Updates (12/18/2010)

Updates for the following server restart include:
-“Chat Burn” bug is fixed
-Missions can occur for Random Dungeons
-Minor NPC spawning bug fixed (fewer NPCs spawning at times)
-Move Experience bug is fixed
-Profile will show players’ stats, including:
-+Name and Rank
-+Total Play Time
-+Dungeons Completed
-+Missions Completed
-+Pokemon Defeated, and Pokemon Recruited

The next time the server restarts on an update, a new thread will be posted detailing the changes.

Since this update I can’t login anymore.
It either says Incorrect password or You are alredy playing on this computer!
I checked task manager and see if is alredy runing but it isn’t runing.
any help plz?

Once you type an incorrect password, it gives you the “You are already playing!” thing. Restart the client and try again. If that doesn’t work, restart your computer.