Defog Change

With weather being permanent in this game, there’s no way to get rid of pesky sandstorms and the like other than to set up your own weather, carry so many clear sky orbs you’ll never have room to pick anything up, or always run C9.

So, to expand the options for weather-clearing a bit, could defog potentially be buffed to clear all weather and not just fog? (At the expense of its PP being lowered to that of other weather-altering moves, of course)

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This is actually a pretty unique idea. I feel like Defog is underutilized, especially since the main games buffed it to repel Spikes and Stealth Rocks. Having Defog remove weather would make it unique, but I feel it should only remove weather that can be blown away. Cloudy, Fog, and Sandstorm are the three I’m thinking should only be removed if this cleared weather, since you can’t really blow away Sun.


That sounds like a good idea, it’d be very helpful to a lot of players. It’d benefit those who depend on gems & weather rocks and those who simply don’t want to deal with Sandstorm damage or going blind but don’t want to carry Altaria.

Also agree with and like this suggestion.

Agree. I’d still use C9 but I would put Defog on Altaria If this were the be added. I’m sure everyone here has experienced using C9 then having something with a weather ability spawn right after you start the floor <:)

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Locking it to fog/cloudy/sandstorm simply means it’s far less useful on anything that can’t learn sandstorm + defog. Even if it doesn’t make sense to blow away harsh sunlight, as a QoL feature I’d strongly prefer it simply cleared all weather.

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I don’t see why not, mean it ‘defogs’ wait does it even remove fog?

Agreed with this. Yes it doesn’t make much sense but for the sake of balance it’d be great.

Yes, I’m pretty sure it does currently.

Can’t say I agree with this – it makes sense to have it blow away weather and hazards that can be blown away. Making it do more than that feels like trying to rejigger a tool for a job it wasn’t meant for – just because it can be done doesn’t mean it should be done; that’s best left to something else, whether it exists already or just hasn’t been made yet :wink:

Outside of that, we ought to make it so Cloud Nine holds effect even if a weather ability pokemon spawns afterwards.

Yeah I agree at this point, Must be another way to sort this issue with out changing a Move that doesn’t need to be changed.

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If I may ask, why is this a problem in the first place?

@Kirk too

Fair enough, though I am glad that you guys are looking for alternative solutions to the topic. Perhaps something akin to a Clear Sky orb that can be used multiple times. Though I think the issue with that would be making clear sky orbs worthless, maybe it’d have to be a end game item in order to still give clear sky orb a use with newer players.

Also I don’t know what you mean about cloud nine holding it’s affect, it already does as far as I’m aware. Unless you mean the player using it switches to another Pokemon and the effect stays around.

Currently whenever a new Pokemon spawns it overrides the previous weather. It would be nice to buff cloud nine by making it permanent clear weather.

At the same time, C9 is too meta in this game, practically everyone has one the three Pokemon work with this ability, mostly Altaria. Giving an existing move the same function would allow people to stop having to carry C9 ALL the time.

Also clear rock is only useful to teams that benefit from clear skies, ie fighting flying bug dragon.

I think we need to repurpose new Pokemon and moves. Changing healing moves was one step. C9 should be next.

I’ve been genuinely trying to stop using Altaria, which is lvl 90 just by leeching, but honestly it’s too OP to replace at present. Give me more reasons to use other mons xD the game is almost impossible without it

Any updates on this?

If say a rare held item/team item was made that worked like Cloud Nine, would that solve many of the issues?

Also Cloud Nine’s effect is only perma if the Pokemon that has it is out. That’s probably a design choice or else Cloud Nine would never be able to be countered, ie Defeat a Cloud Nine Pokemon so You can use a weather orb or etc etc

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I think that’s a good way of going about it. I’d rather not see cloud nine buffed since I always try to knock them out quickly whenever I’m in a dungeon with them.

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Due to potential conflict with the Clear Rock (which acts like no weather when there’s weather) It may have to be a Held item if we can make it. But in a sense you can make ‘any’ member of your team a cloud nine Pokémon etc as long as it’s held.

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Sounds like a good idea. Defog should change too though

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