Time based spawn as a whole

This post is focused on a topic: Why time based spawn in general?

While I do agree that some pokemon should be time based (solrock and lunaton for example), or things like ghost/dark being at night.

But here’s the issue: Not everyone can pop on at all times, some may never be able to hop onto a time, some places dungeons are just way too long to justify a time frame, there’s a lot to it.

One of things I am always curious is to why some of these time based spawn even exist. Does starters, or rather anything specific spawning only during dawn/dusk fit story or anything, are they intended to make things rare, but also more annoying? Squirtle in CI Depths being dawn day is just mean, not only is it locked to the 2 shortest times, it has barely any floors, in a dungeon that isn’t the most friendly to run.

You also have stuff in like only 2 hour timeframes (farfetch and ditto).

You also have scenarios where like dusk Lycanroc, where dusk is only 2 hour duration, and guess what. Running to the 30s range and finding the secret room isn’t easy, especially since you can’t even go into the dungeon before hand. There’s no special tile or anything. You either have to rely on someone holding the SR to shiny hunt, or basically forced to use something to speedrun.

Many of these restrictions just make no sense. Why not just make it dawn/day. Or make it spawn rarer instead of locking behind small periods of time.

Also, what’s the point of even having time exclusive in HCs.

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I agree I really dislike dawn and/or dusk as a time limit. You can miss it by a bit for something or another because you can only check the time cycle online. And it doesn’t stay consistent because of resets. It sucks to miss it and have to wait all that time. With only being able to have one spawn point at a time it’s not like it’s simple to just do another shiny hunt in the game in the mean time, if you even have another option at the time. Shiny hunting aside, it can be unnecessarily painful for simply getting a regular pokemon you like or want to collect.

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what is the point of time excIusives:

artificiaIIy increasing repIayabiIity.
why not have shinies have 100% recruit rate? or make aII pokemon have a much more reasonabIe 1/100 chance to spawn shiny

and why not make exp gain much higher?

so there’s repIayabiIity?

it might not be ideaI, and we might want to expand access, but i think the basic premise is to add a reason to pIay the game at aII times of day. no need to rush to get ur dusk Iycanroc in the timespan of 3 weeks.

attempt it over the Iifespan of ur entire pmu career.

Iike why rotom onIy on f17? idk. repIayabiIity i guess.

i wasn’t too happy about that when i was hunting rotom, i’II be the first to admit that. but it kept me pIaying the game Ionger, and at the end of the day, don’t we want more ppI ingame? :o

No if it them being mad or frustrated

a person should play the game because they want to and find it fun,
not because they have to to get what they want

that also leads them to be toxic and mean in chat instead of friendly and welcoming.

I’m not gonna lie man it’s been diffcult getting a trapinch. Not for myself but for my friends/guild mates who are just playing for the first time. I’ve seen them get fustrated at the low spawn rates in general in comparison to the amount of time dawn/dusk takes, and considering stop playing the game for a few days or week out of it.

Dusk and Dawn for my time zone happens at 4am, 10am, 4pm, 10pm respectfully. We only have 2 times per day [if we’re lucky] to actually go through tanren mines to the depths and hope that it spawns at all period. It’s extremely diffcult to find a time based mon unless you’re willing to waste sleep over it. It can be diffcult for the average player who only plays 2-4 hours around the same time every 2 to 3 days at least.

I like the idea of spawns being dusk/night or dawn/day and not dusk/dawn only. I understand it’s meant to keep the pokemon rare but the low spawn rates is doing that just fine for it as of currently. If people get fustrated and stop playing because they couldn’t get the pokemon they want then it can hurt the community.


Personally, I don’t think time based spawns are that much of an issue until you take shiny hunting into account.

As a one time thing, it’s supposed to add a little depth to the gameplay mechanics and feel rewarding to finally hunt down an elusive Pokemon.
In a game of collecting 100s of creatures, it would be bland if each one was found in the same way.

As a consequence, it does make it harder for people who would try shiny hunting these specific spawns. But it’s important to remember that shiny hunting is voluntary. Not everything must be balanced around an “extra” feature. At the very least, shiny rates are adjusted according to rarity and there are a few limited time events that can serve as shortcuts to skipping the regular grind.

Pushing through and getting something despite its challenges is what gives it a special meaning. The way you tackle the same challenge imposed to everyone is up to you; be it through planning ahead, using game mechanics (like guild meetup, or logging off on a floor before time change), sheer perseverance or random luck.

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