What pokemon do you act most like?

I got bored and the forums are not so active atm. So I decided to make thisrandom…whatever you call it. D:

So anyways. Title says it all. What do you act most like? Feel free to write down whatever pops to your mind!~
I’ll start!
So, first of all I may act like some monkey-ish pokemon. Could be Infernape, Primape…blah. I rage too easily, I’m sorta impatient…and… I like to eat lotz of bananas! XD Once I ate 4 in a single night…(Forgot why I stopped though. Either because we ran out or my stomach ached.) Heh. >_< Maybe I’d even go crazy on some rather rubbish topic. (I’ve noticed it it easy to make me laugh.)

Second…pokemon with the ability “gluttony” Simply because I actually am a glutton. Haha. (I couldn’t help it.)

Third…Not to mention but sometimes I do feel like a Magikarp >_< I feel that what people would think of me is like…somewhat stupid. Somewhat worthless and incaple of handling the bigger stuff. So yes I’m always left with junk.

Now… What’s yours? >:3 All ears.

Cool :D
I’m not so good with these kind’a things.
-le derp-
I’d like to read other people though :D

Munchlax or Abra.

I spend more time asleep than awake and I have a fast metabolism so I"m always eating. And when I do eat, I devour it. Basically, I"m lazy and hungry just about always. Aside from that, I sleep about fourteen hours on average, and if I don"t, I get cranky.

Oh, and Noctowl.

I"m a night owl, and I"m always awake until the sun rises, however, I sleep until the sunsets. I appreciate the night hours for the silence, and I easily adapt to the nighttime.

Well ok like some years ago i did the cave of dragonflies test: http://www.dragonflycave.com/newpay.aspx?oldlink=1
I always liked Pachirisu and it was one of my fav pokemon but then when i did the test it showed me im like a Pachirisu…
Thats how Pachi officialy became my favorite pokemon!
PS. I already had this forum account.

i’ll definitely be piplup, I like cute stuff, I don’t go for strong pokemon, I love cute things so yeah, I am curious and annoying like a piplup :D
Plus I like it the most

Hmm, quite the philosophical question you pose there, but I must say that I don’t believe I act like any pokemon in particular, as I’m most human in every physical and behavioural form possibl -

Was that a squirrel? Could have just sworn I saw a squirrel.

Anyway, as I was saying before, I don’t think there’s really any pokemon that I… you know, act like, seeing as I’m human any way you look at me and it’d just be weird if I acted like any kind of -

Did someone just throw a stick? :o.ol: GOTTAFETCHGOTTAFETCHGOTTAFETCH.

Uh, in any case, as I was… wait, what was I saying before? Oh well, mustn’t have been too important. Now if you’ll excuse me, there’s this sneaky tail following me around everywhere I go and I’ve gotta go catch it asap, before the world ends or something.

-runs around in circle, chasing invisible tail-

Hmm I’ve always related the most to charmander…

Apparently, I act like a Togetic.

any pokemon dat are playful :joy: heh i like to laugh alot :3 but not alot as in like a pyscho O.e

munchlax: love to eet eeet eeeet eeeeeeeet eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet~

a piplup who gets annoyed when ever its been pulled down

(a samurott cuz in-game,ppl take me as a “guy” but my username is already obvious dat i am a “she” e.e)

aaaaand dats all :3

i’m mostly like a mudkip… i like to play in the mud, and i love taking showers… (please don’t take this the wrong way anybody) I’m a Vegan so I don’t eat meat…

I don’t really know, I would like to say Buizel since it’s my favourite, but I’m not sure, however though wherever I go things relating to it in some way follow me almost everywhere, even other games.
Things or words like: Buoy, Weasels/weaseling, Otters, Bui surname in some game credits and anything else similar, it’s sorta creepy in a way.
The water typing fits me more than other types, for example I’m not someone who is ‘always angry at everything’ and I dislike hot weather and prefer rain (at times).
though Pokemon in general can act differently no matter what, since personalty obviously varies a lot.
So this is quite a tricky question to think about.

I know this sounds crazy, but I think I act like Spinda. Y’know how Spinda has a BALLISTICALLY low chance of you running into a spinda with the same spot combination? I compare the chances of there being a human being that’s the same as the other to that. So, yeah. I’m unique. GO ME!

You could say I’m like a Tyranitar. People usually depend on me for many things, and I get the job done. Not to mention, I dislike sugarcoating things.

Then there’s the lazier me. A Luxray, you could say. I’d rather sleep in until the afternoon, lounge around, eat, then go back to sleep. I can read through most people, like Luxray’s X-Ray eyes, and I’m pretty nocturnal.

Hmm maybe a cold blooded pokemon (treecko line counts as cold blooded don’t they?)

I’m very artistic so maybe smeargle.

But I tend to focus on different skills aswell as just art. So maybe eevee due to all of its evolutions?

Gahh its so hard! Guys I’m scared!

Hmm on second thought, even though explorers of the sky is very insistent that I am a sassy Riolu and even though I have allays liked the Charmander evolutionary line the best, I think I act most like is Sandshrew.

Why is Lorne like a Sandshrew you ask, well answer me this how is a raven like a writing desk? (Just kidding I’m not doing that…) Anyways, despite how I may seem I’m a bit of a lonely reclusive fella, it’s even in the name guys…, but I can be very outgoing and extroverted with a little help from my friends. I am also ridiculously loyal to anyone who I have made friends with.

Yeah, it’s gotta be Pachirisu.

I MEAN. Who wouldn’t think I’m not hyper? XD

And then, Typhlosion.

I get angered easily…

And Weavile.

This part of me isn’t shown much, but in real life, I’m actually a cold and harsh person. Norly. Except when I’m with my friends.

For some reason, I’d have to say an Aipom.
I’m very goofy and usually crack alot of jokes. I’d also consider my other half to be a Noctowl. I’m actually very wise. I’m pretty quiet outside the internet and not very social. I also enjoy staying up at night, but I’m usually punished for it. (Speaking of which, once I stayed up all night, and fell asleep in class during a very important test. I got one of the highest scores in my class even though I was half asleep. GO ME.)

Interesting question, I must say. To be honest, it’d have to be Gallade. Yes, it’s my favourite Pokemon, but it also describes me quite well. We’re both very smart (hence part Psychic type), but sometimes we like to keep that to ourselves. We both find it quite hard to get angered, but when we do, we find it hard to hold back. We stick up for our friends in a fight (~fighting type~), and are both quite popular, because we are dependable. Though if our personalities were written on paper, we’d both seem like very serious people (or Pokemon, in Gallade’s case), we’re actually very laid-back, and have a good sense of humour.Though this view of Gallade is not iron clad, it is what I have always though of the Pokemon. DragonFlyCave always calls me an Absol, though. :>_<:

~Get out of my way, or I’ll pummel you to the ground.~ I have an arrogant and rushing side, okay?

~Wise outside of society, IQ also multiplying…~ Pretty smart, I do calculus and am in 9th grade, not to mention that I’m pretty young(youngest in my grade)

~Hide in the shadows, appear like a ninja.~ Sneaking up on people is one of my favorite things to do. Seriously.

~I’m pretty fast in general, along with being hyper as heck.~ Immature as well, I also run track(8:30 in a mile. This is just from JOGGING.)

~Defend the castle!~ I’m pretty defensive, verbally and physically. To my friends, and to myself.

I have multiple sides. :@~@:

I’d say I act like a Latios or Umbreon. I can’t really explain my reason. I wonder what others will say on the next Podcast.
