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[spoilerFactions (Personal Notes, don"t worry aboout these):3t3cn7u3]The Three Celestial Digimon
The Miracle Four
The Four Dark Masters
The Four Great Dragons
The Five Digimon Sovereigns
The Six Big Death Stars
The Seven Great Demon Lords
The Ten Legendary Warriors
The Twelve Deva
The Twelve Royal Knights
The Olympos XII
[spoilerLyle Everest:3t3cn7u3]Name: [name]
Nickname: [name]
Species: Lalamon
Gender: Female
Moves:[ul][li]Seed Shot: Fires solid nuts from its mouth with surprisingly accurate aim.[/li]
[li]Lala Spiral: Spins its leaf with all its might to assault the opponent.[/li]
[li]Sing a Song: Puts the opponent to sleep with a pleasant song.[/li]
[li]Nuts Explosion: Fires exploding seeds from its head.[/ul][/li]
Personality: [name] is easily angered and gets very grumpy when disturbed. She always wants to look her best and doesn"t like to fight because of how she might ruin her appearance. She is smart, but likes to make fun at others for their lack of knowledge. Unfortunately, while her strength lies in knowledge, her weakness lies in her fighting ability. She isn"t very strong and isn"t very agile, but she has great stamina and is able to concentrate on particular things for lengthened periods of time.
Digivolution Line: Leafmon (No) -> Budmon (No) -> Lalamon (Da) -> Sunflowmon (Da) -> Lilamon (Da) -> Lotusmon (Da)
Name: [name]
Nickname: [name]
Species: Commandramon
Gender: Male
Moves:[ul][li]M16 Assassin: Fires from its assault rifle.[/li]
[li]DCD Bomb: Throws a small grenade at its foes.[/ul][/li]
Personality: It is hard to have fun with [name] because of his serious nature. He is almost always on edge, thinking that someone may attack or turn against them. He pretends that he doesn"t trust anyone and that he can handle himself. He finds it hard to accept help, even when he most needs it so sometimes it"ll take a little force to get him to think otherwise.
[name] is a very good storyteller and when he is calmer he likes to share tales of danger and adventure with other Digimon. He dreams of travelling and doing something great for the world, but he likes to lay back and relax…after he"s done a VERY thorough safety check.
Digivolution Line: Botamon (No) -> Koromon (No) -> Commandramon (Vi) -> Sealsdramon (Vi) -> Tankdramon (Vi) -> DarkDramon (Vi) -> (With BanchoLeomon) Chaosmon -> (With Varodurumon) Chaosmon: Valdur Arm.
Name: [name]
Nickname: [name]
Species: Salamon
Gender: Female
Moves:[ul][li]Puppy Howling: Completely paralyzes the opponent with a super-high pitched howl.[/li]
[li]Petty Punch: Rapidly punches the opponent.[/li]
[li]Sledge Crash: Rams into foe at full speed.[/ul][/li]
Personality: [name] is cowardly and a bit of a cry baby. She is cautious around others and patience is needed if you want to befriend her. Once she makes a promise, she will never go back on it. She is trustworthy, dependable and willing to help out in almost any situation. She has no set goals of her own. She “goes with the flow” and likes to live a simple lifestyle without any big or dangerous events.
Digivolution Line: YukimiBotamon (No) -> Nyaromon (No) -> Salamon (Va) -> Gatomon (Va) EITHER Angewoman (Va) -> Ophanimon (Va) OR (with Aquilamon) Silphymon -> Valkyrimon
[spoilerKroy Helion:3t3cn7u3]Name: [name]
Nickname: [name]
Species: Monmon
Gender: Male
Moves:[ul][li]Swing Swing: Swings his arms around.[/li]
[li]Banana Slip: Shoots a banana peel with his slingshot.[/ul][/li]
Personality: Playful and active, [name] loves to play with other digimon and is lightly mischievous. While he plays tricks and pranks on people, he never does anything serious or risky. He is generous and will happily help others out, but he is easily startled and is afraid of being alone. He tends to cling to people, especially when scared or upset.
Digivolution Line: Poyomon (No) -> Tsunomon (No) -> Monmon (Vi) -> Hookmon (Vi) -> Armormon (Vi) -> (with Triceramon) Cannondramon (Da)
Name: [name]
Nickname: [name]
Species: Palmon
Gender: Female
Moves:[ul][li]Poison Ivy: Entangles the opponent in ivy laced with a powerful toxin, completely paralyzing them.[/li]
[li]Plant Shock: Showers the opponent in a wave of leaves.[/li]
[li]Root Breaker: Drains energy from foe.[/li]
[li]Stench Attack: Releases a foul stench.[/ul][/li]
Personality: [name] is carefree and can easily forget tasks she is supposed to carry out and tends to get distracted. She isn"t very active, she isn"t sociable… in fact, she doesn"t do much at all. However, she is very observant and truthful. She tends to stand around and watch life move on around her, soaking it all in and reflecting back on it. She can quickly find out about a person"s personality and behavior in only a short amount of time, but she speaks very little which can be surprising considering how much she can learn about someone. She is a decent fighter who plays with tactics as opposed to force. While she prefers not to fight herself, she can offer advice about another"s strengths and weaknesses based on their fighting style.
Digivolution Line: Yuramon (No) -> Tanemon (No) -> Palmon (Da) -> Togemon (Da) -> Lillymon (Da) -> Rosemon (Da) -> Rosemon Burst Mode (Da)
Name: [name]
Nickname: [name]
Species: Gotsumon
Gender: Female
Moves:[ul][li]Rock Fist: Summons then hurls a number of heavy rocks from his head.[/li]
[li]Crazy Crusher: Angers and shakes the ground with great power.[/ul][/li]
Personality: [name] is obedient and easy to push around. She is easily confused and sometimes afraid of hurting her friends, so she tends to act slowly and carefully, but misses out on major opportunities because of her more careful approach. However, if she does manage to land a hit, it will be devastating. [name] has a natural strength that puts other rookies and even some champions to shame. She can lift boulders more than 10 times her size and throw them for over 15 meters without straining herself. If she were braver, she would be an amazing fighter, but she worries too much about failing and doesn"t use any clever tricks or tactics.
Digivolution Line: Zurumon (No) -> Pagumon (No) -> Gotsumon (Da) -> Monochromon (Da) -> Triceramon (Da) -> (with Armormon) Cannondramon (Da)
[spoilerCaroline Walker:3t3cn7u3]Name: [name]
Nickname: [name]
Species: Hawkmon
Gender: Female
Moves:[ul][li]Feather Strike: Uses the feather ornament on its head like a boomerang.[/li]
[li]Beak Pecker: Violently pecks with its beak like a woodpecker.[/ul][/li]
Personality: [name] was originally the partner of another tamer. He is organised and orderly. He makes maps of wherever he goes for others to use and is extremely resourceful. When he makes a plan, he will not more on until the current step is finished.
Digivolution Line: Pururumon (No) -> Poromon (No) -> Hawkmon (Da) -> Halsemon (Da) OR Aquilamon (Da) -> (with Gatomon) Silphymon (Da) -> Valkyriemon (Da)
Name: [name]
Nickname: [name]
Species: ShadowToyAgumon
Gender: Male
Moves:[ul][li]Toy Flame: Spews a flame-shaped missile.[/ul][/li]
Personality: [name] is imaginative and artistic. He likes to make carve small wooden objects for other people to admire. He loves attention and food. His eyes are bigger than his stomach and he tends to take on more than he can deal with. He dislikes being tired from exercise so avoids it whenever possible. He has an eye for small details but sometimes misses out on the bigger picture.
Digivolution Line: MetalKoromon (No) -> Kapurimon (No) -> ShadowToyAgumon (Vi) -> Guardromon (Vi) -> Andromon (Va) -> HiAndromon (Va) -> Craniamon (Va)
Name: [name]
Nickname: [name]
Species: Falcomon
Gender: Male
Moves:[ul][li]Scratch Smash: Scratches with its wing claws.[/li]
[li]Ninja Blade: Rapidly throws throwing stars.[/li]
[li]Firecracker Smokescreen: Drops exploding bamboo cylinders.[/li]
[li]Wind Blade: Flaps wings to produce a wind that can cut like a blade.[/li]
[li]Shadow Screen: Use digital ninjiutsu to confuse the enemy.[/li]
[li]Falco Rush: Tramps on the opponent"s head while in the air.[/ul][/li]
Personality: [name] prefers to work alone, using many tactics and abilities that only he can pull off. He takes down his opponents stealthily and without being noticed, but sometimes it takes too long to prepare for or takes too much energy out of him. Even though a head on approach may be better, he prefers not to risk the injury.
Digivolution Line: Nyokimon (No) -> Yokomon (No) -> Falcomon (Va) -> Peckmon (Va) -> Crowmon (Va) -> Ravemon (Va) -> Ravemon Burst Mode (Va)
[spoilerShade Alexander:3t3cn7u3]Name: [name]
Nickname: [name]
Species: DemiDevimon
Gender: Male
Moves:[ul][li]Demi Dart: Throwing syringes filled with a toxin, DemiDevimon uses them to poison his targets. Though the toxin is deadly only to humans, it can make Digimon fall ill.[/li]
[li]Bat Flutter: He uses his wings to slap his enemies.[/li]
[li]Evil Whisper: Hypnotises others into falling asleep while deceiving them with sweet-sounding lies.[/ul][/li]
Personality: [name] is naughty and clever with words. He almost always manages to get others to do what he wants. He plays a lot of nasty pranks on people and can quickly get on peoples nerves.
Digivolution Line: Zurumon (No) -> Pagumon (No) -> DemiDevimon (Vi) -> Devimon (Vi) -> NeoDevimon (Vi) -> Daemon (Vi)
Name: [name]
Nickname: [name]
Species: Saberdramon
Gender: Male
Moves: [ul][li]Black Saber: A black version of Birdramon"s Meteor Wing attack. Flaps its wings then sends black flames from the sky.[/li]
[li]Mach Shadow: Sends a shadow with incredible speed, of itself to attack opponents.[/li]
[li]Nitro Arrow: Shoots a green arrow from its chest.[/ul][/li]Appearance:
Personality: Saberdramon wants nothing more than to be powerful, but hopes to achieve that through other means than destroying any Digimon he comes across. He is an experienced fighter and was once a partner Digimon, but when his partner abandoned him as a Biyomon he fled to the real Digital world with a Birdramon who promised him power and a tamer who would not leave him. He dislikes being Biyomon because in that form he is unable to fly.
Digivolution line:
Nyokimon (No) -> Yokomon (No) -> Biyomon (Va) -> Saberdramon (Vi) -> Crowmon (Va) OR Karatenmon (Vi) -> (With Taomon) Kuzuhamon (Da)
Name: [name]
Nickname: [name]
Species: Lopmon
Gender: Female
Moves: [ul][li]Tiny Twister: Generates a tiny tornado by spinning its ears like a propeller.[/li]
[li]Blazing Ice: Spits out shots of supercooled air.[/li]Unison Attacks
[li]Double Typhoon: A mighty technique in which it performs its “Tiny Twister” alongside Terriermon"s “Terrier Tornado”.[/ul][/li]Appearance:
Personality: Shy and easily upset. Lopmon stays in the comfort of friends and family and prefers to stay in a group where she"d be safer. She doesn"t like to fight but when her friends are in danger she will summon bravery from within herself and risk her life to protect them.
Digivolution line: Conomon (No) -> Kokomon (No) -> Lopmon (Da) -> Turuiemon (Da) -> Antylamon (Da) -> Cherubimon (Good)
[spoilerChipper Stepford Tunery:3t3cn7u3]Name:
Digivolution Line:
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