grow into a big one~