Digimon: The Rebellion (Sign-Up)

PlotWhether we noticed it or not, the Digimon craze has been coming and going, there were the card games, the hand held games, the movies, the console games…the list goes on. Manufacturers all around the world create these unique devices to be sold in stores all around the world. Things have been coming and going just like that for a while now, but one thing you never expected was to find that the game was about to become “real”.

Many researchers took a giant leap in which they were able to use new technology to allow humans to “enter” the digital world. This led to the advances in many areas, such as broadening the horizons of home shopping and such, but the “portals” for entering these digital world are large, hefty and rather unattractive metal chambers which cost a fortune. Only the richest of people can afford these for their homes, but luckily the creators of these “portal chambers” are kind. With the goal of becoming known world wide they have opened several large arena like buildings simply filled with these chambers, much like a library.

With money and entertainment in mind, the creators of Digimon decided to purchase some of these buildings. They made an online game in which anyone with access to these portals could play. It has been in testing for many years and many people were eager to play. Finally, it is finished and the game is being released to the public.
It has been a year now and the people are amazed. With graphics so great they may as well be real and the ability to use all of your senses to truly understand the environment around you, technology and expectations were soaring.

Whether you were waiting ever since the announcement of it"s creation or whether you"re only curious because of something a friend may have said, you are about to try this game for the first time in your life, but are you prepared?


  1. Official PMU rules apply.
  2. No Godmod. You cannot dodge every attack or win every battle.
  3. Relationships are allowed as long as they are kept at a PG13 level maximum.
  4. Include a theme tune for your character in the sign up.
  5. Yes, you can have more than one digimon, but you don"t have to. You won"t be getting another any time soon.
  6. No more than 2 characters each please.
  7. No perfect characters. Everyone has flaws.
  8. A post should be at least 3 sentences long.
  9. I shall choose your digimon for you, if you have any objections of preferences then feel free to PM me and I may consider re-choosing.
  10. Feel free to PM me if you have any queries.
  11. Have fun~

Sign Up

[b]Full name:[/b] 
[b]Nickname:[/b] (Optional)
[b]Alias:[/b] (Fake name, optional)

[b]Height:[/b] (optional, but preferable)
[b]Weight:[/b] (optional...just optional)

[b]Appearance:[/b] (Image or description)
[b]Bracelet colour:[/b] 
[b]Digivice colour:[/b] (Colour 1= Base. Colour 2= Grips & Buttons)

[b]Likes: [/b]

[b]Family:[/b] (Optional)
[b]Crush:[/b] (Optional)

[b]Home:[/b] (What country do you live in?)



Please ignore this post. :<

[spoilerFactions (Personal Notes, don"t worry aboout these):3t3cn7u3]The Three Celestial Digimon
The Miracle Four
The Four Dark Masters
The Four Great Dragons
The Five Digimon Sovereigns
The Six Big Death Stars
The Seven Great Demon Lords
The Ten Legendary Warriors
The Twelve Deva
The Twelve Royal Knights
The Olympos XII


[spoilerLyle Everest:3t3cn7u3]Name: [name]
Nickname: [name]
Species: Lalamon

Gender: Female
Moves:[ul][li]Seed Shot: Fires solid nuts from its mouth with surprisingly accurate aim.[/li]
[li]Lala Spiral: Spins its leaf with all its might to assault the opponent.[/li]
[li]Sing a Song: Puts the opponent to sleep with a pleasant song.[/li]
[li]Nuts Explosion: Fires exploding seeds from its head.[/ul][/li]
Personality: [name] is easily angered and gets very grumpy when disturbed. She always wants to look her best and doesn"t like to fight because of how she might ruin her appearance. She is smart, but likes to make fun at others for their lack of knowledge. Unfortunately, while her strength lies in knowledge, her weakness lies in her fighting ability. She isn"t very strong and isn"t very agile, but she has great stamina and is able to concentrate on particular things for lengthened periods of time.

Digivolution Line: Leafmon (No) -> Budmon (No) -> Lalamon (Da) -> Sunflowmon (Da) -> Lilamon (Da) -> Lotusmon (Da)
Name: [name]
Nickname: [name]
Species: Commandramon

Gender: Male
Moves:[ul][li]M16 Assassin: Fires from its assault rifle.[/li]
[li]DCD Bomb: Throws a small grenade at its foes.[/ul][/li]
Personality: It is hard to have fun with [name] because of his serious nature. He is almost always on edge, thinking that someone may attack or turn against them. He pretends that he doesn"t trust anyone and that he can handle himself. He finds it hard to accept help, even when he most needs it so sometimes it"ll take a little force to get him to think otherwise.
[name] is a very good storyteller and when he is calmer he likes to share tales of danger and adventure with other Digimon. He dreams of travelling and doing something great for the world, but he likes to lay back and relax…after he"s done a VERY thorough safety check.

Digivolution Line: Botamon (No) -> Koromon (No) -> Commandramon (Vi) -> Sealsdramon (Vi) -> Tankdramon (Vi) -> DarkDramon (Vi) -> (With BanchoLeomon) Chaosmon -> (With Varodurumon) Chaosmon: Valdur Arm.
Name: [name]
Nickname: [name]
Species: Salamon

Gender: Female
Moves:[ul][li]Puppy Howling: Completely paralyzes the opponent with a super-high pitched howl.[/li]
[li]Petty Punch: Rapidly punches the opponent.[/li]
[li]Sledge Crash: Rams into foe at full speed.[/ul][/li]
Personality: [name] is cowardly and a bit of a cry baby. She is cautious around others and patience is needed if you want to befriend her. Once she makes a promise, she will never go back on it. She is trustworthy, dependable and willing to help out in almost any situation. She has no set goals of her own. She “goes with the flow” and likes to live a simple lifestyle without any big or dangerous events.

Digivolution Line: YukimiBotamon (No) -> Nyaromon (No) -> Salamon (Va) -> Gatomon (Va) EITHER Angewoman (Va) -> Ophanimon (Va) OR (with Aquilamon) Silphymon -> Valkyrimon

[spoilerKroy Helion:3t3cn7u3]Name: [name]
Nickname: [name]
Species: Monmon

Gender: Male
Moves:[ul][li]Swing Swing: Swings his arms around.[/li]
[li]Banana Slip: Shoots a banana peel with his slingshot.[/ul][/li]
Personality: Playful and active, [name] loves to play with other digimon and is lightly mischievous. While he plays tricks and pranks on people, he never does anything serious or risky. He is generous and will happily help others out, but he is easily startled and is afraid of being alone. He tends to cling to people, especially when scared or upset.

Digivolution Line: Poyomon (No) -> Tsunomon (No) -> Monmon (Vi) -> Hookmon (Vi) -> Armormon (Vi) -> (with Triceramon) Cannondramon (Da)
Name: [name]
Nickname: [name]
Species: Palmon

Gender: Female
Moves:[ul][li]Poison Ivy: Entangles the opponent in ivy laced with a powerful toxin, completely paralyzing them.[/li]
[li]Plant Shock: Showers the opponent in a wave of leaves.[/li]
[li]Root Breaker: Drains energy from foe.[/li]
[li]Stench Attack: Releases a foul stench.[/ul][/li]
Personality: [name] is carefree and can easily forget tasks she is supposed to carry out and tends to get distracted. She isn"t very active, she isn"t sociable… in fact, she doesn"t do much at all. However, she is very observant and truthful. She tends to stand around and watch life move on around her, soaking it all in and reflecting back on it. She can quickly find out about a person"s personality and behavior in only a short amount of time, but she speaks very little which can be surprising considering how much she can learn about someone. She is a decent fighter who plays with tactics as opposed to force. While she prefers not to fight herself, she can offer advice about another"s strengths and weaknesses based on their fighting style.

Digivolution Line: Yuramon (No) -> Tanemon (No) -> Palmon (Da) -> Togemon (Da) -> Lillymon (Da) -> Rosemon (Da) -> Rosemon Burst Mode (Da)
Name: [name]
Nickname: [name]
Species: Gotsumon

Gender: Female
Moves:[ul][li]Rock Fist: Summons then hurls a number of heavy rocks from his head.[/li]
[li]Crazy Crusher: Angers and shakes the ground with great power.[/ul][/li]
Personality: [name] is obedient and easy to push around. She is easily confused and sometimes afraid of hurting her friends, so she tends to act slowly and carefully, but misses out on major opportunities because of her more careful approach. However, if she does manage to land a hit, it will be devastating. [name] has a natural strength that puts other rookies and even some champions to shame. She can lift boulders more than 10 times her size and throw them for over 15 meters without straining herself. If she were braver, she would be an amazing fighter, but she worries too much about failing and doesn"t use any clever tricks or tactics.

Digivolution Line: Zurumon (No) -> Pagumon (No) -> Gotsumon (Da) -> Monochromon (Da) -> Triceramon (Da) -> (with Armormon) Cannondramon (Da)

[spoilerCaroline Walker:3t3cn7u3]Name: [name]
Nickname: [name]
Species: Hawkmon

Gender: Female
Moves:[ul][li]Feather Strike: Uses the feather ornament on its head like a boomerang.[/li]
[li]Beak Pecker: Violently pecks with its beak like a woodpecker.[/ul][/li]
Personality: [name] was originally the partner of another tamer. He is organised and orderly. He makes maps of wherever he goes for others to use and is extremely resourceful. When he makes a plan, he will not more on until the current step is finished.

Digivolution Line: Pururumon (No) -> Poromon (No) -> Hawkmon (Da) -> Halsemon (Da) OR Aquilamon (Da) -> (with Gatomon) Silphymon (Da) -> Valkyriemon (Da)
Name: [name]
Nickname: [name]
Species: ShadowToyAgumon

Gender: Male
Moves:[ul][li]Toy Flame: Spews a flame-shaped missile.[/ul][/li]
Personality: [name] is imaginative and artistic. He likes to make carve small wooden objects for other people to admire. He loves attention and food. His eyes are bigger than his stomach and he tends to take on more than he can deal with. He dislikes being tired from exercise so avoids it whenever possible. He has an eye for small details but sometimes misses out on the bigger picture.

Digivolution Line: MetalKoromon (No) -> Kapurimon (No) -> ShadowToyAgumon (Vi) -> Guardromon (Vi) -> Andromon (Va) -> HiAndromon (Va) -> Craniamon (Va)
Name: [name]
Nickname: [name]
Species: Falcomon

Gender: Male
Moves:[ul][li]Scratch Smash: Scratches with its wing claws.[/li]
[li]Ninja Blade: Rapidly throws throwing stars.[/li]
[li]Firecracker Smokescreen: Drops exploding bamboo cylinders.[/li]
[li]Wind Blade: Flaps wings to produce a wind that can cut like a blade.[/li]
[li]Shadow Screen: Use digital ninjiutsu to confuse the enemy.[/li]
[li]Falco Rush: Tramps on the opponent"s head while in the air.[/ul][/li]
Personality: [name] prefers to work alone, using many tactics and abilities that only he can pull off. He takes down his opponents stealthily and without being noticed, but sometimes it takes too long to prepare for or takes too much energy out of him. Even though a head on approach may be better, he prefers not to risk the injury.

Digivolution Line: Nyokimon (No) -> Yokomon (No) -> Falcomon (Va) -> Peckmon (Va) -> Crowmon (Va) -> Ravemon (Va) -> Ravemon Burst Mode (Va)

[spoilerShade Alexander:3t3cn7u3]Name: [name]
Nickname: [name]
Species: DemiDevimon

Gender: Male
Moves:[ul][li]Demi Dart: Throwing syringes filled with a toxin, DemiDevimon uses them to poison his targets. Though the toxin is deadly only to humans, it can make Digimon fall ill.[/li]
[li]Bat Flutter: He uses his wings to slap his enemies.[/li]
[li]Evil Whisper: Hypnotises others into falling asleep while deceiving them with sweet-sounding lies.[/ul][/li]
Personality: [name] is naughty and clever with words. He almost always manages to get others to do what he wants. He plays a lot of nasty pranks on people and can quickly get on peoples nerves.

Digivolution Line: Zurumon (No) -> Pagumon (No) -> DemiDevimon (Vi) -> Devimon (Vi) -> NeoDevimon (Vi) -> Daemon (Vi)
Name: [name]
Nickname: [name]
Species: Saberdramon

Gender: Male
Moves: [ul][li]Black Saber: A black version of Birdramon"s Meteor Wing attack. Flaps its wings then sends black flames from the sky.[/li]
[li]Mach Shadow: Sends a shadow with incredible speed, of itself to attack opponents.[/li]
[li]Nitro Arrow: Shoots a green arrow from its chest.[/ul][/li]Appearance:
Personality: Saberdramon wants nothing more than to be powerful, but hopes to achieve that through other means than destroying any Digimon he comes across. He is an experienced fighter and was once a partner Digimon, but when his partner abandoned him as a Biyomon he fled to the real Digital world with a Birdramon who promised him power and a tamer who would not leave him. He dislikes being Biyomon because in that form he is unable to fly.
Digivolution line:
Nyokimon (No) -> Yokomon (No) -> Biyomon (Va) -> Saberdramon (Vi) -> Crowmon (Va) OR Karatenmon (Vi) -> (With Taomon) Kuzuhamon (Da)
Name: [name]
Nickname: [name]
Species: Lopmon

Gender: Female
Moves: [ul][li]Tiny Twister: Generates a tiny tornado by spinning its ears like a propeller.[/li]
[li]Blazing Ice: Spits out shots of supercooled air.[/li]Unison Attacks
[li]Double Typhoon: A mighty technique in which it performs its “Tiny Twister” alongside Terriermon"s “Terrier Tornado”.[/ul][/li]Appearance:
Personality: Shy and easily upset. Lopmon stays in the comfort of friends and family and prefers to stay in a group where she"d be safer. She doesn"t like to fight but when her friends are in danger she will summon bravery from within herself and risk her life to protect them.
Digivolution line: Conomon (No) -> Kokomon (No) -> Lopmon (Da) -> Turuiemon (Da) -> Antylamon (Da) -> Cherubimon (Good)

[spoilerChipper Stepford Tunery:3t3cn7u3]Name:


Digivolution Line:


Digivolution Line:


Digivolution Line:



Digivolution Line:

Seems like fun, though I’ve never really done something like this before. Heh

Full name: Lyle Everest.
Nickname: N/A.
Alias: N/A.

Gender: Male.
Height: 5’4.
Weight: 110 pounds.

Age: 14
Birthday: 7 June.

(The one on the left)

Bracelet colour: White.
Digivice colour: Colour 1= Red. Colour 2= White.

Likes: Dragons, drawing, birds, planes, and most anything to do with flying.
Dislikes: Water (can’t swim), being cold.
Fears: Drowning.
Dreams: Quite simply, to fly.

Family: Mother, Father and 2 Brothers.
Crush: None… for now.

Home: USA.
Personality: Lyle tries to stay upbeat, and prefers it when everyone else is happy, too. He likes the quiet, it is the only time that he can properly relax. He likes the company of others, but only close friends. He has a fascination of flying, and loves birds and basically everything else that can fly.

History: Lyle’s family used to be very wealthy, his parents being powerful businessmen. However, when he was born, they simply couldn’t take the stress of looking after their son as well as doing their jobs. They had to give up their jobs, and dedicate themselves to an unfulfilled life. Lyle knew they both hated him for that. He lived a life of neglect, which is where his love of flying came from. He used to spend hours sitting in his garden, watching the birds fly, and always wished that he could be up there, flying with them.

Theme Tune: Hands Held High.

Other: N/A.

[spoilerDigimon:2x2ozf4w]Name: Chronic.
Nickname: Crow.
Species: Tsukaimon.

Gender: Male
Moves:[ul][li]Bad Message: Makes the opponent cry with insults packed with negative energy. (Basically a dark version of Patamon"s “Boom Bubble”.[/ul][/li]Appearance:
Personality: Tsuka is easily angered and hates to be ignored. He likes to be involved in things and sometimes pretends to know what he is talking about. However, he is loyal to his friends and won"t betray them, even if they are doing what is considered to be wrong.
With a wish to fly freely he is constantly practicing, but his wings are just too small to let him stay airborne for long.

Digivolution Line: Pagumon -> Tsukaimon -> Devidramon -> Cyberdramon -> Justimon
Other: He remains fully conscious in his evolved forms, but must be trained to keep control of his violent nature. This will prevent him running wild and will calm his blood lust. Allowing this digimon to hold control over his power can greatly increase it"s potential.

Name: Zudo.
Nickname: N/A.
Species: Gomamon

Gender: Male
Moves:[ul][li]Marching Fishes: Commands its tiny fish followers. (Requires a body of water where fish live in)[/li]
[li]Claw Attack: Slashes the enemy with its claws.[/ul][/li]Appearance:
Personality: Zudo is calm and collected and considered “cool” by all the younger digimon. He isn"t strong, but he is tactical, using his “Marching Fishes” ability in ways other than offense, since it isn"t very strong at all. He loves to relax and sleep after eating a big meal and he loves to stay in water. He can act a little bit childish when told to do something he doesn"t want to do, but he will give in if his tamer has the patience.

Digivolution Line: Pichimon -> Bukamon -> Gomamon -> Ikkakumon -> Zudomon -> Vikemon
Name: Stark.
Nickname: N/A.

Species: Gaomon.

Gender: Male
Moves:[ul][li]Rolling Upper: Exploits its tenacious leg strength and rolls into the opponent"s chest.[/li]
[li]Double Backhand: Unleashes a strike while spinning.[/li]
[li]Gao Rush: Moves nimbly to unleash a high-speed barrage of punches.[/li]
[li]Wild Echo: A battle cry shockwave attack.[/ul][/li]Appearance:
Personality: Stark is brave and resilient. He can deal a lot of damage quickly, but isn"t very good at defending, preferring to take an offensive approach. He doesn"t cut corners and likes things to be done right. He is usually very serious and he doesn"t like opening up to others, especially in groups. He is a good leader but sometimes expects too much from his partners or even overestimates his own abilities. Nethertheless he is a hard worker and puts both time and effort into what he"s doing.

Digivolution Line: Wanyamon -> Gaomon -> Gaogamon -> MachGaogamon -> MirageGaogamon -> MirageGaogamon Burst Mode.


I"m going to join again, this time with a different character.

Full name: Kroy Helion.
Nickname: N/A.
Alias: “The One With A Promise.”

Gender: Male.
Height: 5" 7".
Weight: 121 lbs.

Age: 15.
Birthday: December 28.
Bracelet colour: Mahogany.
Digivice colour: 1= golden. 2= ivory.

Likes: Purity, peace, light.
Dislikes: Corruption, violence, darkness.
Fears: Never finding a peaceful place to live.
Dreams: To be able to live life in peace.

Family: None. He"s an orphan.
Crush: None. (He"s open, though.)

Home: Australia.
Personality: He"s shy, but cheerful.

History: He was born during an era of violence in his home country of Australia. His parents both died when they were called outside of the hospital where he was born, the murder weapon unconfirmed to this day. He lives in the countryside of Perth, Australia.

Other: His theme song is The Other Promise.

[spoilerDigimon:9ax75jnu]Name: Sparkster.
Nickname: Sparky.
Species: Elecmon.

Gender: Male
Super Thunder Strike: Shoots electric bolts from its tails.
Body Attack: Smacks foe with its electrically-charged tails.
Lightning Knife: Stealthily releases three knives of electricity.


Personality: Energetic and active, Sparkster loves nothing more than a good morning jog. He can get a bit competitive at times so he might sometimes get a little bit carried away. He is honest and will never cheat to get his ways. With a strong sense of justice, Sparkster will proudly stand up to wrongdoers to “teach them a lesson”.
He"s great with kids but can sometimes find them a bit irritating. He may accidentally shock someone if they touch him unexpectedly.

Digivolution Line: Punimon -> Tsunomon -> Elecmon -> Leomon -> GrapLeomon -> SaberLeomon OR (with the GAKU-RAN) BanchoLeomon -> BanchoLeomon Burst Mode.

Name: Mina.
Nickname: Min-Min.
Species: Tapirmon.

Gender: Female
Nightmare Syndrome: Releases its captured nightmares all at once, drowning the opponent in terror.

Personality: Mina is sweet and gentle but she can have quite a temper at times. When she is angered it is hard to calm her down. She loves to cook for others but doesn"t like to eat the food herself because she"s worried about her appearance. She takes pride in her helmet and bracelets and keeps them as shiny as she can, but she never takes her helmet off in front of others.

Digivolution Line: Tokomon -> Tapirmon -> Boarmon -> Mammothmon -> SkullMammothmon

Name: Greta.
Nickname: N/A.
Species: Penguinmon

Gender: Female
Eternal Slapping: Approaches an opponent without them noticing, then uses both of its hands to slap them in the cheeks with vehement force.
Sliding Attack: Lays on her belly and slide tackles her enemies.
Ice Prism: Shoots ice shards from its beak at opponents.

Personality: Greta is funny and playful. She is positive and makes light of the situation. She loves the cold and playing in ice. She used to live in the “Frozen Wasteland” and worked with other digimon to make a playground for the younger ones. However, in a stampede of Mammothmon the playground was destroyed and she was killed and later born again. She remembers her life in the playground but not much more before that. She doesn"t mind about it though as she prefers to start a new life now that she can. She has a wish to fly, but won"t be able to until she digivolves into Sinduramon.

Digivolution Line: Pichimon -> Bukamon -> Penguinmon -> Diatrymon -> Sinduramon -> Varodurumon -> Chaosmon: Valdur Arm (With BanchoLeomon)


It’s quite a bit of work for me considering I have to do this thrice for everyone.

I pick three random rookie digimon that can reach mega then choose the one I think will suit you better.
If you have a preference I will pick two in that category, or if you have a specific digimon that you want, then I will add it or a similar one into the mix. (I also look into the different stages for similarities.)

In your case, I looked into dragon digimon and chose two and one other that I personally think would suit you well then picked a random one. If I don’t have a personal preference for you, it’ll be a completely random one.
In your case, the choices were Guilmon, Dracomon (Blue) and Tsukaimon.

Here is the result:

Name: [Your choice]
Nickname: [Your choice]
Species: Tsukaimon

Gender: Male
Moves:[ul][li]Bad Message: Makes the opponent cry with insults packed with negative energy. (Basically a dark version of Patamon"s “Boom Bubble”.[/ul][/li]Appearance:
Personality: [name] is easily angered and hates to be ignored. He likes to be involved in things and sometimes pretends to know what he is talking about. However, he is loyal to his friends and won"t betray them, even if they are doing what is considered to be wrong.
With a wish to fly freely he is constantly practicing, but his wings are just too small to let him stay airborne for long.

Digivolution Line: Pagumon -> Tsukaimon -> Devidramon -> Cyberdramon -> Justimon
Other: He remains fully conscious in his evolved forms, but must be trained to keep control of his violent nature. This will prevent him running wild and will calm his blood lust. Allowing this digimon to hold control over his power can greatly increase it"s potential.

PS: Drakos=[Accepted]

Name: [your choice]
Nickname: [your choice]
Species: Elecmon

Gender: Male
Moves:[ul][li]Super Thunder Strike: Shoots electric bolts from its tails.[/li]
[li]Body Attack: Smacks foe with its electrically-charged tails.[/li]
[li]Lightning Knife: Stealthily releases three knives of electricity.[/ul][/li]
Personality: Energetic and active, [name] loves nothing more than a good morning jog. He can get a bit competitive at times so he might sometimes get a little bit carried away. He is honest and will never cheat to get his ways. With a strong sense of justice, [name] will proudly stand up to wrongdoers to “teach them a lesson”.
He"s great with kids but can sometimes find them a bit irritating. He may accidentally shock someone if they touch him unexpectedly.

Digivolution Line: Punimon -> Tsunomon -> Elecmon -> Leomon -> GrapLeomon -> SaberLeomon OR (with the GAKU-RAN) BanchoLeomon -> BanchoLeomon Burst Mode.

Heh, I love it. That was exactly the kind of Digimon I was hoping for, actually. P:

Heheh. Glad you like it. ^^
I’ve chosen Maraia’s starter now so I’m working on your other two digimon as we speak*.


Thanks for giving me Elecmon as my starter, Sapphy! I was hoping for something that became a Digimon of the justified variety, but Elecmon works, too!

Isn’t that sorta what Leomon is? Or at least, it was in Digimon Tamers. P:

Isn’t that sorta what Leomon is? Or at least, it was in Digimon Tamers. P:[/quote]
Really? I’ve only watched the first episode or so of Tamers, a bit of the old series and the series after that. So I’m kind of a stray dog to Digimon. XP

Drakos’ future digimon:

Name: [Your choice]
Nickname: [Your choice]
Species: Gomamon

Gender: Male
Moves:[ul][li]Marching Fishes: Commands its tiny fish followers. (Requires a body of water where fish live in)[/li]
[li]Claw Attack: Slashes the enemy with its claws.[/ul][/li]Appearance:
Personality: [name] is calm and collected and considered “cool” by all the younger digimon. He isn"t strong, but he is tactical, using his “Marching Fishes” ability in ways other than offense, since it isn"t very strong at all. He loves to relax and sleep after eating a big meal and he loves to stay in water. He can act a little bit childish when told to do something he doesn"t want to do, but he will give in if his tamer has the patience.

Digivolution Line: Pichimon -> Bukamon -> Gomamon -> Ikkakumon -> Zudomon -> Vikemon
Name: [your choice]
Nickname: [your choice]
Species: Gaomon

Gender: Male
Moves:[ul][li]Rolling Upper: Exploits its tenacious leg strength and rolls into the opponent"s chest.[/li]
[li]Double Backhand: Unleashes a strike while spinning.[/li]
[li]Gao Rush: Moves nimbly to unleash a high-speed barrage of punches.[/li]
[li]Wild Echo: A battle cry shockwave attack.[/ul][/li]Appearance:
Personality: [name] is brave and resilient. He can deal a lot of damage quickly, but isn"t very good at defending, preferring to take an offensive approach. He doesn"t cut corners and likes things to be done right. He is usually very serious and he doesn"t like opening up to others, especially in groups. He is a good leader but sometimes expects too much from his partners or even overestimates his own abilities. Nethertheless he is a hard worker and puts both time and effort into what he"s doing.

Digivolution Line: Wanyamon -> Gaomon -> Gaogamon -> MachGaogamon -> MirageGaogamon -> MirageGaogamon Burst Mode.

Maraia’s future digimon

Name: [your choice]
Nickname: [your choice]
Species: Tapirmon

Gender: Female
Moves:[ul][li]Nightmare Syndrome: Releases its captured nightmares all at once, drowning the opponent in terror.[/ul][/li]Appearance:
Personality: [name] is sweet and gentle but she can have quite a temper at times. When she is angered it is hard to calm her down. She loves to cook for others but doesn"t like to eat the food herself because she"s worried about her appearance. She takes pride in her helmet and bracelets and keeps them as shiny as she can, but she never takes her helmet off in front of others.

Digivolution Line: Tokomon -> Tapirmon -> Boarmon -> Mammothmon -> SkullMammothmon
Name: [your choice]
Nickname: [your choice]
Species: Penguinmon

Gender: Female
Moves:[ul][li]Eternal Slapping: Approaches an opponent without them noticing, then uses both of its hands to slap them in the cheeks with vehement force.[/li]
[li]Sliding Attack: Lays on his belly and slide tackles his enemies.[/li]
[li]Ice Prism: Shoots ice shards from its beak at opponents.[/ul][/li]Appearance:
Personality: [name] is funny and playful. She is positive and makes light of the situation. She loves the cold and playing in ice. She used to live in the “Frozen Wasteland” and worked with other digimon to make a playground for the younger ones. However, in a stampede of Mammothmon the playground was destroyed and she was killed and later born again. She remembers her life in the playground but not much more before that. She doesn"t mind about it though as she prefers to start a new life now that she can. She has a wish to fly, but won"t be able to until she digivolves into Sinduramon.

Digivolution Line: Pichimon -> Bukamon -> Penguinmon -> Diatrymon -> Sinduramon -> Valdurmon -> Chaosmon: Valdur Arm (With BanchoLeomon)

I love these. It’s nice to have a range of personalities to write about. Heh
Also, thanks for changing to Gaomon. The personality’s perfect.

It’s no problem. ^^ Glad you like them.

Those are some great Digimon you gave me, Sapphy. :o

I hope my limited knowledge of Digimon won’t slow down this RP. XP

Thanks. ^^ If you have any questions about it you can ask. I’ll include any needed information about their digivolutions if needed.

Thanks. ^^ If you have any questions about it you can ask. I’ll include any needed information about their digivolutions if needed.[/quote]
I’d like information on my Digimon’s Digivolutions very much! Would you mind PMing me?

Sure, I can also give reminders when you’ve unlocked an evolution.

Thanks again, Sapphy!

It’s not letting me PM the information part.

[ul][li]Bubble-Blow: Fires pink bubbles from its mouth.[/li]
[li]Froth Bubbles: Spits froth that looks like bubbles.[/ul][/li][hr][/hr]
You"ve seen Penguinmon
(Still can"t fly)

[ul][li]Destruction Roar: A sound-wave attack that causes extensive damage.[/li]
[li]Mega Dash Impact: A raging tackle.[/ul][/li][hr][/hr]
[li]Positron Pulse: Unleashes an intense lightning blast from the BÇŽo ChÇ”.[/li]
[li]BÇŽo ChÇ”: Attacks with the weapon on its back.[/ul][/li][hr][/hr]
Varodurumon (I wrote Valdurmon in the digimon overlook by accident, if you don"t mind changing that please.)

[ul][li]Purge Shine: Clads its body in a barrier of holy light emitted from its feathers that completely invalidates any attacks with an evil will. (Only lasts a short time and can"t be used within 30 seconds of each other)[/li]
[li]Aurora Undulation: Amplifies the purifying light of “Purge Shine” to its maximum and emits it with enough power to pulverize even a star. Because it is emitted at the speed of light, it is nearly impossible to evade. (Long cooldown time)[/ul][/li][hr][/hr]
Chaosmon: Valdur Arm
Merge with BanchoLeomon (and Chaosmon, but you don"t have to. It"ll be stronger with Chaosmon though. Chaosmon is a merge between BanchoLeomon and Darkdramon.)
[li]Haou Ryoudanken: Dispatches an invincible decisive stroke from the BAN-TYO Blade.[/li]
[li]Aurora Blaster: Fires a purifying shot of light from its Valdur Arm.[/ul][/li][hr][/hr]


[ul][li]Bite: Suddenly opens its mouth wide, and snaps at the opponent with the fangs growing closely packed within.[/li]
[li]Bubble Blow: Produces bubbles from its mouth to intimidate the opponent.[/ul][/li][hr][/hr]
You"ve seen Tapirmon

[ul][li]Nose Blaster: Releases a flaming snort through its nose.[/li]
[li]Slamming Attack: Charges into the opponent with great force.[/ul][/li][hr][/hr]
[li]Tusk Crusher: Skewers the opponent with its two elongated tusks.[/li]
[li]Freezing Breath: Spews cold breath from its long trunk all at once, instantly freezing any opponent.[/ul][/li][hr][/hr]
[li]Spiral Bone Crusher: Rapidly spins and then hurls one of its vertebra. (Back bone bits)[/li]
[li]Gran Charge: Charges into the opponent, crushing anything in its way with unstoppable force. [/ul]

[/details][/li]By the way, the Leomon line is VERY strongly on the side of Justice. Jus’ sayin’.
[li]Bubble Blow: Produces bubbles from its mouth to intimidate the opponent.[/li]
[li]Tackle: A powerful charge used against the opponent.[/ul][/li][hr][/hr]
You"ve seen Elecmon

  • [li]Fist of the Beast King: Launches an aura in the shape of a lion"s head from its fist.


[ul][li]The King of Fist: Drives the turbines on its arms to the highest limit of their rotation speed, then drives forward a blow heavy enough to distort gravity.[/li]
[li]Cyclonic Kick: Rotates its whole body for the ultimate barrage of roundhouse kicks. (Chuck Norris style. Lol jk.) [/ul][/li][hr][/hr]

[ul][li]Howling Crusher: Uses its gigantic claws to tear the opponent to pieces.[/li]
[li]Twin Fang: Hardens the countless envenomed “hairs” in its mane and tackles the opponent, leaving them completely paralyzed. (Hairs can be fired at the opponent)[/ul][/li][hr][/hr]

[ul][li]King Lion: Unleashes an attack from the Dankon (sword).[/li]
[li]Flash Bantyo Punch: Releases a fist packed with fighting spirit honed to its utmost limit.[/ul][/li][hr][/hr]
BanchoLeomon Burst Mode
(Basically, he"s covered in fire. The thing with the mane is just "cause of the moving.)

  • Burning Bancho Punch: Foils foes with its fiery fists.


That’s awesome. O3O

Are you going to do Elecmon’s, too?