Eevee as a starter

I think Eevee should be in Harmonic Tower but it should be like on B50F-B55F

Well - Eevee does appear four times a year for periods about two weeks? Let’s do the math.

Two Weeks = 14 Days.

4 Holiday Caves x 14 Days = Approximately for 56 Days, Eevee is available.

Now 56 / 365 is about uh. Around 1/7th of the year, Eevee is available. It’s a rare Pokemon overall, why should it appear more because of its popularity. Good prizes must be worked for - is what I say.

Eevee is easily obtainable in Easter HC and it’s coming soon, so that’s your chance to get it. Just be a bit patient. :3

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If Eevee is a rare,then yeah,he should be a starter since he is one in PMD.

Eevee is too popular to be a starter, it’s currently an event exclusive Pokémon.
The next event being Easter, you could wait until then, since it usually appears in every main event.
Maybe in the future it will be recruitable outside of events, just not any time soon.

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Eevee is TOO cute to be starter, nuff said :D

Having Eevee as a starter would only make PMU’s population be 99% of Eevee/lutions.

And with the HT thing, that too would take away it’s rarity.

There are plenty of chances to get it in HC.


If there’s something like that already set up…there’s really no need to make him a starter. Catching Eevee in the specific days will be all the more worthwhile.

I was going to make this my own topic, but It actually had the same title as this topic so I felt like I should just post here In case It’d be considered a duplicate and then locked.

I (me) am going to go over the reasons why It should and shouldn’t be a starter.

Why It should:

  • It was a real starter lol there’s nothing more to It. I really believe a PMD based fangame should have the PMD starters. We have almost every other PMD starter except Eevee, Phanpy and Machop and Axew but who cares. Phanpy was a starter but was removed after the Destiny Cavern update for some reason. The fact It stopped being a starter can’t be a reason either since that applies to most of the other hero cavern starters also RTDX Is a thing now.
  • It can still be “”““rare””“”. Eevee was a starter yes but In Rescue Team you know where you had to get It aside from a starter pick? Joyous Tower. And It can still be an event thing because Celebrate and possible LGPE moves. Allowing people to get one (1) Eevee via a starter Isn’t that big of a deal. I actually think putting It In HT Isn’t that bad of an Idea. I joined before Vulpix was added to Destiny Cavern, I really wanted It and ended up getting It from HT. Now that Vulpix Is a starter, If Eevee was one It would sorta fit. Even though Eevee Is one of FF’s main things, Buneary Is still exclusive there. It being a starter doesn’t mean It has to be removed either even, since, ever since the DC update, starter locations have not changed at all.

Why It shouldn’t:
Because I genuinely can’t think of a reason It shouldn’t be a starter I’ll go over other people’s reasons.

  • Yeah, that’s true, but It being too popular I always saw as a very bad reason since we have Vulpix, Riolu, and Fennekin, which are popular In the fandom. People liking It shouldn’t mean It can’t be a starter. That’s like saying It shouldn’t be In the game at all. And even not being a starter people use It a lot, I don’t think It changes much. There are ( and this might come as a shock ) people who like to pick the starter they got when they actually played PMD which Is not always Eevee.
  • This doesn’t exactly apply since this post was 8 years ago and we have FF now, but “just wait for HC” Isn’t a good reason either In terms of Eevee being a starter specifically since we have Gen 7 starters, two of which aren’t permanently released yet and will probably be present In upcoming HCs.
  • Eevee won’t be very overpowered, even If this Is the only somewhat decent reason I’ve heard for It not being a starter. Unlike most of the starters, you can Immediately get a 525 BST Eeveelution once you get your Engraved Tablet and the required Item ( which you can likely get by just asking ), as Eevee won’t need to be at a certain level. However, this also applies to Togepi-Togekiss which has a higher BST than that. Vulpix like I mentioned Is a popular Pokemon that’s a starter and can also go straight to Ninetales with a stone, which has a BST of 505. The only really OP thing Is that you have access to a variety of types. Even then, Eeveelutions don’t have fantastic movepools and coverage.

One message I remember In the conversation on Discord was from Andy, saying something along the lines of “we don’t have to follow any game word for word”. PMU doesn’t, and also literally can’t being an online MMO, but I just don’t see the harm.

I don’t mean to sound harsh or complain because I personally don’t care If It never gets added, I just don’t see any valid reasons to not Include It as a starter. If you have a reason It shouldn’t be added or have counter points to mine please go ahead and enlighten me.


yeah, just today i saw yet another person confused and annoyed eevee isnt a starter when it is in countless spinoff games (lets go, xd, conquest, and MULTIPLE pmds)

like honestly i dont even like eevee, i dont need nor want it, but it makes no sense to me that its not a starter. if anything, its a great starter mechanics wise because it can do so many things, so it presents many options to the player

also, it makes 0 sense that togepi is a starter but eevee isnt- they both require evolution items, but many of eevees can be gotten very early in game. meanwhile togepi to togekiss is much harder to get and togepi is very weak, so its very hard for you to get the items to evolve it. you basically have to ebeg other users for soothe bell and shiny stone and having to rely that heavily on other people for your STARTER is silly. of course someone with eevee can just ask people for a sun ribbon or a mossy rock but being able to evolve with much easier to get items than shiny stone and soothe bell like a fire stone makes it more accessible to new players

also eevee is just super popular and it being a starter wouldnt “diminish its rarity” because people who like eevee likely want all the eeveelutions. so if they want the whole collection, they will still have to go to FF or HC (which like… if eevee is in EVERY HC doesnt that diminish its rarity anyway because its given out. I mean literally after the one server downtime it was given out for free)


This is actually a really good point. Due to its branching evolutions, Eevee is probably the starter that the most people are going to want to hunt an extra of, even if they picked it in destiny cavern.


I honestly feel like Eevee being rare in this is just unwarranted honestly. It’s a tradition (I really can’t think of the right word for it to be honest, I know it’s not tradition but I can’t think of what I want to say for the life of me at the moment) carried over from the main series games, and while that tradition had a somewhat valid reason. That tradition has since been dropped, Eevee is much more common & easily accessible.

I feel like PMU should just take the same route as newer games. Eeveelutions aren’t really game breaking by any means (I’d go as far as to argue half of them are mediocre at best even). It’s just that they’re popular. However most players that already want them, have them.

All it really does is hinder newer players who join the game & have to wait until the next HC to come around or play for a long time since Friendship Forest is locked behind another region & a tough to get HM for newcomers.

This topic is old too so I’m not really going to hold any dev words to heart. I’m sure some opinions have changed since then.


I strongly disagree, I would NEVER choose Eevee as starter (sorry if it sounded a little bit rude >w<)
And I know there are a lot of players that wouldn’t too… I see Eevee really overvalued… In my opinion, of course…

Well… Fennekin is actually a starter in the main games…

I know, people would say that Eevee is an starter too, but don’t you think we have enough starters? I mean… Ryhorn, Pachirisu, Abra and so many others were removed ;-; if we were talking about starters, I would request to give us back our good ol’ starters…

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Well hopefully we get the starters that were removed that were actual starters back. Having things like Ralts and Togepi are cool but It sure does make me wonder why we had 7 random things as starters and not Eevee. And I only mention Fennekin as a reason the “popularity” excuse Is extremely bad. Both Fennekin and Eevee have been starters In both PMD and main series games ( LGPE Isn’t really a spin-off In my onion ).

I kinda miss the old starters too because they were there for so long but It’s better to have the PMD starters ( that Includes Eevee believe It or not !!! ) In a PMD based game.



As of earlier today, per the results of player polling, Eevee is now a starter in PMU! Thank you all for your input.


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