Something that I’ve noticed is that there are many Pokémon who have animations that show them flying or hovering, but they are not able to go over water tiles. Additionally, there are some Pokémon who likewise cannot swim despite being specifically aquatic, all because of their typing. I believe that it would be a good idea to add a “can float” and “can swim” tag to certain Pokémon in order to allow them to follow more of a consistency with their origins.
The Pokémon that I think should be able to travel over water tiles are as follows:
Pokémon that Swim
- Azurill (Normal/Fairy that turns into Water/Fairy but still has its aquatic nature)
- Stunfisk (a fish that happens to be Ground/Electric)
- Anorith and Armaldo (Bug/Rock types that are specifically stated to be aquatic and have the Swift Swim ability)
- Lileep and Cradily (Grass/Rock types that are said to live in the ocean)
- Dratini and Dragonair (Dragon types that are found primarily through fishing in the main series)
- Inkay and Malamar (Psychic/Dark types that are also squids)
- Dragalge (a Poison/Dragon type that evolved from a Poison/Water type, yet still retains its aquatic nature).
The Pokémon that I think should be able to travel over all terrain tiles (water, fire, empty space, et cetera) are as follows:
Pokémon that float:
- Porygon, Porygon2, and Porygon-Z
- Magnemite, Magneton, and Magnezone
- Klink, Klang, and Klinklang
- Beldum, Metang, and Metagross
- Elgyem and Beheeyem
- Flabébé, Floette, and Florges
- Carbink
- Castform
- Solosis, Duosion, and Reuniclus
- Munna and Musharna
- Jirachi
- Celebi
- Mew
- Deoxys
- Alolan Raichu (once introduced)
- Cottonee and Whimsicott
- Vanillite, Vanillish, and Vanilluxe
- Klefki
- Diancie
Pokémon that fly:
- Beedrill
- Venomoth
- Dustox
- Volbeat
- Illumise
- Volcarona
- Cutiefly and Ribombee
These are just the Pokémon I was able to think of; I’m sure there are a few others that could be added to this list.
I believe that granting these Pokémon more movement options will allow them to be a bit more valuable mechanically. More importantly (for me), I believe that this will make them more intuitive to use based on their animations and/or origins. It doesn’t make much sense that a wingless dodo bird can travel across all terrains uninhibited, but the literally always-flying Ribombee gets stuck on a shallow pool of water.
Of course, this might mean that Levitate might need to be slightly altered in order for those wish such an ability can have a benefit for having said ability. Any ideas on this would be great for this discussion, as I currently cannot think of anything on this one.
I was actually thinking about this the other day. Some of the mons you mentioned can also travel over water in the main PMD games, despite not being water types. This would be a nice feature to add.
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Glalie to floating maybe.
Dragonite’s line Is one.
Considering It Is a feature In the actual games, It should have been a thing In PMU since forever. I’ll also mention Darkrai can go through walls despite not being a Ghost-type. I don’t have a Darkrai slate fused so I don’t know whether It can go through walls In PMU or not, but In the actual games It can. Just a heads up. Also Rhypherior ( maybe the whole line not sure ) can apparently go on lava.
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Oh! Yes, I regrettably completely forgot Glalie. I am sorry. 
Oh yes, I know! That’s part of the reason why I’d been considering making a post about this for a while now.
Oh riiight, that’s something else I didn’t think about.
Can they do so without getting burned? I remember that the likes of Onix and Steelix could as well, but I don’t remember if they could without getting burned. So I wasn’t sure if this would be at all beneficial in the long run, though I suppose the added movement options would be beneficial anyway.
According to Bulbapedia It seems so. It doesn’t mention Onix’s line though.
Ah, I see! Well, I suppose figuring out who all can actually go over lava to begin with might be a good idea, considering most Pokémon get stopped by lava tiles.
This is something that I would talk about years ago when I played much more often. I think it’d be great to have implemented but I think it’d be a lot of work.
It’d be fantastic to see Pokemon such as Magnemite be allowed to travel over water, lava, and air just like they can in the main pmd games.
EDIT: Also Pokemon like Dratini, Anorith, and Lileep were able to go into water too
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I agree, which is why I made sure to mention it in the original post. No worries!
With my limited amount of coding experience, I feel that adding a modifier that checks whether a Pokémon is eligible to travel over terrains would be at least moderately straightforward.
If Pokémon is in [list of swimmers] or if Pokémon water type, then water tiles are unblocked.
If Pokémon is in [list of lavaswimmers] or if Pokémon is fire type, then lava tiles are unblocked.
If Pokémon is in [list of floaters/flyers] or if Pokémon is flying type, then all non-wall terrain tiles are unblocked.
If Pokémon is in [list of phasers] or if Pokémon is ghost type, then all terrain and wall tiles are unblocked.
However, I also know that the PMU code has nearly a decade of baggage that would need to be sorted out, which would probably be the main source of difficulty in implementing something like this. So as cool as this would be, I’m willing to wait for the designers and programers to figure out how to better streamline the code first. That way, additions like this would be a bit easier to deal with!
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I absolutely love this idea, for immersion reasons if not logical ones. I really hope a staff member gives their two cents on this too!
not sure if this is old enough to be considered necroposting, but I went and made a list of pokemon that can float over tiles by checking mons in PMD Sky that aren’t Flying/Fire/Water/Ghost/Levitate that have floaty animations (or just seemed like they could logically go over such tiles, like Anorith and water). Oddly enough, Onix/Steelix/Rhyhorn can’t go over lava (Rhyhorn and Rhyperior can like Bulbapedia says though).
(Note: This is only accurate to Gen 1-4 since I don’t have GTI or Super; also, other than Darkrai, this list is only accurate for going over water tiles bc while testing I thought that’d it’d basically be like the pokemon having Levitate without the actual ability, but I noticed that Porygon 2 could go over water but not lava so 
honestly, i’d give the floating pokemon levitate mobility, along with adding more pokemon with other mobility like this thread suggests, but I guess its up to staff if they’ve even seen/consider this idea)
Darkrai (Ghost-type mobility)
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