Forum Game - Be As Unhelpful as Possible

Stay up 10 nights in a row. Sleeping will be super easy on the 11th night.

How can I stop procrastinating on everything?

you can’t procrastinate if you have no goals

how to do a 360 noscope with a tangerine?

throw it at the wall and it will bounce at desired target (definetly won’t splat :>)

how do i play 4 games at once reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

Buy 3 more computers!

How can I manipulate RNG into my favor when catching Pokémon in Pokémon Go?

I’ve heard repeatedly pounding the homescreen button helps.

What’s the best place to get something to eat?

Go into a dumpster.

What is the best way for me to meet someone?

leaving the house :>

What is the best way to not meet someone xD

go to a bar or a mixer

how do i build a house in minecraft?

The only acceptable house materials are diamond and netherite blocks. Mine until you’ve got enough materials, and make a nice house!

How do I write a character that feels real, instead of feeling like a collection of tropes?

write about a fictional character

how do i come up with questions im running out of ideas AHHHHHHHHHHH

Random word generator

how to confuse a floor with flex time?

First, you must figure out what flex time even is. Next, you must use your own judgment.

How do I get free doughnuts?

steal some dough and put some type of nuts in it and voila dough nut!

how do i decide scarlet or violet for next game :>

do 1000 coin flips where scarlet is heads and violet is tails

how do i boil an egg

Drop it into a volcano, then jump in to retrieve it.

How can I gain a million USD in one day legally?

Ask your local multimillionaire very nicely. What could possibly go wrong?

There’s this weird bug on my window, how do I make it go away?

open the debug console that should work

how do i read a book if i don’t understand the language it’s written in?

read it upside down

how do i breathe

Jump into the ocean and stay underwater for an hour!

How do I swim as a Vulpix?

find a new region that’s 90% water and stay there until you unlock a new regional variant

how do I unscrew a nail