Technical/Hidden Machine Guide

Note: You put TM Dig in Ground Type and Unreleased.

iirc someone found TM Flame Charge in the new dungeon.

or maybe that was just me

In unrealesed tm bulk up is there you should takenit out

Yeah, alot of new TMs released in this new dungeon like bulldoze,smack down,etc. I’ll revise the guide once iam sure with the loactions.

how so? is it in tanren chambers?

Payback is in PBA, btw how much does frost breath sell for?

Thanks for the info and the price of any tm really just depends on the person is who is selling it.

This helped me so much! Thanks!

Shadow ball can be found in HT missions too <3

I remember someone telling me that they found a TM Thunderbolt in TSF(Thunderstorm Forest). I cannot confirm is this true or not but I remember him saying it took about 50 runs to find it. Which seems reasonable for a rare TM.

I heard rumours about that awhile ago and it turns out it wasnt true. Also, I wouldn’t think a rare tm like that would be released in lv 30 dungeon like tsf.

tm explosion is in fake steel ending TC

tm energy ball is in fake grass ending TC

tm shadow ball is in TC missions

Tm flamethrower is in TC fake fire ending and TC mission

TM substitute is in TC mission

TM charge beam TC mission

once i find out more ill let you know

Tm focus blast isin tc

TM Retaliate is in TC Missions.
TM REALIATE is NORMAL, Not Psychic :<

I had some of those and didn’t have thanks for the information though.

My bad, I get confused with those because there’s so many TMs for psychic and normal

Trans, TM Sky-Drop is also in TC.
( I recently found it with a friend, but it’s useless if you check Bulbapedia, mostly Legendaries can learn it) :la:

Oh, well tell me where you have found it, its like mostly every TM is in TC. :>_<:

Tm Smack Down is released. I can’t remember where though, sorry.

You can get TM Will-o-wisp in TC missions.

Venoshock can be found in Poison TC End Boxes

its in fake flying chamber at like floor 34