Thoughts on new pokemon in sword and shield?

Hey guys I assume most people have seen the new trailer now, so what do you think of:
A: new huge pokemon forms :awweyes:
B: the new legendary warrior doggo’s :stuck_out_tongue:
DISCUSS! :stuck_out_tongue:
C:new pokemon shown
D: confirmed leak pokemon :stuck_out_tongue:


Dynamax is silly to me, but still quite fun. I’m mostly looking forward to if the animation of moves will still have an affect on them. I’d love to do a Gyro Ball against a Dynamax’d Eelektross.

Doggos are good. I like doggos.

Wooloo is one of the favourites, but I personally like Corviknight just because we need more sleek bird designs like these. :>

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Dynamax is definitely weird. I’ve never been /that/ big of a fan of the regional battle mechanics like z-moves and megas, so i don’t expect to care much about Dynamax in actual gameplay.

Like the legendaries, leaning more twords the shield doggo myself.

New Pokemon are cool! For once I think I like each one we saw!


im liking dynamax despite it’s silly sizing cause it only lasts 3 turns as opposed to megas which just completly dominate a battle if no counters are set up so now with dynamax u can wall out or sweep the mon and carry on


Dynamax seems pretty ridiculous to me, but in a fun way. Just imagine how frickin’ huge a Dynamaxed Wailord or Alolan Exeggutor would be. The whole 3 turns bit makes the mechanic sound a bit more strategic to me. At least, compared to “lol just mega and win”.

Definitely leaning more towards sword doggo myself, as I tend to prefer more offensively-oriented mons, although shield doggo’s color scheme is quite nice.

The new mons seem pretty cool based on appearance alone, but I’ll have to wait until more info is revealed about them before I can form a more detailed opinion about them.


Dyanamax and the Legendaries are beyond stupid. Everything else looks good, though the graphics could use more polishing


supposedly galarian forms might be confirmed any mons you guys hope got a form?
you guys like the open “wilds” idea for catching/hunting items? :stuck_out_tongue:


Was all going so well until the whole Dynamax thing. Especially in gym leader battles, smh.
I’m a fan of raids, however not when you can use Dynamax it’s 100% going to kill the difficulty of the whole point of raids, but we’ll see.
I don’t understand why they don’t just leave gym leaders alone. They’ve been fine and dandy till sun and moon came along and obviously that didn’t help how bad the game already was (imo), let the gym leaders be how they were or heck do what they did with totem pokemon and boost their main Pokémon stats.
Other than that looks pretty good. Don’t mind the legends much. Design is too similar imo though but eh still good doggos.


Anything from Johto would be neat (fingers crossed maybe galarian sentret or girafarig)

I love the wilds area, I do wish Pokemon could follow behind you again, but seeing them roaming on the overworld with weather changes sounds really awesome too.


sopposedly farfetchd has a confirmed new form :stuck_out_tongue:


The leaks that were posted to /vp/ did get information right but just be wary that there have been plenty of leaks in the past that add incorrect or false information. It could be true but just don’t get your hopes up.


I was really looking forward to a dark fairy pokemon… but what we got is… like an anorexic version of Impmon. too stylised and not cute.


I like how you basicly have totem pokemon now.