Everyone was playing normally until about a couple of hours before the 12/13/2015 restart. This player comes in and starts creating alts using variations of names already in use. All the names this player kept on making did make me laugh. The Names List is the compiled list i made following the mimic (Left Column are the mimicked names, Right are the original names). While it was harmless, it can also pose a couple of risks:
[ul]-Someone (such as new players) can mistake the mimic for the original and receive misunderstandings that otherwise shouldn’t be occuring
-Mimicked names can make the original name look bad when they aren’t logged in[/ul]
It might or might not occur in the time that follows. What i am proposing (if this keeps going on) is a limit on the number of new accounts a single ip can make (3 accounts every 30 days) with another limit that limits the amount of new characters those accounts can make (6 characters every 60 days). This is just an idea. Staff can decide if they want to lower or raise those numbers, should they queue it.
As for this second idea, add some more code to creating new characters. If they name is using the same name but spelled differently, it should tell them the name is in use and spelling it differently is basically using that name.