Winden Arena - Central Warp

With many community event based on PVP happening in winden arena, can we get a warp on the side to the central part of the arena so we can see the action better. (Like how tanren arena is below)

I agree, it should be for all arenas, actually. It’ll help with hosting future tournaments.

The main merit of having a central spectator zone is ensuring the battle log is (almost) always visible.

While /watch and /stopwatch do already give a great view, if the players are too far the battle log may not register on a spectator’s client. So this is a good solution in case the log needs to be closely tracked.

But on the other hand, we also gotta consider the demerit of not having a completely open arena from the perspective of the fighters.

All the sprites, names or potential move spams from the spectators in the center could throw the fighters off.
Also, preferably we should continue having arenas with different terrain. That is, some with obstruction and some completely open. The variation keeps your movement strategy fresh I’d imagine.

In conclusion, the most ideal situation is a way for logs to be globally visible on arena maps. Until that’s possible, I’d prefer things staying as they are now based on the balance of merits/demerits discussed.


aIternative: make the arena smaIIer

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