This is just a thread for you to post whatever songs you wanna share with the community; remixes, Indy bands, J/K-pop, classic rock, jazz, country or whatever else your into!~
(Note feel free to just post one song, I only posted this many because I’m home sick and incredibly bored…)
Foster the people, Waste
A catchy and hopeful song about love.
12 Battle! VS Trainer - Pokémon Reorchestrated: Kanto Symphony
I am a really big fan of this entire album but this song is one of the best, listen to the full composition sometime if you want to!
Doctor who, I am the doctor:
My favorite song from my favorite show!~
I Fight Dragons, Save World Get Girl
Easily the best nerd band EVER!
Hans Zimmer, Time
This song sends shivers down my spine every time…
Chuck vs The Dark Side (advanced piano version)
I am learning how to play this!
Death Waltz [U.N Owen Was Her]
If you play this whole song your fingers will catch on fire afterwords…
Team Plasma Battle Remix
I don’t usualy go for remixes but this one is just too good!
All the PMD music but Great canyon is the best!
This is one of my favorite game songs ever.
Song of Storms (Legend of Zelda)
I love every version but this one is the best!
Assassin’s Creed 2 theme
I never get tired of this theme!
So that’s me, what do you guys like?