First of all I want to say the HC seems pretty balanced (after counter was taken out from the boss). But I do want to say there seems to be lacking a fair amount of recruits in the Toy Factory. I think it takes away the intent to run after only a few days in, unless you’re hardcore hunting in the limited selection of mons. Someone also said this dungeon was more for newer players, so having more recruits would be more beneficial as well.
The Toy Factory only has 6 recruits
- Mareep
- Zigzagoon
- Stufful
- Klefki
- Porygon
- Tinkatink
Basic form non recruitables
- Togepi
- Igglybuff
- Magnemite
- Cleffa
- Buneary
- Klink
- Timburr
- Baltoy
- Dedenne
- Aron
- Teddiursa
Not mentioning Mimikyu and Piplup because it’s pretty obvious why they’re not recruitable. Out of the list I could see stuff like Timburr, Klink, Baltoy or even Dedenne be really nice recruits, because they’re more rare, further into the game etc. Giving more things a chance to shine in limited events like these would be a win for everyone imo.
Anyway, I wanted to mention this as early as possible, so there’s still a lot of time left in case other things are added. I hope everyone has nice runs this HC