The creation of collective guild storages

This may seem redundant as many players are willing to share items and there is already an existing market for buying/selling, but I think a shared storage for each Guild where players can pool items and others can give or take from the storage would be useful (be it once a day, or a set number of times a day, etc. to prevent excess and unfair theft).

I think this would be useful especially if there’s an important item relevant to a mission that a member of a guild needs and can’t find; or for someone with a lot of useful but extraneous (to them) items, to give them a use without selling them or having to be online to give them away. This could also make the guild log more useful as, if this feature was implemented, there could be entries for what item which guild member took, when.
This would also make trading family items easier among guild members.

I’m aware that this kind of thing doesn’t really exist in the games themselves, but it’s a pretty useful and common thing in other MMOs. I think it would be really useful for people who like to share items or have a lot of excess they don’t want to hoard.
I’m really interested to hear everyone’s opinion on this !