Why can i get shards in exbel but can't use them until tanren?

i asked this in global the other day and i want to know the actual reason from a staff. if there isn’t really a reason can using shards be made a little bit earlier? if people didn’t tell me to save them i would’ve sold them for extra money and i don’t think i’d be the only one

Well…here’s what I figure: Chances are if you can run dungeons with more than 20 floors, you’re prepared enough to go get access to Tanren. The lowest level dungeon (excluding Cliffside which does go to 21) that I can think of with shard drops is Mt. Skylift - a dungeon you usually go to around 30+. Tanren Tunnel is also a dungeon you can reasonably do around 30+.

A lot of the time, newer players probably won’t have exposure to the usefulness of the Frisk ability either (though more experienced players may immediately beeline for the Yanma spawn in Happiness Lake as that has Frisk and Speed Boost). Shards are always hidden and always on floor 21+ of any dungeon.

That said, I do think we could look into brainstorming some additional uses for shards. Perhaps we could add something in Delite Plaza that takes shards as currency; there are some things I think we could add there. Thanks for bringing this up! ^_^