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Battle Tower Base
Battle Island: Fight Area (Platinum)
Battle Tower Lobby: Battle Maison (XY)
Upon entering the lobby for the first time, you are met by an Altaria named Zephyr, who introduces himself as the Battle Tower overseer, and tells you about Battle Points. He then proceeds to give you 20 Battle Points as a welcome gift.
There are many NPCs scattered around Battle Island and the Battle Tower.
Zephyr: Hi! Hi there!
Zephyr: I’m Zephyr, the overseer of the Battle Tower!
Zephyr: What is this place, you ask?
Zephyr: The Battle Tower is a place where the bravest, most skilled Pokemon test their abilities. Not to brag, but I designed it myself!
Zephyr: Overcoming our trials will earn you a special currency only usable here: Battle Points. Here, have some, on me!(The player is given 20 Battle Points).
Zephyr: If you have any questions, feel free to ask me anything. Good luck!
Glint (Persian): This place rocks! I’ve earned more Battle Points than I think I can ever use!
Mycel (Parasect): I thought I was a great battler, but this place has opened my eyes. I can’t even make it past the first tier…
Loft (Unfezant): All the plebeians are climbing up the tower; I fly up and grab the Battle Points without putting in any effort, hoho!
Slug (Grimer): I purchased some Reviver Seeds from the BP counter, but I think they disintegrated upon touching my body…
Vicky (Jolteon): With my speed, I can overcome all the Battle Tower’s challenges with ease!
Sal (Whimsicott): My hubby is obsessed with this place - I’m worried sick that he’s going to get hurt someday.
Zephyr (Altaria): Curious about what the Battle Tower has to offer? What are you wondering about?
What are Tiers?
“I’m glad you asked. The tower is split into five different tiers, each one more difficult than the last. Some of the later tiers get really tough, so anyone who wants to participate must be of a sufficient Explorer Rank.The more difficult the tier, the greater the rewards for completing it are, so don’t hesitate to push yourself!”
The VIP Shop?
“Noticed the VIP shop, eh? Only the Pokemon who have braved through all five tiers can shop there. What do they sell? Why don’t you go on and find out?”
How to earn Battle Points?
““The main way to gain Battle Points is, of course, completing a tier. However, some of the enemy Pokemon in the higher tiers may drop them upon defeat as well. So if you really want to rack up those points, defeat as many Pokemon as you can!””
BP Exchange Shop
Near the entrance to the tower is a shop run by a Togedemaru named Impulse where you can purchase items for BP. The available items are as follows:
Reviver Seed - 10 BP
Heart Scale - 15 BP
Revival Herb - 25 BP
Golden Apple - 25 BP
Silver Key - 50 BP
Doom Seed - 75 BP
Signal Lamp - 100 BP
Fruit Crown - 100 BP
Squirt Bottle - 100 BP
Tinfoil Hat - 150 BP
Master’s Belt - 150 BP
Brute Band - 150 BP
Event Token - 150 BP
Shady Deck - 200 BP
Ribbon Veil - 200 BP
Power Glove - 200 BP
Scavenger’s Charm - 250 BP
3D Glasses - 250 BP
Beast Bangle - 300 BP
Translucent Key - 500 BP
VIP Shop
Upon completing Battle Tower Tier 5, players are granted access to a room containing the VIP shop, run by a Cinderace named Libero, which sells incredibly rare items for BP.
Nugget - 25 BP
Max Revive - 100 BP
Battle Horn - 250 BP
Greed Sash - 500 BP
Joy Seed - 600 BP
Silver Cassette - 750 BP
Chunk of Cobble - 750 BP
World Ribbon - 850 BP
Pokemon Gift - 1000 BP
Crystalline Key - 3500 BP
Lingering Den
The Lingering Den is a location on Battle Island that requires a Translucent Key to enter. Once inside, a Honey is provided, allowing the player to spawn a Dreepy with a 100% recruit rate.
Nearby is the Sightless Cavity, which allows the player to spawn a Shiny Dreepy if they have a Crystalline Key.
Tier I
Floors: 20
Level Range: 30 - 35
Rest Stops: No
Secret Room: No
Prep Room: Railway Station (SwSh)
1-20F: Battle Hall (Platinum)
Rooftop: Battle Castle (Platinum)
Upon entry, your team is set to level 50 and cannot gain experience.
You are only allowed 7 items upon entry into the prep room.
There is no darkness, weather, or water on any floors.
The moral is Red, rather than Black (preventing Item loss).
The player must be at least Gold Rank to enter.
Prep Room
Before the dungeon begins, you enter a room known as the Prep room. This room contains a few NPCs, including a Hitmontop NPC named Pride who sells the following:
Stick - 25 Poke
Geo Pebble - 25 Poke
Big Apple - 250 Poke
Max Ether - 250 Poke
Slumber Orb - 250 Poke
Tiny Reviver Seed - 1000 Poke
Reviver Seed - 2500 Poke
Bound (Wynaut): Did you forget to bring money? Good. Pride’s supplies are overpriced anyway.
Leo (Teddiursa): I’ve run the Battle Tower several times now… do you think I have what it takes to attempt the next tier?
After completing the 20th floor, the player reaches the Battle Tower Rooftop, which provides them with a pile of 5 Battle Points and a single Deluxe Box.
Box Items:
- Reviver Seed
- Pure Seed
- Stamina Band
- Power Band
- Special Band
- Nugget
- Two-Edge Orb
Completing this tier grants access to Tier II.
Tier II
Floors: 20
Level Range: 40 - 45
Rest Stops: No
Secret Room: No
Prep Room: White Treehollow Entrance (B2W2)
1-20F: White Treehollow (B2W2)
Rooftop: Battle Castle (Platinum)
Upon entry, your team is set to level 50 and cannot gain experience.
You are only allowed 7 items upon entry into the prep room.
There is no darkness, weather, or water on any floors.
The moral is Red, rather than Black (preventing Item loss).
The player must be at least Super Rank to enter, and have previously completed Tier I.
Prep Room
Before the dungeon begins, you enter a room known as the Prep room. This room contains a few NPCs, including a Sawk NPC named Calvin who sells the following:
Iron Thorn - 35 Poke
Gravelerock - 35 Poke
Big Apple - 250 Poke
Max Ether - 250 Poke
Slumber Orb - 250 Poke
Tiny Reviver Seed - 1000 Poke
Reviver Seed - 2500 Poke
Slurp (Lickitung): I thinkh I’ll justh stay here andh snack on applesh.
Hermit (Crustle): We both passed Tier 1 without any difficulty, huh? Whaddya say we keep up our winning streak?
After completing the 20th floor, the player reaches the Battle Tower Rooftop, which provides them with a pile of 10 Battle Points and a single Deluxe Box.
Box Items:
- 5 Battle Points
- 10 Battle Points
- Reviver Seed
- Pure Seed
- Nugget
- Two-Edge Orb
- One Shot Orb
Completing this tier grants access to Tier III.
Tier III
Floors: 30
Level Range: 40 - 50
Rest Stops: 1 (Floor 15)
Secret Room: Floors 16 - 29
Prep Room: Mistralton Gym (B2W2)
1-15F: Battle Factory (Platinum)
16-30F: Battle Arcade (Platinum)
Rest Area: Battle Tree (SuMo)
Secret Room: Entralink (BW)
Rooftop: Battle Castle (Platinum)
Upon entry, your team is set to level 50 and cannot gain experience.
You are only allowed 7 items upon entry into the prep room.
There is no darkness, weather, or water on any floors.
The moral is Red, rather than Black (preventing Item loss).
The player must be at least Hyper Rank to enter, and have previously completed Tier II.
Prep Room
Before the dungeon begins, you enter a room known as the Prep room. This room contains a few NPCs, including a Staraptor NPC named Plight who sells the following:
Silver Spike - 35 Poke
Gravelerock - 35 Poke
Big Apple - 250 Poke
Max Ether - 250 Poke
Slumber Orb - 250 Poke
Liechi Berry - 750 Poke
Petaya Berry - 750 Poke
Reviver Seed - 2500 Poke
Draco (Noivern): So many Pokemon seem to be able to run through this place with ease… I wish I was skilled enough to do that.
Hallie (Cloyster): I’m on that BP grind again…
Rest Area
There’s a rest area after Floor 15. Within are a few NPCs and a healing bed.
Max (Medicham): That Altaria said this challenge is s’posed to be difficult, but it’s been no more difficult than picking flowers. Hmph!
Echo (Swoobat): I’d soooooo like to be like Max; he’s so confident in his abilities.
Secret Room
Secret Rooms can appear on floors 16 through 29. Inside is a healing bed, a pile of 5 Battle Points, and a Revival Herb.
After completing the 30th floor, the player reaches the Battle Tower Rooftop, which provides them with a pile of 20 Battle Points and a single Deluxe Box.
Box Items:
- 10 Battle Points
- Revive
- Revival Herb
- Pure Seed
- Nugget
- One Shot Orb
- Golden Apple
Completing this tier grants access to Tier IV.
Tier IV
Floors: 30
Level Range: 50 - 60
Rest Stops: 1 (Floor 20)
Secret Room: Floors 16 - 30
Prep Room: Battle Tower (DP)
1-10F: Battle Subway (BW)
11-20F: Friend Safari (XY)
21-30F: N’s Bridge (BW)
Rest Area: Mustard’s Theme (SwSh)
Secret Room: Entralink (BW)
Rooftop: Battle Castle (Platinum)
Upon entry, your team is set to level 50 and cannot gain experience.
You are only allowed 7 items upon entry into the prep room.
There is no darkness, weather, or water on any floors.
The moral is Red, rather than Black (preventing Item loss).
The player must be at least Master* Rank to enter, and have previously completed Tier III.
Prep Room
Before the dungeon begins, you enter a room known as the Prep room. This room contains a few NPCs, including a Mightyena NPC named Brutus who sells the following:
Toxic Spike - 40 Poke
Stun Spike - 60 Poke
Big Apple - 300 Poke
Max Ether - 300 Poke
Slumber Orb - 400 Poke
Liechi Berry - 750 Poke
Petaya Berry - 750 Poke
Apicot Berry - 750 Poke
Ganlon Berry - 750 Poke
Reviver Seed - 3000 Poke
Rayne (Boldore): Three tiers down, two to go. Piece of cake!
Theo (Exeggutor): 3000 Poke for a Reviver Seed? What a gosh-darn ripoff!
Rest Area
There’s a rest area after Floor 20. Within are a few NPCs and a healing bed.
Pink (Whirlipede): With my super-armor, the enemies can’t even lay a scratch on me!
Spin (Araquanid): Battle Tower today, Tanren Chambers tomorrow.
Secret Room
Secret Rooms can appear on floors 21 through 29. Inside is a healing bed, a pile of 10 Battle Points, and a Revival Herb.
After completing the 30th floor, the player reaches the Battle Tower Rooftop, which provides them with a pile of 35 Battle Points and a single Deluxe Box.
Box Items:
- 10 Battle Points
- 25 Battle Points
- Restore Power
- Revival Herb
- Pure Seed
- Nugget
- Big Nugget
- Golden Apple
Completing this tier grants access to Tier IV.
Tier V
Floors: 40
Level Range: 50 - 70
Rest Stops: 2 (Floor 15, Floor 30)
Secret Room: Floors 31 - 40
Prep Room: Pokemon League (XY)
1-15F: Storming Rose’s Tower (SWSH)
16-30F: Battle! Battle Chatelaine (ORAS)
31-40F: PWT Final (B2W2)
Rest Area: Sonia’s Theme (SwSh)
Rest Area 2: PWT Venue (B2W2)
Secret Room: Entralink (BW)
Rooftop: Farewell (BW)
Upon entry, your team is set to level 50 and cannot gain experience.
You are only allowed 7 items upon entry into the prep room.
There is no darkness, weather, or water on any floors.
The moral is Red, rather than Black (preventing Item loss).
The player must be at least Master*** Rank to enter, and have previously completed Tier IV.
Prep Room
Before the dungeon begins, you enter a room known as the Prep room. This room contains a few NPCs, including a Goodra NPC named Arion who sells the following:
Stun Spike - 75 Poke
Icicle - 100 Poke
Big Apple - 400 Poke
Max Ether - 400 Poke
Slumber Orb - 600 Poke
Liechi Berry - 1000 Poke
Petaya Berry - 1000 Poke
Apicot Berry - 1000 Poke
Ganlon Berry - 1000 Poke
Reviver Seed - 5000 Poke
Dingle (Chingling): A little Chingling? Preparing to take on Tier 5? No, your eyes do not deceive you. Hehehe!
Reyna (Primarina): Huff… pull yourself together, Reyna. You can do this…
Rest Area 1
There’s a rest area after Floor 15. Within are a few NPCs and a healing bed.
Joel (Ribombee): This whole challenge feels unfair. I’ve been trying to complete Tier 5 for months, man.
Lea (Aromatisse): One whiff of me and EVERYONE lets their guard down!
Rest Area 2
There’s another rest area after Floor 30. Within is a single NPC and a healing bed.
Vail (Beheeyem): 10 floors left. It’s the final stretch!
Secret Room
Secret Rooms can appear on floors 31 through 39. Inside is a healing bed, two piles of 10 Battle Points, and a single Deluxe Box. Also contains an NPC.
Box Items:
- 5 Battle Points
- 10 Battle Points
- 20 Battle Points
- Pure Seed
- Revival Herb
- Max Revive
- Big Nugget
Lass (Steenee): Secret rooms are epic, don’t ya think?
After completing the 40th floor, the player reaches the Battle Tower Rooftop, which provides them with two piles of 25 Battle Points, a Battle Master Ribbon, and a single Deluxe Box. You’ll also find Zephyr the Altaria awaiting you.
Box Items:
- 15 Battle Points
- 25 Battle Points
- 35 Battle Points
- Max Revive
- Revival Herb
- Nugget
- Big Nugget
- Deluxe Ribbon
- Golden Apple
- Joy Seed
Zephyr: [playername], well done! Excellent work! I knew you had what it took the second I laid eyes on you. Go on, take this ribbon. You’ve earned it. Feel free to challenge the Battle Tower again!
Completing this tier grants access to the VIP Shop.
New Items
Deluxe Ribbon: A valuable item. Sells for 7500.
Battle Point: Can be traded at reception for exclusive items. Sells for 100. Cannot be dropped or lost.
Shady Deck: Gives the holder’s team the effects of Pickpocket. Sells for 1000.
Squirt Bottle: Gives the holder’s team the effects of Damp. Sells for 1000.
Brute Band: Gives the holder’s team the effects of Sheer Force. Sells for 1000.
Tinfoil Hat: Gives the holder’s team the effects of Unaware. Sells for 1000.
Fruit Crown: Gives the holder’s team the effects of Ripen. Sells for 1000.
Ribbon Veil: Gives the holder’s team the effects of Serene Grace. Sells for 1000.
Master’s Belt: Gives the holder’s team the effects of Skill Link. Sells for 1000.
Signal Lamp: Gives the holder’s team the effects of Illuminate. Sells for 1000.
Beast Bangle: Gives the holder the effects of Beast Boost. Sells for 1000.
3D Glasses: Gives the holder the effects of Tinted Lens. Sells for 1000.
Greed Sash: Items picked up by the wearer are instantly sold, supplying the player with an equivalent amount of Poke. Only items with a sell value of 250 Poke or below are affected. Sells for 2500.
Battle Horn: A music item that plays “Battle Resort” when used. Sells for 500.
Silver Cassette: A music item that plays “Storming Rose’s Tower” when used. Sells for 500.
Chunk of Cobble: A music item that plays “N’s Bridge” when used. Sells for 500.
World Ribbon: A music item that plays “PWT Final” when used. Sells for 500.
Battle Master Ribbon: A ribbon with the sole purpose of displaying your devotion to the Battle Tower. Sells for 5000.
Translucent Key: Grants access to the Lingering Den, allowing the player to recruit Dreepy. Sells for 10000.
Crystalline Key: Grants access to the Sightless Cavity, allowing the player to recruit a shiny Dreepy. Sells for 25000.