Your Own Zombie Apocalypse! [Roleplay Sign-Up & OCC]

Author"s Note


Okay, you guys can stop gaping in shock now. Yes, I"m back, and yes, I"m also doing RPs again. Just for a bit, and most of them are jokes, otherwise, I am retired from the RP genre. Anyway, I come in peace. As you can see, this RP is about well…zombies! But, here"s the fun part: it"s a crack RP, meaning it"s not really meant to be taken seriously and I don"t really care who you use/how you do this RP. I got this idea due to pestering Ribbon and TheFluffyEevee at two in the morning, so slight credit goes to them for this idea. Well, that"s enough of that, here we go!

Roleplay Information

GM: Cynder
Co - Mod(s):
Rating: PG - 13, just to be safe (yes, this IS allowed, as long as there is a warning!).
Level: Casual, mid-Casual.
Genre: Parody, Action, Adventure, Friendship, Fantasy, Spiritual, Romance, Thriller, Psychological, Supernatural.
Limit: At least one paragraph per post, grammar…or I will set the hounds on you.
Status: Open and gladly accepting!
Notice: This is a Crossover Roleplay, and should be treated like one.


“My life…is so, very boring.”

We all must to have said it AT LEAST once in our lifetime, if not more. Boring lives can be awesome! Or they can totally suck, in which case they do.

“Sometimes, I wish my life could be interesting…or something.”

Well, guess what, kid! You just got that wish…whether you actually wanted it or not! Instead of continuing your life at a tediously boring job, at an immature middle or high school, or at an overbearing elementary, you suddenly find yourself absorbed from all corners of the world by a bright light that takes you to a place you don"t recognize! (Note: Different teams will appear in different areas within a thirty mile radius, between a city, and a field–you know what, just think of AMC"s bath salts Walking Dead, and that should make things easier. With people you know, but would have never dreamt of meeting, realistic or fictional!!

So, holy crude. Slow down, first you teleport, now you are stuck with eight random strangers in the middle of nowhere, stranded…did I mention the zombies? Yeah, there is PLENTY of those! But don"t worry, there is plenty of items to scavenge off of, teamwork to be used, and other teams that you can recruit (or destroy, your choice).So, kick up a rifle and begin shooting some zombies…or run away screaming, whatever floats your boat. But be careful, if you or one of your teammates get infected, it"s most likely game over unless we find a miraculous recovery!

In the end…will you survive? Will your team survive? Who will live, who will die? Will we find out the truth behind this twisted reality? Will we escape, or decide to stay in rashness? Find out in: Make Your Own Zombie Apocalypse!

About The Roleplay

This one is a little different, because the Sign-Ups are actually creative. And by creative, I mean picking eight people from any media, real life, or an OC. They will be copied and pasted into a Sign Up sheet, you can make it on Paint, GIMP, Photoshop, wherever is easier for you. That will count as your Team Sign Up. Be warned that one of the people you pick will die almost immediately.

If there is more than one of the same character, we might have to make adjustments, UNLESS, we all decide to kill off the same character, which can remain that way if we wish. If you want to save characters that people plan to kill off, that is permitted.

Although this is intended to be a joke Roleplay, there will be some very serious moments. You"ll find yourself either hating your team or bonding with them. There will be fight scenes, action, plague, blood and death. I did tag a PG-13 rating on this, but I really do ask that you all keep the gore to a minimum. Yes, this is based off of, “Edge of Sanity”, the RP I stopped before I left.

You WILL have a character based on yourself. He or she will NOT be presented in the team sign-up, but will actually be written out. You do not need to be entirely canon. Characters can be anyone you like, you don"t need to explain them, actually, I"m excited to see who we get, how they interact, and their stories.

This is also an interact RP. Based on your decisions, will depend on the storyline and other teams, etc. Be law or chaos, whatever you like more.

Any questions or comments, leave below.


[ul][li]You can pick ANY eight characters you want. [/li]
[li]If you curse, I didn’t see it. You’ll have to deal with the Staff for that, not me.[/li]
[li]Romance is indeed allowed, but nothing deemed “inappropriate”, nothing that is “disturbing”.[/li]
[li]Listen, I don’t want any drama. Drama is allowed in the RP, outside of it, first one starts, first one out.[/li]
[li]For Slenderman sake, no trolling, nothing that offends other. I WILL KICK YOU OUT.[/li]
[li]If you have any questions PM moi, or leave it here in the thread. I’ll get back to you.[/li]
[li]If you aren’t sure of anything, make an educated guess.[/li]
[li]The character doesn’t have to be perfect, this is just meant to have fun with, experiment with.[/li]
[li]Feel free to add in your own twists and turns on the characters. Can’t wait to see the changes.[/li]
[li]THEMESONGS. ARE. AWESOME. Seriously, just consider these.[/li]
[li]Uhm…I’m really stressing this. So if you have questions, ASK!!![/li]
[li]OCs are allowed.[/li]
[li]Genderbends are hilarious. Feel free to add one, just don’t disturb fellow players.[/li]
[li]This will probably be a long RP, so be prepared.[/li]
[li]Enjoy yourself and all the havoc and chaos to come![/ul][/li]
Your Team

[spoilerThe Form:1z596w1e]This is the form, however, if you would like to make another version, you are allowed to do so. If you would like to share your form, just let me know! I"ll post it up for others to use as well. Copy and paste pictures into Paint, Photoshop or GIMP to easily make this.


[spoilerApocalypse Playlist (Optional):1z596w1e]For anyone who wants to go the extra mile for fun, here"s a form to make your own Apocalypse playlist. Experiment with it. Have fun.


Your Character

Aside from your main eight (or seven, really), you are given a chance to make an avatar based on yourself. It does not have to ANY personal information on you, you can tweak and edit in any shape, way or form. I don"t care if you have magic powers. Have fun with it. Just make this your MAIN character, like your OC leader.

Personality and Biography are NOT requirements. I would like to ask you to have something planned out, however.

Delete parenthesis when submitting.

[IMG Here.]

[b]Full Name:[/b]
[b]Alias / Title:[/b]
[b]Fake Name:[/b] [Optional]


[b]Skills / Abilities:[/b]

[b]Appearance:[/b] [This is for written description. Pictures go above.]
[b]Accessories:[/b] [Optional]

[b]Themesong:[/b] [Optional, but these are awesome.]


I know it’s late but I’m up for it if you still are. (I’ve been away because of technical difficulties.)

I’m kind of bad at apocalypse RPs, but I’ll give it a shot. xD;

[Due to the fact that my laptop still isn"t fixed, I can"t draw a picture and there are no pictures on the internet that look like her…is it okay if I post an image later?]

Full Name: Fatima Mirza
Nickname(s): Well, there"s “Famma”, but she really hates that nickname.
Alias / Title: None, I guess…?
Fake Name: She tells most strangers that her name is “Zahra”.

Gender: Female.
Age: Twelve.

Weapon(s): …I can"t envision her having the guts to use any weapons. Most of the time she"ll probably just hide behind her teammates. xD; But if it"s necessary, I guess she"s got a pistol or something…?
Power(s): Photokinesis, yay. So, she can make herself invisible and pull lasers out of thin air…I think. But her head starts to hurt if she uses it too often.
Skills / Abilities: She"s good at drawing and kind of good at writing, if that counts. Fatima is also fluent in English and Urdu.

Appearance: Fatima"s got brown hair a little longer than shoulder-length, but it"s always covered by headscarf. She"s got kinda-sorta fair skin; not tan but not super-white either. Her eyes are brown. Fatima is a little taller than average.
Accessories: She"s got a bag with one of those long straps that you wear over your shoulder. In it she keeps her wallet (with five dollars and her school ID), a pack of Starburst candy, and tissues.

Theme song: THE CIIIIRCLE OF LIIIIFE Accumula Town"s theme. Which I"m too lazy to provide a link to so look it up by yourself >c.

Other: Nothing much. owo

And here is my team.

EDIT: Was bored, so I made a playlist…I don’t have an MP3 player or anything, though, so I found a playlist of all the Ace Attorney soundtracks on YouTube and put it on shuffle.

Overall theme: “Prologue” (Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney) - Hmm…not bad!
When you kill your first zombie: “Prosecutor"s Murmur: Until We Meet” (Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney: Justice for All) - It certainly does give a sense of victory…although its use in the game is a little too emotional for a zombie apocalypse. Or is it?
Being chased by a horde: “Court Begins (2004)” (Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney: Trials and Tribulations) - Not fitting at all. Too sad.
Forced to kill a loved one: “Godot"s Ringtone: The Fragrance of Dark Coffee (Simplified)” (Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney: Trials and Tribulations) - Yeah, because we"re nonchalantly chatting with a prosecutor while committing a crime.
When you find a group of survivors: “Eccentric (2007)” (Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney) - It could work if the survivors are quirky people.
When you meet a new love interest: “Miles Edgeworth: Objection! (2009)” (Ace Attorney Investigations: Miles Edgeworth) - But Miles HATES romance!
When you take a final stand: “Pursuit - Cornered! 2001 (2004 Remix)” (Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney: Trials and Tribulations - I LOVE YOU SHUFFLE THIS IS SO FITTING IT PLAYS WHEN PHOENIX TAKES DOWN THE FINAL MURDERER IN THE ORIGINAL TRILOGY SO FRIGGIN FITTING
When you think you"ve survived it all: “Furio Tigre"s theme: Warehouse Tiger” (Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney: Trials and Tribulations) - Uh…?
When you discover a bite mark on you: “Detention Center: Tragicomic Interview” (Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney) - Sounds like you"ve accepted that you"re going to turn into a zombie and it"s time to say goodbye to your friends (perhaps even kill yourself), so that you won"t try to kill them when the infection takes over you. Really sad moment.
End Credits: “Reminiscence: The DL-6 Incident” (Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney) - What, did we not get a happy ending? I suppose it"s because of that bite mark. I can imagine Rusty sobbing into Spottedleaf"s fur because Fatima had to leave them. Hmm…good fanart idea right there.

[spoilerThe Team:3ln2c252]

Full Name: Natalie Vernon.
Nickname: Nat.
Alias / Title:
Fake Name:

Gender: Female
Age: 16

Weapons: Practically anything that happens to be lying around.
Powers: Bites, scratches or any wound that has been in direct contact with zombies will not become infected. Essentially she is immune to the infection, but once her immune system stops working, that"s it. If she"s ill or dead then it"s possible for her to become an infected.
Skills / Abilities: Natalie is rather creative. She is good at drawing because it used to distract her from her life, it became a way for her to explore her imagination and gave her time to think about the world. She is a good listener and is very patient. She is a quick kinetic learner and learns best by doing things herself, but she"d honestly much prefer to sit down and read or listen about it.

Appearance: Natalie is a relatively short girl with long black hair and dull blue eyes. She doesn"t have the best fashion sense and her wardrobe looks like a monochromatic fabric pile, so she tends to dress rather plainly. Regardless of what the picture says, Natalie doesn"t need glasses, even if they look great on her.
Accessories: Her phone and a set of white headphones which she carries around almost everywhere.

Personality: Natalie is shy and very self conscious. She always fears that someone is watching her and sometimes behaves oddly because of it. She is rather imaginative and can think of some good ideas but she may not be brave enough to share them. She is lazy and would ideally like to stay in one place if possible; she prefers to play it safe. She is very conservative…VERY conservative. Some could go so far as to call her a light hoarder, but she has her reasons…

Themesong: Iron by Within Temptation.


Team Leader: Omnimon X (Digimon)
Why not? He"s strong, he"s smart and he"s a great leader. Not to mention he"s an absolute killing machine when he"s utilizing that cannon and sword together. When a giant Digimon with heads for hands tells you to do something, you do it, no questions asked.

Brawler: Ragna The Bloodedge (Blazblue)
He"s a powerful character who can use that large metal…thing as a sword or a scythe depending on the situation. By using the Azure Grimoire he is able to recover his own health by draining it from his foes. Not much use against zombies unfortunately, but it is useful when fighting other living beings. Luckily he can use the Seithr in the air to aid in healing his wounds, but there is only so much Seithr in a given space. High levels of Seithr can kill regular people, so there probably won"t be much around for him to use. By the way, did I mention he"s half vampire? Well, he is. Deal with it.

Weapons Expert: Alex Mercer (Prototype)
Alex is literally a walking weapon. He can use that strange biomass thing to change his body into blades, claws, tentacles or basically whatever he needs to. He has armor to protect him from the zombies and massive devastator attacks to clear out giant hordes of zombies. Aside from that, the reason he is the Weapons Expert is that by absorbing the many Blackwatch soldiers who tried to kill him he was able to use their knowledge of guns, tanks etc… so he could use them for himself. This makes him a…well, an expert with weapons.
Considering he worked on creating the virus which started the infection in his game, he probably knows a little about zombies.

Brains: Hazama/Terumi (Blazblue)
Hazama is a, cruel, sly, evil, manipulative shell of a man and we love him for it. He is Captain Hazama of the Intelligence Department! He"s been living with a false personality so he"s a good actor too. He"s also a good fighter so he"s more than capable of handling himself. The only problem is that this guy will probably get on everyone"s bad side and we"ll just have to deal with it, unless we want a ghost problem on top of a zombie one. Knowing Terumi, he"d probably just troll with us all until we died too.

Medic: Leon Ackermann (OC Pokemon Trainer. Silver Feathers.)
Leon Ackermann is the winner of the 2rd, 4th and the 5th annual Pokemon Tournaments. He was the male participant representing Celadon City and is responsible for bringing back wealth to the city. He is smart and highly resourceful. He managed to win by simply hiding and surviving until the time came for him to take out the few remaining participants, so he is capable on living with very few resources. He did not take part in the 1st or 3rd tournaments, which means he has won every tournament he has been in so far. While he is smart, he himself is not extremely adept at killing himself so instead he takes a supporting role, relying on his Pokemon. His Audino and Eevee are the main supporting and healing members of his team. Leon trained to be a Pokemon vet until the tournaments started up so he knows how to look after his own, but he never finished his training so he isn"t exactly great at it.

Speed Fighter: Aeon (Castlevania Judgment.)
He"s a time traveler who uses that extraordinarily weird weapon of his in many ways. He can swing it surprisingly quickly and the extendable hands (blades, whatever.) can move independently for better control. Even though he is fast, the main reason he has been given the spot is because of his ability to quickly and easily take out many enemies altogether at once. While time-stopping abilities and afterimage techniques are cool, he probably won"t need to make use of them when dealing with the undead. I mean come on, he"s a Castlevania character. He deals with acid-blooded zombies as a stage hazard during his fights; he"s more than capable of handling himself.

Mascot: Vash the Stampede (Trigun)

Guy who dies first: Edward Cullen (Twilight)
Just because he dies doesn"t mean it"s because of zombies, right?

Heh, I bet Ragna will kill him first.
(Keep in mind I"m probably going to exaggerate…a lot…)


[spoilerApocalypse Playlist:3ln2c252]#1. First song is the overall theme for the Apocalypse.
Our Solemn Hour by Within Temptation. (It fits. So well. For Random.)

#2. Second song is what plays when you kill your first zombie.
What I"ve Done by Linken Park. (Hmm, it"s alright I suppose.)

#3. Third song plays when getting chased by a horde.
Hell by Disturbed. (Hell yes! I love this song! That better be one badass horde.)

#4. Fourth song plays when you have to kill your loved one.
(Uhm…there was a lot of swearing in the song so I picked the next one.)
The Silence by Mayday Parade. (Hurr when did I get this? Well…it can"t apply to everyone…)

#5. Fifth song plays when you find a group of survivors.
Across The Line by Linken Park. (…if we don"t trust them I suppose.)

#6. Sixth song plays when you meet a new love interest.
Dirt And Roses by Rise Against. (I knew there would be some kind of problem here…)

#7. Seventh song plays when you have to make a final stand.
A Song Of Storm And Fire by Yuki Kajiura ft. Eri Ito (I am very happy with this.)

#8. Eighth song plays when you think you"ve survived it all.
If Today Was Your Last Day by Nickelback. (…Kind of defeats the purpose.)

#9. Ninth song plays when you have a bite mark on you.
Lost In Hollywood by System of a Down. (CURSE YOU HOLLYWOOD!)

#10. Tenth song plays over the end credits.
Bang Bang by 2Cellos ft. Sky Ferreira (…I like this song.)



Accepted, both of you. ~

More people! Give me moreeee.

Edward Cullen is the guy who dies first

I can’t stop laughing omg

and, looking at your form, maybe I should explain who my team is. Is that recommended, Cynder?

[spoilerMy characters.:11y86gar]

Full Name: Isaac Anderson
Nickname: N/A
Alias / Title: N/A
Fake Name: N/A

Gender: Male
Age: 23

Weapons: Isaac knows how to use certain guns, specifically hand guns.
Power: Isaac can create and manipulate fire. He must be careful when using this because he is not fireproof and neither are his teammates. Lack of concentration may lead to him destroying something accidentally.
Skills / Abilities: Isaac has had a job in the police department for years now and has had a lot of training. He is a quick thinker who can almost always think of an escape should he get into trouble.

Appearance: Isaac is a tall man who dresses smartly for his job, even though he does seem to slack a bit when it comes to the rules. He has short black hair which is usually rather messy since for some reason it refuses to behave how he wants it to.
Accessories: Cigarettes, but no lighter, ain"t nobody got time for that, sunglasses, phone, badge and all that typical stuff you"d expect.

Themesong: Rise Against - Architects

Other: He smokes. I suppose that"s it.

Team Leader: Amaterasu (Okami)
Ammy would be a great leader! She"s strong, she"s talented and she"s smart, not to mention she"d save your butt, kill a giant monster and let you take all the credit. I don"t think everyone else would appreciate being bossed around by a wolf, even if they were a Goddess.

Brawler: Dante (Devil May Cry)
He has so many freaking weapons it"s amazing. He deals with guys worse than zombies all the time. In fact, it"s his job! Also, Devil Trigger will wreck those hordes.

Weapons Expert: DeadPool (Marvel)
HE HAS EVEN MORE WEAPONS! PLUS HE"S INSANE! Kekekeke. He has rapid healing, so rapid it"s countering his cancer (which grows really quickly as well) but unfortunately his mental state is not something that recovers. By the way, he has teleporters and chimichangas.

Brains: Orihara Izaya (Durarara)
Trolls with knives. Now there"s two.

Medic: Yuna (FFX)
She can heal us with her white magic. She can also use guns to defend herself or even her summons as a last resort.

Speed Fighter: Taokaka (Blazblue)
"Cause Hazama is allergic to cats… >3

Mascot: Naga the Dragonite (OC Pokemon.)
His moves are: Ice Beam, Thunderbolt, Flamethrower, Stone Edge, ExtremeSpeed. He is normally there just to be funny and cute, but he does have a move set made for murder. He loves to hang around the group and adores those who feed him. He is ready to help if anyone needs him and he will be there in a flash thanks to his ExtremeSpeed. Well…he will be there providing Leon doesn"t try to catch him.

Guy who dies first: Ditto (Pokemon.)
I have plans…


Now we need Bella, Jacob, Renesmee, A-…I mean cough I don"t know them. << >> << >>
I explained mine just in case.


I"ll probably throw mine up today since I hit post limit on Tumblr. >.<

Just a question, but how many more people do you think we’ll need before you can start the RP?

Henry Rowan Rose

“You know, it"s funny, I almost have no recollection of my life before this…I wouldn"t have it any other way.”

Full Name:
Henry Rowan Rose

None currently.

Alias / Title:
None currently.



Unlike most characters who would probably scavenge, the only thing that Henry actually needs to scavenge are bullets that can fit her roller skates and gauntlets. Henry has two primary weapons:

Jormungandr: Gauntlets, one for each arm. They have protective shields over her forearm. They are formed mainly for melee fighting, but they also have a feature that allows them to “shoot ropes” to grapple onto buildings. Using their ropes, Henry is able to scale buildings, via parkour, swinging, etc. The gauntlets also double as an automatic SMG which have specific casing for elemental bullets I.E: shock, fire, etc. She can simply shoot the gun by a trigger inside her gauntlets, often a feat that must be achieved via punching.

Varuna: Roller skates, one for each foot. They are designed more like roller skates, but work more like ice skates. With two main gears, one for rolling across flat surfaces (can be combined with grapple hook ability via gauntlets) to move easier and perform parkour-like features as well. The second gear extends a blade underneath the foot that, when using the ropes to fling into the air, and is able to slice apart enemies using a fury of kicks. To change between gears, there is a feature located in the back of her heel that can be clicked between the two modes, when in the second mode, if Henry pulls down her heel, she can cause the blade on her feet to move similarly to that of a chainsaw. Henry is able to keep herself aerial with her gauntlets, but the heel of each roller skate has a slot for magnum-like features as they double as magnum pistol that also have have the ability to hold bullets with elemental abilities as well. Can be used to shoot enemies apart from behind via “rocket kicks” or to send herself aerial.

Henry has the strange ability to see through rifts in time and space, allowing her to witness events in both present, past, and the future. She later learns that she has the ability to hear “loud thoughts” of a member who is present in the current scene.

Skills / Abilities:
As demonstrated with her weapons, she is extremely skilled with martial arts and seems to be decently skilled with parkour. While having no leadership skills whatsoever, Henry tends to work as a lone wolf which can be problematic for some of her allies, she does not getting orders. Henry can hold her own in battle and is a superbly great runner and is able to flee easily, making her a good messenger. She can “read people” very well and is mentioned to be a good writer back at “home” (never specified.)

Her beret that she usually has on. She has large headphones that are rested on her shoulders, but do not plug into anything and are most likely broken. She also has a scarf, which is a pure snow-white color.

Comatose - Skillet (Nightcored)


The Team

[spoilerThe Team:1n33jg6y]


Screw crossovers and OC’s Imma do just Touhou! >:D

Reimu Hakurei - The Leader
Abilities: Spiritual Magic, Flight.
Weapons: Gohei and Talismans

Yuugi Hoshiguma - The Brawler
Abilities: Super Strength; Power to control supernatural phenomena.
Weapons: Bare Fists.

Youmu Konpaku - The Weapons Expert
Abilities: Sword Play and Superhuman Speed
Weapons: A long sword and a short sword. (Roukanken and Hakurouken respectively)

Yukari Yakumo - The Brains
Abilities: Boundary Manipulation; Flight
Weapons: Shikigami Ran(She summons her Shikigami that rams you with a magic aura). Things she can pick up from gaps.

Eirin Yagokoro - The Medic
Ability: Can create all types of medicine
Weapons: Bow and Arrows.

Aya Shameimaru - The Speed Fighter
Abilities: Above superhuman speed; Flight; Summoning Wind
Weapons: Maple Fan; Wind.

Cirno - The Mascot
Ability: To freeze anything; Flight
Weapons: None

Rinnosuke Morichika - Guy who dies first
Ability: To identify any object and appraise it.
Weapons: Kusanagi Sword

Rules state you need an OC. :<

You WILL have a character based on yourself. He or she will NOT be presented in the team sign-up, but will actually be written out. You do not need to be entirely canon. Characters can be anyone you like, you don’t need to explain them, actually, I’m excited to see who we get, how they interact, and their stories.

Not an OC, just a character, I’ll eventually get to it, if not I’ll just use Reimu because she represents me in a way :V

LUKEEEE. You"re not gonna get the full feel of the RP!

But fine, we need more people.
