Stuck outside dungeon

my game crashed suddenly at the fruitty grotto boss and now i got stuck outside the dungeon, game always freezes when i log in with the current char

I have the same problem. I was trying to switch pokemon while entering the weepinbell boss fight dialogues and got softlocked, i used an escape orb but couldn’t interact properly with stores nor enter in any dungeon.

I then tried getting fainted by outside dungeon hostile pokemon, and using command /giveup, but after respawning at the crossroad a few times even trying restarting the game, now it just shows a grey square as sharowdale sumbited and game crashes a few seconds after loading character.

tried to reinstall the game but the first time just got stuck at Loading story… and then got back to display gray and crash

Okay so somehow i managed to type /giveup just before it crashed and after restarting i appeared again at the crossroads; but again could not enter to any dungeon.

I am currently stuck in a loop whenever i restart the game: my character walks to certain spot at exbel fields and the weepinbell dialog pops up to stop abruptly softlocking as i cannot move nor attack when pressing F.

If I use /giveup i can move but again not interact properly with stores nor dungeon entrances. I also suspect if i leave the game near one of the latter, the game will crash on start and display the gray squares.

it appears you have both broken a story flag and the game will not work because the game want it to complete before letting you play,
i highly raccomand contancting staff throught the discord with the support channel or DMing modmail bot to ask them to manually change your to story flags
in the future, be careful not to escape orb mid cutscene if a story beat breaks simply reloading usually fixes the problem not trouble

Thank you for your help! I will try to access to de discord server to ask for help, but I do not know about modmail bot, also where should I DM through? forums? discord? ingame? email?

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the modmail bot is in the discord yeah, you can find a link to the discord in the pmu website
best of luck

is this fixed yet? Seedlings’ asking

It is fixed! Thanks to Luminosity and Seedling they tried warping me back to crossroads and i can enter dungeons and dialog with NPCs again!

Thank you all for your help and sorry for all the trouble

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