Terrains and why they aren't great but could be

Misty Terrain
in the mainline blocks nonvolatile conditions and confusion and reduces damage from dragons
the issue? PMU has many conditions it adds not covered by misty meaning misty protects from so little that you’re better off using a safeguard user if that’s your goal, the dragon damage reduction is niche but in PMU if you’re getting hit then that’s a bad spot to be in what with AoE being king so building around potentially being hit often is a bad idea, and like all the other terrains it lasts only a handful of hits meaning it is bad at letting you tank dragons anyways-. Lastly it doesn’t even block confusion like it gained in gen 7- meaning the other terrains have their gen 8 effects but misty lacks its gen 7 buff- which is dumb when it already is suffering compared to safeguard, it also completely stops the use of rest? which is- odd

Grassy Terrain
the best terrain by a country mile, Healing per step, reduced damage taken from certain Ground type AoE’s which are not only more common but more likely to come up outside of one dungeon, it has a damage buff as well which means all the terrains have to now compete with this one because they don’t stack meaning you now have an opportunity cost of giving up the objectively best overall terrain for gimmicks with the others. it’s not bad but its so good that it pushes the others down

Electric Terrain
a damage up for the type most nerfed by various weathers, it’s a pretty good terrain but the amount of mons who can set it is, lacking by a large margin and it comes with a very hefty downside, no rest, again weird that rest ignores most other status protection but not this and while 30% damage is Nice, most electric types cant afford to go without rest in on level dungeons. so it has a great benefit but has to compete with grassy and your giving up rest as well for that damage meanwhile you could just use a attack boosting move to get a 50% increase- uh- yeah-

Psychic terrain
I don’t even know what this does in PMU does it just block priority moves because if so that’s horrible as most priority is bad, its distribution is the worst as a gen 7 introduced terrain, and its one redeeming quality is its interaction with expanding force, which currently is limited to one mon as far as I know, again its peak is great but hinges more on one broken move interaction rather then its own merits as a move

I propose at least a duration increase when hit beyond 4-5 hits across the board
Misty should block most if not all status’ like safeguard because it already has a downside of not affecting mons who don’t touch the ground and being timed so why should it be worse on top of that? its signature move is a explosion clone so that is poor justification, rest should be able to bypass it as well
Electric rest should be able to bypass it, that its one issue that holds it back from competing as well with grassy and that’s a simple fix in my eyes
Psychic, i have no idea how to fix or buff this one, I don’t even know its function besides expanding force synergy and if the reason for it being bad is expanding force, perhaps Expanding itself needs a nerf rather than having a god-awful terrain take the fall for it

please give me ideas for alternative ways to buff them or tweak them to bring them all into the line of being niche ways to support but not mandatory unlike safeguard or refresh, or to at the very least buff the worse ones to be closer to grassy in its benefits, PMU terrains suffer due to a lack of way to set them, we can’t cheat it with tapu’s we only have two of the gen 8 setters, and there isn’t the mainline universal way they had of Dynamax moves, meaning that the effects are not only rare but their minimal effects are balanced around them being in place often in the cross fire while PMU lacks those ways to “cheat” setting them up normally which also means they have the opportunity cost of one of your precious 12 move slots

i made a topic about what the terrain seeds could do but i think it got ignored

edit because i just realized something that could be cool!
if psychic terrain worked like wide guard and blocked aoes from hitting you! electric could be like quick guard and uh… i guess just give misty a 10% attack buff and keep it the same otherwise?