Would You Rather?

I like the game would you rather so I decided to make this.
your post will answer the previous question the you have to make your own question.
(this has to be appropriate) I will start

Would you rather have 999 all stats with no friends on PMU or
be the weakest person with everyone being your friend?

First choice.

Would you…

A: Never eat ever again.

B: Dry up in the desert with no water.

never eat again

would you rather be hairy all over your body or
have no skin?

1st option.

Would you rather be attacked by a legendary or an army of weak pokemon?

Legendary. Preferably Entei. Since I could catch it, or it would run away.
Would you rather have your favorite character in a game die, or have the antagonist win.

Favourite character die a noble death.

Would you rather be facebooking or sitting on PMU with friends? [o3o]

Being on PMU talking.

Would you rather drink a Latte or a Slurpee?


Would you rather watch TV all day or
play computer games all day?

I’d rather be playing computer games all day since I don’t watch TV anyways. xD


Would you rather:

A) Hug Ren.
B) Not Hug Ren.

I would rather hug Ren <3 So fluffeh :D Why would I pass out on the chance to hug a Pokemon?

Would you rather:

A. Explode


B. Self-Destruct

Explode because there is a chance you will, indeed live.

Would you rather…

Take the Left Road and be Wrong?


Take the Right Road and be too Right?

that doesnt make sense but id choose right!

would you rather be in the pokemon world or Are you a boy or a girl?


Would you rather…

A. Play a Final Fantasy game?


B. Play a Fire Emblem game?

Final Fantasy FTW!

Would you rather:

Participate in, Suvivor or Fear Factor?

Idk. Survivor.

Would you rather have your favorite series go on a hiatus for 10 years or have your favorite video game series release it’s final game (A really, really good game. Revolutionary.)

Final game. ;A;

When the power’s out, or if there’s a brown-out/black-out, would you rather be locked up in a haunted room for 3 days or die by the electric chair?


  • cough.

(Ice Cream.)

Mint Chocolate Chip or Not Mint Chocolate Chip? ._.;

Mint chocolate.

Would you rather have the best chocolate in the world[only one of them though] or have a stash of one of the cheapest ones?

I’ll take a stash of the cheap. You never said I couldn’t bake cookies. :B

To be, or not to be? That is the question.

To be. .3.

Would you rather hang out with Roxas or Axel?