The Minimap outside of darkness

This definitely needs to be prefaced with the fact I know the minimap isn’t complete yet, and some of this may already be planned. But with that covered, let’s get on to the suggestion.

I really like the minimap, and as far as I am aware so does a large chunk of the rest of the playerbase as well. However, right now it behaves a little weirdly on dungeon maps lacking darkness.

I propose that inside of dungeons (But potentially not the overworld) you should never see the whole map at the start, and have to fill it in as you move around even if the floor is darkness-free. (Though of course with a larger swath of it being filled in as you move) This would also allow the map showing the location of the stairs to be added back in without the issue of telling the player exactly where they need to go right off the bat. This also prevents the X-Ray Specs/Charm from simply being popped on and then taken off again every floor to reveal everything once the bug preventing them from working with the map is fixed.

And, of course, being able to see teammates on the map, as well as what they’ve revealed would be nice, but I understand that might be too large of a technical hurdle for now.

Andy already said this change was coming with our next update. Done and done.

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Whoops! Flagged for deletion, then.

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I’ll leave this as-is for tracking purposes, and so that anyone with the intent of making a similar post finds this. The point about the specs/charm is also valid and a reminder to look into those as well - thanks for posting!


If this is happening are we getting the stairs showing up again on the map? because I hate spawning next to them, searching the floor for loot and not being able to find them again.

Ideally it would have to be ‘shown if discovered’ if the minimap got further updated.


Yes, that’s what I was thinking, if Andy adds the mini-map “fog” on all maps it’d be shown if discovered anyway.