The Fire Within; a Pokémon Mystery Dungeon Story

Some of you who have RPed with me in-game might have heard my main Pokémon, Lara, talk about her lost partner. This is her story, one I’ve been meaning to tell for a while, and it’s certainly a bumpy ride; one that’s made her who she is today.


Chapter 1: A Hero

“They’ll be back soon. I just need to be patient.”

A young Treecko was nestled in the branches of a great tree, positioned just perfectly so she could see out over the forest, and still remain hidden from sight. Her yellow eyes scanned the treetops for any sign of movements that might signify her parents’ return, but there was nothing. Most of the Pokémon in the forest were falling asleep by now; Lara knew that she should be getting to bed soon as well, or she might be carried off by a Noctowl. Alone, she was helpless to the creatures of the night.

“Just a little longer. They’re sure to be back any minute now.”

The rising moon hung above the canopy like an eye, staring into her very soul. Lara gave a shiver in both fear and cold, curling up in a defensive position. Squeezing her eyes shut, she shuddered.

“I need to get down.”

Opening her eyes again, she stood and looked down the trunk of her tree. She didn’t move for a time.

“Lara. Get down. Now.”

She obeyed her own command, although her motions were not unlike that of a sleepwalker. Sliding the last few feet and slumping to the ground, she sat there for a moment, head down.

“Get up.”

Again, she obeyed, but her head lolled like a rag doll’s, her eyes half closed. She trudged over to a larger tree a little ways away, reaching for a handle carved into the side. Tugging on it, she was met with the familiar scent of home; she had lived in this hollowed-out tree for her entire life.

Inside was a single room, punctuated by three beds, a table, and something akin to a storage off to the side of the room. It wasn’t much, but Lara had no right to complain; the amazing lure of the forest more than made up for her meager living quarters.

She beedrill-lined for the smallest of the three beds, shutting the door behind her. Flopping down onto the leafy pile, she curled up and closed her eyes almost immediately. Exhaustion settled in, and she drifted into the clutches of sleep, haunted by dreams of her missing parents.


An eyelid fluttered open, revealing an eye of yellow. “Mom! Dad! I’m up!” she said groggily.

No answer but the calling of a Chatot outside.

Maybe they went into town.

She forced herself to her feet, her body screaming to return to the warm safety of the bed. But no; she had a mission, and he wasn’t going to rest until she accomplished it. She creaked open the door and stepped outside, holding up an arm to shield her eyes from the blinding sunlight. Wincing, she stumbled in the approximate direction of town, trampling through bushes in her attempt to walk without being able to see. Eventually, her eyes got used to the light, and she trekked the rest of the way to Rivervale. Parting the final set of bushes, she laid eyes upon the bustling streets of the town.

It actually wasn’t too impressive of a town; while it was the largest city in this portion of the region, Eastern Etheria, it was very small and somewhat isolated. Still, to a little Treecko who had spent most of her life in the woods, it was absolutely terrifying.

She stepped hesitantly out from the brush, cowering as a Gallade passed her. Lara ducked and scurried between feet and claws from all sorts of Pokémon she had never seen before. Racing through the crowd, she searched frantically for anything green that might be her parents.

Suddenly, she felt herself slam into something; before she knew it, Lara was sprawled out on the ground, a fairly small shadow standing over her. “Sorry! I didn’t see you there!” said a cheery voice. “Here, let me help you up.”

An orange, clawed hand reached down in front of her, and she grabbed it, helping herself up. “Thanks,” she said, smiling. “And really, it was my fault.”

In front of her was a Charmander about her age, a green bandana tied around his neck. “Say, what were you doing, running through the crowd like that anyways? You’re lucky you bumped into me and not someone else; some of the Pokémon here are pretty mean!”

Lara felt like she shrunk a bit, cowering under the sudden realization that she was still in unfamiliar territory. “I was… looking for my parents.”

“Do you need some help with that? I’d be glad to pitch in.”

Why was he being so nice? Weren’t other Pokémon supposed to mind their own business? “Sure,” she said after a moment’s pause. She might as well see where this was going; anyways, she did need the help.

“Alright then! The name’s Oki, by the way.”


“Nice to meet you, Lara. So, your parents…”

“They’re both Sceptiles; from Team RazorWind, if that strikes a bell.”

Oki drew in a sharp breath, stiffening. Pity, jealousy, admiration, and deep sadness all showed in his eyes. “The Team RazorWind?”

“Yes, I think so. Are there any other Team RazorWinds around here?”

Oki shook his head. “I’m sorry, Lara, but your parents… well, they’re not here, that’s for sure. They went missing yesterday after a mission; a search party was issued, but no trace of them was found.”

Lara looked devastated for a moment, and then narrowed her eyes in distrust. “And just how do you know all this?”

“Well, they’re only one of the most revered teams around. And anyways, I keep updated on the recent happenings among the Exploration Teams; someday, I want to join them. If you don’t believe me, you can go see for yourself at the Guild.”

Guild? What Guild? “No… it’s okay. I trust you.”

She didn’t know why she trusted him. The two had just met; she didn’t even know him. But there was something about this Charmander that made her feel she could trust him with her life.

“Well… do you have a place to stay?”

“I have my home in the forest, but it’s dangerous for me to be there alone. Anyone could barge into the place, and I couldn’t lift a finger against them.”

“In that case, do you want to stay at my place for a few nights? Until they find your parents?”

Lara nodded gratefully. “That would be great; thank you! Your parent’s wouldn’t mind though, would they?”

Oki hesitated before answering, “No; they wouldn’t mind at all.” There was something pained behind his words, but Lara didn’t ask about it. That could wait for later.

“In that case, I guess it’s the only option I have now.”

The two of them set off, Lara trying her hardest to hold back the tears that came with sudden realization. What if she never saw her parents again?

But she had to stay strong. If her parents’ team was as great as Oki said it was, then she had to be brave. For them.

For Oki.



Ahh, this is a nice read so far - I was hooked to Lana’s character in just the first few sentences. I’m already wondering what happened to her parents and more about Oki. The introduction was a nice length that drew me in and I’m looking forward to seeing what else we’ll find out about these two later on.

Keep up the nice work! I’ll be sure to keep an eye on this 'fic. :D

This is quite excellent. I’m impressed that someone else has entered the realm of writing. It’s very nice and I hope you continue.

Amazing work, absolutely beautiful. I love your style of writing.